You're Beautiful

Photo essay

by Mehran Sanei

Hoseingholi Khan

Great job as always, Sanei

by Hoseingholi Khan on

Great job as always, Sanei jaan!

Orang Gholikhani

Nice Photos

by Orang Gholikhani on

Very nice Photos Mehran Aziz, Paris should be the most visited city in the world and everybody take photos, the photographe makes the difference. Next time let me know and I'll give you some adress to visit where you could take beautiful shots (Mare quarter per ex.)

These days we have sunny time and you could have a brighter photos.

Paris is always beautiful and a very nice place to live ;-) don't listen frustrated comments.


Jahanshah Javid

Great eye

by Jahanshah Javid on

You have a great eye in picking your subjects and angles. I love many of these, but I think this one's my favorite:

Hope to see more of your photo essays.

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

So, that's where you have been up to in Europe! Only someone as artistic as you could show Paris to us like this. These photos are beautiful, Mehran Jan. Thank you for sharing them with us. I have a feeling we will see more of your wonderful photos as you discover more and more in your new continent. Thank you so much.


Paris was beautiful, but no

by Khebedin on

Paris was beautiful, but no more. Now days it is the place for so many unfortunate people. Powerty has blossomed in Paris and the place is littered as if it has noever seen a cleaner.


Paris is so beautiful

by Souri on

Great photo essai, dear Mr Sanei.

Paris is so beautiful at this season. You are so lucky having been there at this time...........and so talented!