Bring Fesenjoon Back!!!!!

Anonymous Observer
by Anonymous Observer

I just noticed that Fesenjoon has been blocked.  Come on JJ!!  Dude, Fesenjoon is a talented writer and a great artist.  He's one of the best on this site.  It is a disservice to the site for him to be blocked.  You want writers like him to elevate the standards of the site.  Plus, he comes up with original ideas for blogs.  You let a bunch of people who have been blocked a million times to stay on, but you block Fesenjoon?  Come on dude, "that just ain't fair" as they say.  You've GOT to set him free!!!!

And if he has done something wrong, let this be his warning.  Please let that great mind back on.  Thanks.


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have made my point.

1) I do not want Islam banned.

2) I want Islam out of politics at least not the official religion. I want the VF gone and the stuff I said.

3) I think David did a fine job writing his version of a constituation. The 70 millions people in Iran are not free to write anything. The get hanged for questioning "Islam". Therefore Iranians outside have to do it.  

Anonymous Observer

Well everyone, last I checked on this blog

by Anonymous Observer on

it was at 131 comments.  I just checked and it's 154.  I skimmed through a few comments.  As far as Rosie, she's a nut.  She was trying to organize a lynch mob to hang me because I wrote a blog about fat people.  Does she know that there's a movie character in a blockbuster movie called the "fat bastard?"  


You don't like the subject of my blog, don't read it.  You don't have to go Mohammed Atta on me just because I said something that you have a bug up your rear end about.

DM Jaan,

"You are darn good chef.. Ho , ho, sir. yes sir.. Good dish with just the right amount of all kinds of spices:))

I hear...a prominant talk show host is vacating his position... Maybe... Oh.. i mean... do you wana consider it?"

That's funny dude.  I do like to mix it up...but it's all good.  Let  the people have their say.  I know that s**t is gonna hit the fan every time I write a blog.  I still do it though, just to give people things to think about and have a few words on.  

But hey, you can't say I'm boring, right?    Well,'s late and I gotta go "la la" as the little ones say...I'll have a few words tomorrow about other comments...but for now...."Masa-al-kheir" as our Arab brothers and sisters say.  








by Doctor mohandes on

Ohh ohh No, I am taking it so personally... No no.. please..

But take this for now:

ze ze zeressshkk + a sheeshak. Nooshe joonet.

See ya.



by AntiMozakhraf on

I suggest you read all comments carefully first, you may just get your answer.

Besides, the reason I started this debate with VPK was because of what I had experienced reading some of his comments for a while. My intent was not to engage with 3rd parties and that remains unchanged. Sorry bro, nothin' personal. Maybe another time, another topic.


Rename the blog

by Doctor mohandes on

To the asheh shole Ghalam kar:))


You are darn good chef.. Ho , ho, sir. yes sir.. Good dish with just the right amount of all kinds of spices:))

I hear...a prominant talk show host is vacating his position... Maybe... Oh.. i mean... do you wana consider it?



by Doctor mohandes on

Whose side are you on anyway??

are you defending islam per se or are you simply saying that Iranian muslims in iran, who happen to be in the majority according to you, Have the right to their views and ideas?

You Think continuing to reiterate that fact is going to get us anywhere? Ok. so we will be Andar khame ye kooche and we have oh heck, I don't know, let's say a 90% muslim crowd in iran who have embraced islam. So now what?

Anahid Hojjati

I try not to respond here, just monitor and flag the lies

by Anahid Hojjati on



Anahid jan

by Shepesh on

People do no like others to be named "mental patient", "why are you as American spending so much time here" - you know if we were on an American site and American said that ot Iranian it would be termed as racial. You know, we must keep Americans and other nationals on our side for supporting our Human Rights. This is what I disagree with. You seem to spend a lot of time on this site, and others have the right to do so too.  There was another User who called an American "alcoholic", bow is that right? Is this the image as Iranias we want to display?

You are accusing me and others of lying? These are comments on record.


Lets get out of this blog, as I can see we will get blocked for just bringing these issues up . Please, no more comments.


Of what?

by AntiMozakhraf on


Anahid Hojjati

Ask yourself if you are aware.

by Anahid Hojjati on




by AntiMozakhraf on



Wow Ms Hojatti

by AntiMozakhraf on

Is he aware of it?




by AntiMozakhraf on

Well the regime could be Islamic or not and it could still be a far from democratic one. We had one of those before this one remember?

Pardon me but I don't buy a lot of people's claims with regard to their support of and desire for 'democracy'. When you spend half your time bashing a nation's religion you are not being very democratic.

Who's David? The one who decided all of the 70 million+ in Iran were too incompetent to write their own constitution?  lol

Manbar, leng!

Anahid Hojjati

Yes, JJ loves me. This is your answer AM. happy now?

by Anahid Hojjati on


Anahid Hojjati

AM, maybe JJ loves me, are you happy now?

by Anahid Hojjati on


Anahid Hojjati

JJ, please stop this repeated abuse of me by Shepesh

by Anahid Hojjati on

Shepesh keeps lying about me.  what I wrote about Rossie were not accuasations. she kept e-mailing me, forwarding it to JJ and other users and repeating her lies. At that point, I did not care for interfacing with her even on IC, so I certainly did not want harrassing e-mails either. Rosie has admitted her mental problems and her actions regarding me were because of her problems so now yu try to white wash them. Give it up shepesh.


I agree with Shepesh

by AntiMozakhraf on

On the subject of Rosie. That case was handles very poorly by Admin / JJ and it was a clear case of favoritism.



by Shepesh on

I am not not objecting to Rosie being blocked, what I am saying is we saw opther peoples comments too, which were also abusive. And I have never ever been in touch with Rosie. You are always making accusations based on assumptions, which is a source of irritation for many people here. I just saw your comments, and so did others. Now you want Admin to silence people, go ahead. But the facts remain.

