The Editor is Dead! Long Live the Editor!


by bahmani

There is a saying, "the mob rules". I am afraid that with the new policy of anything by anyone goes, on the comments section offered for each post, in the new, I am sad to say that the job of carefully crafting, researching, and writing pieces that are thought out, well timed, poignant, spell and grammar checked, simply doesn't pay enough to warrant the beatings I get for it. Certainly not by buffoons. I'll gladly take a spanking by a superior now and then when I deserve it, but I'll be damned if I'm going to go through the 3-4 day mental exercise and trouble of thinking about something that usually needs to be said, only to have some juvenile complex-ridden degenerate graffiti on it for pure sick sadistic fun and games, specifically to spoil it for others. The new system has attracted a troubling element, the common trait is that they can't live with themselves or offer a counter point that is equal or relevant to the article, or serve to make the dialog richer. At first I thought it would be a healthy release and it would settle down once people got the angst off their chests, but it's getting worse. For me it has simply become far too exhausting emotionally. As the National Guardsman said, "I didn't sign up for this!"

I have in effect been censored not by "the editor", but rather the mob that is increasingly ruling this site and running amok in it. Don't get me wrong, a certain amount of punk rock anarchy is a wonderful thing. But clearly either I am not evolved enough to take the lashings I am dealt daily behind my back, or there is something very wrong with having profanities screamed at you constantly, whether you defend yourself or not. And I'm tired of checking to see if I've addressed an incorrect accusation or corrected a language barrier misinterpretation, or if I have had the last word on the pettiest of arguments over what usually ends up being merely ego. Usually macho ego.

SO, to all the cowardly, faceless, spoiler, pissant "Goozidam beh rishet"s out there, enjoy your victory, you win! You have managed to sour something that was quite sweet and dear to me these past 10 wonderful years I have been writing for Judging from the many positive responses I have received from gracious, thoughtful, and intelligent (and thankfully not necessarily always agreeing) readers, I think frankly (and I'm sure you will crudely disagree), I will be missed. Certainly one can say, the many good, outweigh the few bad apples, but honestly, I'd rather stop writing than give you the satisfaction of having even one more place to publicly urinate anonymously, then run to another writer's article and do the same to them. You certainly deserve your prize, namely nothing! For that is precisely what you will now get from me.

I also always thought that putting my real name down was a key requirement for an honorable discourse. Clearly it isn't. Clearly: Anonymity is Sacred.

But seriously, congrats once again, you've merely managed to successfully reinforce the stereotype!


more from bahmani

Okay, JJ what happened?

by Sasha on

While we were all busy arguing about being anonymous or not my real picture of me was removed and instead a picture of a Mustang was put in its place. Why? I guess we are not to show who we are.

On the brighter side, thanks JJ for selecting a much better Mustang than my original picture. I think you selected a Cobra Mustang, nice ride. I know because of the lights on the front bumper. Not that anyone cares.

So there you have it. JJ wants us anonymous.



by Sasha on

Benjamin Franklin was not the only one to have pseudonyms. Many women through out the centuries did it when having anything published. It was not so much to avoid being attacked or because they wanted to be anonymous but instead because they were women. Only men would have their works published.  Women had to resort to pseudonyms.

What we are talking about here are those who hide behind anonymity to simply go from article to article just trashing the authors just to get a cheap thrill. I am also aware that this is not a site with only scholarly writers but it is getting a little ridiculous when they start dragging the writers family into it.

By the way even when there is a free Iran there will be issues, just like there are issues in free US.



This subject is getting old

by Anonymouse on

This is another variation of the same criticism about the new format.  Many of you guys tangle yourself with "baffoons" and then get upset when they act like baffoons and you keep arguing with them.  What do you expect? 


You rushed to get registered and said something about everything and now are bored or confused?  Az hol-e halim oftadin to deeg? 


You guys sound like few children going to playground and playing with bunch of bafoons and then come home crying to your mother about the treatments you have suffered!   Oh mommy he was mean to me, boo hoo!


Get over it! and if you want to leave, don't let the door hit you in the back.  You won't be missed if you are not saying anything.


