Never resting in peace

Photo essay: The great poet's tomb in Tus

by shahireh sharif
The pictures (taken in the summer 2008) are from the tomb of Abu'l-Qasem Ferdowsi (935–1020) in Tus, Khorasan, Iran. Ferdowsi was a famous Persian poet, his masterpiece Shahnameh is a Persian epic and is one of the world-famous literary masterpieces. It took over three decades to be completed and it holds the record of the longest poem written by one author (it contains 50,000 verses). See Charles Melville's Shahnama Project. [Picture number 13 is Ferdowsi’s grave stone]

عکسها ازمقبره حکیم ابوالقاسم فردوسی (توس)،  بخشی از تزیینات دیوارمقبره و موزه این مکان میباشد. یاد این بزرگمرد تاریخ ایران گرامی باد.


more from shahireh sharif
Anonymous Observer

I am Surprised

by Anonymous Observer on

That they have not yet destroyed it and replaced it with some Arab "imamzadeh's" tomb!


Begou Marg Bar Shah

by fozolie on

If it wasn't for Reza Khan and the modernists in Iran (which have come under a lot of unfair criticism on this site) you would not have this to salivate over....

Mr. Fozolie



by Immortal Guard! (not verified) on

The buidling architecture and the sculptures are Aryan in nature!



by iri (not verified) on

The greatest honor bestowed upon Ferdowsi is his tomb has been designed after Pasargad and Persepolis ... He is among some of the greatest historical personalities Iranian nation has come to call their own ... Cyrus the Great (whom he symbolically praised in Shahnameh), Nader Shah the Great (near whom Ferdowsi is buried) and Reza Shah the Great (who preserved his honor) ...

Mona 19

که ایران چو باغیست خرم بهار ...

Mona 19

همه سر به سر دست نیکی‌ برید
جهانِ جهان را به بد مسپرید
نخوانند بر ما کسي آفرين
چو ويران بود بوم ايران زمين
دريغ است ايران که ويران شود
گنام پلنگان و شيران شود


شهیره جان، سپاس از عکسها زیبا

ايران عزيز آباد و جان ايرانيان شاد

مونا ؛)


In the oldest account of

by Ashk (not verified) on

In the oldest account of Ferdousi's life, The Chahâr Maqâla of Nezâmi-ye'Aruzi, Ferdousi's title is "ostâd", which originally is a Persian word. Long live, our master Ferdousi!


It is humbling to be

by jamh on

It is humbling to be looking at these pictures and think that the man who molded the Iranian psyche lies right there below those stones. With apologies to all, I can't help myself to a very short eulogy.


As a very young boy,

I didn't need a teacher

to teach me your work.

The power of your words

penetrated my pores:

Their simplicity their truth.

I owe you my pride,

even though it is broken,

and I promise to speak

forever by your side.



Great photos, thanks for

by desi on

Great photos, thanks for posting.  It brought back memories of visiting with my grandparents.  


خیلی زیبا!



بنظرم توصیف پهلوان منشی و جوانمردی آن فرزانه از رستم، توصیف خود
بزرگوارش بوده. وقتی شاه محمود سر قولش واینایستت و برای کمتر اجر دادن آن
خردپژوه، کارشو پائین آورد، فردوسی جلوی این ناجوانمردی ایستاد و در سن ۸۰
سالگی با قدرتمندترین مرد اون منطقه در افتاد.

در انزمانکه ‫کسی به خاطر کوچکترین اهانت (حتی بی پایه) به سلطان سرش قطع میگردید، فردوسی در وصفش مینویسد

پرستارزاده نيايد به كار                        اگر چند دارد پدر شهريار
درختی كه تلخ است ويرا سرشت       گرش برنشانی به باغ بهشت
وَر از جوي خلدش به هنگام آب             به بيخ انگبين ريزی و شهد ناب
سرانجام گوهر به كار آورَد                   همان ميوهء تلخ بار آورَد
به عنبرفروشان اگر بگذری                   شود جامهء تو همه عنبری
وگر بگذري سوی انگِشت‌گر                ازاو جُز سياهی نيابی دگر
زبدگوهران بد نباشد عجب                  نشايد ستردن سياهی زشب
به ناپاك‌زاده مداريد اميد                      كه زنگی به شستن نگردد سپيد
ز بداصل چشم بهی داشتن                بُوَد خاك در ديده انباشتن
كه يارب روانش به آتش بسوز               دلِ بندهء مستحق برفروز

این خیلیه!

فردوسی در نخستين پس‌گفتاری كه بر شاهنامه نوشته است تصريح ميكند كه
شاهنامه شامل شصت هزار بيت شعر و در بهمن ماه 378 (۱۰۰۰ سال پیش) به پايان
رسيده است.


Rad Ferdowsi - Kheradmand Ferdowsi...

by AvestA (not verified) on

In vajehy zeshte [hakim] arabi ra chera be kasi mibandand ke khood bizaar az an bood va degar an ke aya zabani ke ma aknoon bedan sookhan migoim ta chand payvand ba Shahname Ferdowsi darad?



by A. (o) Danesh (not verified) on

Life Stages

Man in life
Goes through a series of life stages
Just in the same manner
The caterpillar
The silk worm
Passes through several stages
Until it becomes butterfly
Ready to lay legs
Thus each stage grows into a
Comfortable cozy cocoon one
Before moving into the next
And those men who hesitate
To leave the cocoon on time
By digging a hole in it for escape
Are doomed to be burned alive
In hot boiling water pouring from the beyond
Rendering his life-mission unaccomplished
Unabling him to ascend to his next life stage

You have got way comfortable?
This is a warning sign my friend!
Get out at once!

--Hassan Danesh ;)


چی‌ فکر می‌کنید ؟




امیدوارم در فردای بهتر ایران، در مدارس بجای ساعتها ی قران ، تععلیمات دینی ، فقه و عربی‌ باید  ساعتها ی فردوسی‌ و  حافظ  گنجانده بشه " نه فقط چند بند تو کتاب فارسی‌"



Beautiful pictures,

by LoveIran (not verified) on

Beautiful pictures, beautiful monument commemorating a great national hero. Ferdowsi is the pride of Iran and all those who love Iran.




سپاس خدای را که فردوسی, این فرزانه توسی را , ارزانی و ارمغان  ایران داشت


Please use "aramgah" instead of "maghbareh" in your opening.

by پیام on

Don't forget what Ferdosi's goal was, to eradicate foreign influences in Persian, especially Arabic's influence.


The one and only

by MRX1 (not verified) on

Of all the poets and characters through long Iranian history, ferdousi was simply the most important and influential one. He litteraly saved Iran, Iranian culture and language. Underestandingly he is the most hated by islamo facists and commis but for the rest of us sane people he has special place in our heart.



by FU- This sucks! (not verified) on

Awesome! Awesome photography.

Keeping Ferdosi in mind, I think Iran is in need of a Rostam.

After All, it doesn't seem like Iranians can do anything on their own to govern their society. Iran has to have God find them a leader, they can't do it on their own!

So we do need a Rostam to establish democracy, and Ferdosi reminds us of this fact. With any luck, the Iranian society will advance beyond a point to need a God or a Rostam or a Ferdosi to find them a leader.

Or perhaps we need an Obama.

Thank you! :)