Anahid Hojjati

someone on this thread had detailed interaction between Rosie

by Anahid Hojjati on

and me. i believe to describe what Rosie did regarding me is badamoozi. I appreciate, if the comments are changed. last thing I want is to have others get ideas gtom Rosie's actions. thanks for your consideration.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I am not dancing around anything. I am right to the point.

The topic was not the pros and cons of Islam! And Iranians have more severe problems and far more immediate needs and desires than wanting to convert from or leave Islam.

I disagree. Islamist politics is the problem. We need to get Islam out of politics.

 What is your idea of democracy in Iran? Banning the practice of Islam?? 

My idea is the same as David and many others. Separation of religion and politics. It does not mean banning Islam. It means that Islam is no longer forced on people. That Muslim Molahs do not get to give Fatwahs on anyone they want. That people are free to choose their own religion. That no one gets killed for leaving Islam. 

I know some Muslims think that it is their "right"to force Islam on others. It is not. So just to be clear I want a secular democracy. No more Sharia law or VF.





by Shepesh on

Were you to witness to the big drama before Rosie got blocked the first time? Did you see the comments that were written about her publicly? I agree she is a compulsive blogger and has little self control/ eccentric, but this is not as simple as you make it. What I object to is when both parties are abusive and just one is humiliated publicly. I only bring this up because you have chosen to represent facts making this to be one sided abuse.   And if Moderators want to block me that is ok, but we saw those comments and someblogs have disappeared.

And with regards to "logging in as another Use rid", some of these people who pick on others anonymity use 2nd IDs. Noone here is an angel.

Morals are not for part time, if we are to set an example for justice, apply it evenly.


You're doing the dance again VPK

by AntiMozakhraf on

The topic was not the pros and cons of Islam! And Iranians have more severe problems and far more immediate needs and desires than wanting to convert from or leave Islam. Most are perfectly fine with the nation being a predominently moslem one as long as we keep religion and politics separate. What is your idea of democracy in Iran? Banning the practice of Islam??

I suppose you will call me a regime apologist/supporter/sympathizer next, right? 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Sir what is your point please? That Iranians are not leaving Islam? When there is a free Iran without threats we shall see. Until then why is Islam so afraid of people leaving. Why not allow them to make their own decisions. Why not.

I know both by statistics and personal experience they are leaving Islam. In fact many people are reexamining their belief in Islam. Whenever Iranians go to free nations a good number of them give up on Islam.

From the first day Islam has had the attitude of "my way or the highway". They just won't accept that some people may want something else. This is because of Islam teachings. It teaches intolerance;  demands absolute loyalty. Well that time is passing.



by AntiMozakhraf on

Your careful and deliberate misrepresentations tell me you get it but would rather continue to deceive yourself and perhaps in the process attempt to deceive others. Sobeit.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Good we agree that is not going to be resolved here so let us not try. 

 But my main point IS settled - that the statement '50% of Iranian Americans have left Islam' is a gross misrepresentation of facts at best, and a bare-faced lie at worst. This is a perfect example of why so many of us can and do say that we are a nation of liars VPK.

Not at all. You and I disagree. I still say that is just what happened. 50% of Iranian Americans "Muslims" left Islam. You argued that they were not Muslim to start with. However according to CIA and IR they were. I just did the simple math. I will repeat the math if you like:

  • According to the study 20 % of Iranian Americans belong to non-Muslim religions. That leaves the other 80% as "been Muslims".
  • Half of them are no longer considering themselves Muslim. So what happened to them? By logic they must have left Islam.

I know you do not want to accept this so do not. I think over a million Iranian Americans is very representative. It is a pretty good sample size. It is pretty obvious. When you take the sword away many Iranians run away from Islam.

As for being a nation of liars. When Muslims want to kill anyone who leaves Islam that forces people to lie. Of course I would rather pretend to be a Muslim than to get hanged. In my book it is  Islam which is anti-Iranian. But we are not gonna settle it here.


You are right VPK...

by AntiMozakhraf on

THAT argument with regard to the details questioning the validity of the study, is not going to get settled here, both because of the nature of the opposing views and also because at least one side is working backwards from a desired pre-determined result...which almost never works.

But my main point IS settled - that the statement '50% of Iranian Americans have left Islam' is a gross misrepresentation of facts at best, and a bare-faced lie at worst. This is a perfect example of why so many of us can and do say that we are a nation of liars VPK.

Dancing around and avoiding the points...throwing in a few cookie cutter libertarian statements doesn't change the reality of things. In some people's book, that is being 'anti Iranian'.

Good luck to you.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

You agree that Rosie was

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

You agree that Rosie was rightfully blocked because ...

AO I have always said I am opposed to blocking people. What part of this is not clear to you. 

If admin wants to ban people then they should be fair. I have not asked to keep Fesenjoon blocked. What am opposed to is special treatment for Fesenjoon because you like him.


Anonymous Observer

So, just that we're straight here VPK

by Anonymous Observer on

You agree that Rosie was rightfully blocked because she 1) used the "c" and the "b" words against another user (HollyUSA) at one point; and 2) she was giving private information away about Anahid (telling people that she has her phone number and will pass it on to anyone who wants it), got blocked for her harassment of Anahid, and signed back in under a different username just so that she could tell people about the private information?  You would agree that absolute impartiality has to be applied and she has to be blocked for that behavior, right?  In that case, you would agree that this blog of yours asking for Rosie to come back is wrong and should be deleted, right?


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

One more

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on



The MKO-Whatever.That conversation is over your head..

Yes got that one right; treason is beyond my comprehension, The thought of siding with that butcher Saddam in war against Iran is over my head. I could not imagine ever doing it to my own people.


Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on