I like this format, didn't like it in the beginning, but like it now.  It is going to take a while for this format to settle down, maybe a year or so.  The old days of just publishing articles and notes is gone.  This is a new online community now. Learn to live with it.


The best example I can give you is the articles by Soryah sepanlo-ulrich something. She gets the most vicious attacks and doesn't feel the need to respond.  So do the same, don't complain. 


We have people who are the most opinionated, comment on everything from C section to vagina tightness to Nuclear negotiations to XerXes.  And then you complain! 


For those American friends and Iranians who complain about vulgarity and personal attacks, this is what we do behind people's back.  When we are at parties and don't like someone or are out with our friends, we always use cuss words to refer to something or someone.  Don't worry about it and don't try to teach each other manners.  When the time comes, this will pass too.  Enjoy it while you can.  Don't tell me you don't have never heard or used cuss words before. We should be so lucky to get a chance to use cuss words in times of anger and live to tell about it or get a chance to write another comment!


Don't read what you don't want to read and don't respond to something you find offensive and most importantly don't tell each other how to act or live or behave.  If there are new rules or format we'll live under those, until then take it easy and do your thing.  This is one of the few places left where you can be frank.  Use it and learn when others are frank with you.


Get real and have thick skin until we reach free Iran.

by _Anonymous_ (not verified) on

Benjamin Franklin as a political writer and activist more than anyone invented the idea of an American Nation. Given recent discussions about identity and anonymity on the, for your sensitive nature and information, it was Benjamin Franklin who often wrote social and political commentary under pseudonyms in many newspapers and including his own. With regard to anonymity and fascist and dictatorial nature of Islamic Republic in Iran, if Benjamin Franklin were an Iranian and were alive, he surely would have an anonymous blog and would comment under a pseudonym.
Get real and have thick skin until we reach free Iran.


Tonya: Thank you

by Sasha on

Thank you for the words of wisdom. I do think that if we were all required to register a verified account some of this foul language would be limited. I mean even if you have a regitered account it is up to you to decide how much information on you is shared by you. It is why I signed up. I do not think that having a verified account is censorship as I have read in some comments by others. I do not like the word censorship myself, it brings chills to my spine. Even in Mexico people have been killed for writing what they believe about a certain politician or political party. Now, that is taking censorship to extremes.

I think you are right maybe we can begin a blog in which we can let these men know that there writing is a great contribution and should continue.



by Tonya (not verified) on

Please don't think that anything you could have said would be considered offensive to these gentlemen... you're the epitome of good taste on for God's sake.  The abuse they refer to is the disgusting and senseless vulgarities that invade virtually every article or blog on the site anymore.  I can't bring myself to condemn freedom of speech but more and more I'm seeing the need for some sort of censorship.  Jeez... just the word "censorship" scares the shit out of me.  There is no such thing as a little pregnant.  It's just a shame.  Let's hope that an outpouring of support for these REAL men will encourage them to stay and keep fighting the good fight.... keep the faith guys!!!!


Bahmani, Madadi, and Dr. Ala: Please don't go

by Sasha on

Please do not leave forever. I understand if you need a break from all the absurdity but do not leave forever. How am I to gain knowledge and insight if all the brilliant minds leave and I am left with only trash? What can I do or say to convince you otherwise. Ben when you requested that I have a verified account, I did just that and when they started trashing your family, I flagged several of the comments and stated why I thought they should be removed. I even gave some information on my bio on my account so anyone could look and see that I was real. I have even recently added a picture of me for all to see who I am. How much real do I need to be? I have decided that instead of submitting articles I would create blogs. In them they would get to know, who I am and what I believe in.

Yes, I know it is hard to have people pissing on your words and your beliefs but there are others just like me that do care about what you say. Ben do you require an apology from me. I know that in humor I may have made some comments but I meant no disrespect towards you.

The only thing I have not done is use my real first name and that is only because it has special meaning to me. I was named after both grandmothers. They can attack my nicknames all they want, which they have. My womanhood was called into question and I am still here and will still be here. It will take more than trash talking to get rid of me. :o)

David ET

Breaking my slience with "words"

by David ET on

Dear Mr. Bhamani

This is the first time that I am posting after my final post here on October 22 titled: "protecting from cyber-comment vandelism" 

Not that it matters to Mr. Javid or anyone that I too chose to no longer post any articles or comments on but I am sure I am not the only one and you are not the last one who will chose this path. 

