07-Apr-2009 (63 comments)

دایی جان ازل سابق - و حالا " حضرت" دایی جان

07-Apr-2009 (74 comments)
By Terry Culhane: I have followed this latest incarnation of Nima Hazini with some interest and a great deal of sorrow. After much prayer and meditation I find it necessary to mention the following:>>>
06-Apr-2009 (17 comments)
In 1985 I read an intriguing statement addressed to the Peoples of the World called, called The Promise of World Peace. What Caught my attention was a reference to “Seers and Poets”>>>
05-Apr-2009 (17 comments)
Sourcewatch.org on the whole is a useful site for research. Its integrity and balance, depending on the honesty and integrity of its sources.>>>
05-Apr-2009 (6 comments)
I just finished reading the following account in Iranpresswatch, which once again, struck me with the reality of the injustice behind closed IRI Prison Interrogation Rooms.>>>
01-Apr-2009 (16 comments)
زندگی بهائیان در ایران یک مهلکه و مخاطرهی دائمی است. تلاش مداومی است برای رسیدن به مقام و جایگاه انسانی. بیائیم دورنمای تازه ای از زیبایی آزادی و عدالت حقوقی در مقابل دیدگان خود و آنان بگستریم.>>>
31-Mar-2009 (18 comments)
I first came across William Miller’s Book at my college library. It did not take long to question Miller’s purity of motive and agenda in his attack on the Bahai Faith>>>

"Art is Worship", so says Rainn Wilson in his warm and soulful conversation with Oprah.

09-Mar-2009 (2 comments)
Oprah Winfrey discusses spirituality with Actor Rainn Wilson, a Bahai.>>>

I just came across a site vreated by Rainn Wilson , the actor from the OFFICE; I find his comedic discussion of more serious subjects of life matters honest and refreshing. hope you will too..

Rainn Wilson is to appear on Oprah's Spririt show.

An account by Abdollah Shahbazi in which Shahbazi on the fact that the names and particulars of many Baha’is of Shiraz had been broadly published and distributed throughout the city>>>
27-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
Music Video: When Non Iranians express their love and support for Iranians.

Message and Prayer for Baha'is of Iran >>>

26-Feb-2009 (3 comments)
The Secret Document and its agenda.>>>
23-Feb-2009 (one comment)

دادستان ایران اقای دری برای زمینه سازی برای محاکمه نمایشی هفت مدیر بهایی مطالب عجیبی را بیان کرده است که ماهیت انسان ستیز و انسان زدای سیاستهای نابردبار جمهوری اسلامی را نسبت به همه دگر اندیشان خصوصا اقلیت بهایی افشا می کند.

20-Feb-2009 (one comment)
Baha’is, Palestine and Israel. بهاییت فلسطین و اسراییل>>>