In my last article and comments I wrote:

"The obvious problem is unaccountability of those who post comments which has turned the site to an arena for verbal vandalism of few who create multiple id's without any TRUE email reference ..." and then I offered a very practical solution which required no editing, or censorship (read the article - above link-for details) which would have reduced the abuse .

But my answer by the editor was "get used to it" .

Mr. Bahmani, as a matter of fact you were the first one who responded to my article and wrote  "editorial control not a good idea"...and wrote " I expect this to die down as people realize that even hurtful words can't actually hurt you."

My response to you and Jahanshah in summary was : "anarchy is different than freedom" and I then I questioned this "Freedom of abusing freedom"...

I know others who have also stopped posting on Those whose words are worthy of reading versus so much trash that has abounded this medium..

Meanwhile I shall continue to remain an observer to the editor's choice of " say what they want in any way they want " under any name and any ID and without any accountability, in other words : A total anarchy ! 

Mr. Javid considers this a matter of tolerance and calls such trash "simply words" and characters in "black and white" while most nobels have considered PEN and "words" human's most valuable of all treasures. Human history, knowledge, poetry .... has transferred through just "words", our constitution and "rights" are spelled in  "words". "Good words" has been one of the three pillars of Iranians since Zoroaster. I am not a Muslim but for those who believe in Islam , the first word of Allah to Mohammad was to Cite the "words"...The examples are so many and in all aspects of humanity from his/her religions to his science and her human values 

We have an expression that says (Be a man (human) of your "word"). In other "words" having the courage to stand behind them "accountability" than say them and hide behind the monitor and a false identity and not be "accountable". Yes opposition is great , exchange of opinions are wonderful and it is great that people can express their opposition to Bush and it is not good that Iranians can not do the same to "Khamenei" but in the civilized world people are also accountable for their "words" and as much as I disapprove of Vali Faghih and Islamic Regime but I am also against using profanity and verbal assasination against anyone as this "chomaghdari" mentalilty is what I oppose and not who the "chmaghdar" is and what s/he uses as chomagh

The ones who gives themselves the right to use their "words" as "chomagh" and "anyway they want" are the same ones who will not hesitate to use ropes, guns or batons when in power. 

That is what we must categorically oppose if as a nation we wish to get out of this mess, otherwise shah ravad va akhoonad ayad va bad digari

NO I refuse to "get used to IT" ... That has been our problem through generations : getting used to abuse and it all started with "words"

NO I do value "words" , I value what I tell my friends, my family , my nation and the humanity ...after all "words" IS what distinguishes us humans from animals

David Etebari is my name

Kaveh Nouraee

Please Reconsider....All of You

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Bruce, Dr. Ala, Ben, and anyone else who is considering departing:


In a word, DON"T. You would be playing right into the filthy hands of these gutless people who think they are actually impressing someone with their knowledge of prison yard vernacular and their ability to call someone madarj****h or something comparable.



Maybe some of you have seen my comments, maybe not, Regardless, for the most part, the people who launch into these personal attacks whether they are against me or any of you are by and large, miserable people who are desperate for any crumb of attention they can get.



I ask that you don't be their enabler. Don't let them win.

Mohammad Ala

Thanks for your contributions.

by Mohammad Ala on

Mr. Bahmani;


Thanks for your time and contributions.  You will not be the only person who will leave. :-)


People like you will continue to write for other places where people are held accountable.  You are an active and knowledgeable person.   


I disagree with JJ about throwing stones and knives at people especially those who are doing these acts are kept anonymous.  Their IP(s) must be published so that they won’t use different names to post or resort to baseless accusations.  It is interesting to see how some people go from one site to another site uttering the same non-sense but would not reveal their identities.  Individuals and websites are held liable for baseless accusations in the court. 


I use my real name because it is the right thing to do and I will stand up in court for what I believe.  Some did not like my signature (the line which one puts a website, for example.)   This did not bother me.  I have been in public eyes for over thirty years.  My time and resources are limited; I will spend it where it can have an impact in a time when our country has many internal and external enemies.



Dr. Mohammad Ala is Professor of Business and a Board member of,, and


Ben Madadi

Add me to the resignation :))

by Ben Madadi on

I am probably joining Bahman... maybe for-ever, maybe for some time. You work hard, think a lot, write some stuff, anf the site-owner, for the sake of attracting traffic (as he probably thinks is the case, which will be short-lived) allows you (the author who has worked hard) see your work become a piece of toilet paper. It's not about the comments hurting feelings, but it is about seeing your work (the article) becoming a none-sense, by some ignorant people. It seemed something new at the beginning, then it seemed something unworthy. Other serious writers will also reach the same conclusion and the website will become a place where less thought-through work will find its place, and also the works of those who pursue some political ends. And... people using their real names will go away because no-one wants his mom and realtives see all that crap. But I respect freedom a of CHOICE, and any site-owner is free to choose whether to respect some people who work, or not :) Don't mind me JJ, it's just my feeling, so I may be wrong too!

Ben Madadi

It's about the editor indeed

by Ben Madadi on

Sorry Jahanshah, but I think it's also a bit more complicated than this. It's not about the comments, but about the medium. This website has become better on many respects but it has also got worse by having become a junk-yard. I have personally come to see everything on this website less serious than I used to, and that has made me lose my inspiration, I guess. And someone who uses his real name will have serious trouble... It's about the respect the site owner gives to the contributors off whome he actually makes his buck ;)


Bahmani (pbuh): Don't give up

by Sasha on

Don't give up because some behave worst than  children. Are you going to allow them to silence  you simply because your skin is not thick enough yet?  After 10 years I would think it would be very thick. I have been reading since the spring of 2007. I am a newby to this site still. I am here to learn from the many articles published here. I have found that my ignorance on many subjects to be great. There I admitted it, which is the first step to recovery and moving on towards knowledge. :o) 

These people running amuk and using profanities, do so because their language skills and thought process is obviously not very advanced. :o) I hope that you will reconsider your stance after taking some time off to reflect and heal your wounds.

Best wishes


Darius Kadivar

Bruce What Happened to Your ROSTAM Spirit ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Hey Bruce,

Don't give up my friend, I agree these posts really Sucks and hurt at times but well don't let the spirit of Rostam in you be defeated by these little guys.

I don't welcome all this crap and insults but the best is to try and ignore them when you can't answer back individually. Its hard but you have all your fans ( including me) so keep up your good work. 

Fuck the Anonymous ones especially who even in the Free World don't dare stand up with their real names.

Also in the end what counts is what YOU believe in and want to defend.

By the way you and JJ  owe me a Chelo Kebab Soltani with some Revolutionary Spices if I ever Show Up in your deliciously decadent leftwing San Francisco ;0)

Did I use the Word Revolutionary ? ;0)


Take Care Buddy,


Niki Tehranchi

Doshmanesh bemireh

by Niki Tehranchi on

Avvalan, bite your tongue with your "The Editor is Dead", elaahi doshmanesh bemireh!

Secondly, I love the new format including the comments section.  You want to use profanity and vulgarity, go ahead!  This doesn't affect me, it shows the kind of person you are.  Or, to put it more intellectually:

"I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" :-)


Well said Jahanshah

by Mash_Ghasem (not verified) on

Couldn't have said it better.


On Mr. Bahmani's resignation

by Ali Sadri (not verified) on

JJ, you are a complete idiot !


It's too early to quit

by Mariam on only recently switched to this new system and I'm hopeful that the "mob" as you call it will mellow out in the coming weeks (months? years?). People can only stay angry for so long.

Right? At least I hope so.

In any case, I've enjoyed reading your writing on this site for years and it would be a shame to see you stop now. If you're writing something that challenges the general consensus (i.e. Persian pop, Cyrus the Great etc, etc), it's not that surprising that a lot of the readership freaks out when they read something that makes them uncomfortable.

Ignore them. But keep writing.


bache naneh

by Ashkan (not verified) on

oooo oooo ghahr kardi?
bache naneh shodi?
as JJ said, these are just words.
They are not taking your life away, or hurting
you or loved ones... these are jut words.
if I called you a mother f*cker would it make
you one? or do I just put on display my own
ignorance? me calling you names wont do you
any harm unless you allow it to happen to you.
but if you are this weak enough to leave and
silent your voice of wisdom then I wish you luck.
taa yeki az oonvar e donya ye chizi behet goft
behet bar khord? bah bah bah... eival...


Struggle against mobs and agents are tough

by Mehrazar (not verified) on

Mullahs closed all doors of cinema Taj in Abadon packed with audience and set it on fire. You know the rest; Islamic and mullah regime in Iran was set to motion. Struggle against mobs and agents are tough.

Is on fire with closed doors? No. Does need a system to refine itself? Yes. I only know the answer is not “Exiting”.

Jahanshah Javid

Nazok naaranji :)

by Jahanshah Javid on

You mean a bunch of black and white characters on your computer monitor (words) got you this pissed off? Do you realize that you have been defeated by the same morons you're attacking? If you cannot stand up to them (or just simply ignore them), then what does that say about tolerance? Are we here to just tolerate people who say nice things? I don't know one person who says anything good about George W. Bush. But I'll give him this: He is trashed in the media in his own country and made fun of in the most embarrassing way and yet no one is arrested or taken to jail or run out of business or DELETED for mocking the President of the United States. Are you saying you are less tolerant than him? What is the worst that will happen to you if you see some words that offend your senses? You go mad for five minutes? Ten? Anyone who puts ideas in front of the public should expect every kind of reaction. People who leave strong or childish comments are not throwing rocks or knives at you. THEY ARE HURLING WORRRRRRRRDS. Chiyeh... dard gereft? Oookhet shod? :)
Come on man...



good riddance

by XerXes (not verified) on

behtar boro gomsho ahmagh avazi kesafat.
You think you are better than others?
you are as guilty as everyone else with your
insults to Cyrus the great and our iranian
Just be careful and make sure the door doesn\\\'t
slap your butt when leaving.


Reconsider - see the other side

by Don't Quit (not verified) on

This was the point of the new format: even the comments = new content, therefore more people will continuously check the site. That's the point of any web site. As far as "class" or "good taste" is concerned, come on, this site never claimed to be It was a free speech forum.

However ugly it is here, it is a good start for Iranians because it demonstrates to us that our problems aren't political, but rather PERSONAL. All this name calling, judging "your mom was this" is a cultural problem we have to work on. In a way I'm glad to see how people see an Iranian go-go dancer as a disappointment or worse, that magical 4 letter word - slut. Why? Because it shows the real Iranian.

The real Iranian is not a crowned king or a sexy dancer - we're finally getting to the brains and wits and in a year from now, it'll improve, and if it doesn't, then i'd say quit! that may also be premature, but use your own measurement. I still think it's too early to give up, especially since you've logged 10 years here.


Dear Mr. Bahmani I'm very

by Souri (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Bahmani
I'm very sorry to hear this news.
I've always liked reading your articles.
Neverthless, I do agree with you about what's going on this website recently.
You are not the only good writer we are close to miss now, there are other respectful people whom I really regret their departure from, like Guive Mirfendereski, Siamak Baniameri and more good and educated persons.
I can only say, it's a real pitty, was a very good website that I
liked to visit since couple of years now.
Please ler us know, wehre else you will publish your article and I'll be visiting that site.
Thanks (and again sorry for my English is not so good)


This was my point exactly

by Lance Raheem (not verified) on

This was my point exactly last week in Attacks from Anonystan.


The problem is not the use

by PT (not verified) on

The problem is not the use of profanity or anonymity. Those existed in the old site. The issue is that this site is not monitored and that there are absolutely no rules. Anything and everything goes. This is very destructive and useless. As veteran writers and fans of the site leave one by one, a new crowd is attracted. That's ok. But this is not what was. We just have to find another place and when that place comes along, this site will lose a lot of viewership.


Sorry to hear this...

by Tonya (not verified) on

I'm sorry to hear this.  I don't think it's necessary that everyone agree with everything written on this site.  But yours have always been well written, humorous when necessary, and clever.  As a newcomer and (I can already hear the boo... hiss) non-Iranian. I've enjoyed looking for and reading your articles.  You surely WILL be missed.  Ain't it a shame.