کاپیتان شهبازی: خلبان خانه نشین

در آستانه سالگرد فرونشست موفقیت آمیزاین پرواز ۷۲۴ کاپیتان شهبازی نشست صمیمانه‌ای را با خبرنگاران رسانه‌های مختلف برگزار کرد، اما نکته جالب در برگزاری این نشست این بود که دو بار مکان برپایی نشست به دلیل علت نامشخص تغییر یافت و کاپیتان شهبازی به ناچار نشست را در خانه شخصی خود برگزار کرد.


Recently by mehrdadmCommentsDate
Omid Djalili: The Baha'i Faith in Words and Images
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more from mehrdadm

The Lives he saved were all

by fullback on

The Lives he saved were all anti Islamist Individual , the Islamist occupiers of Iran are not happy about this .



by Faramarz on



He was supposed to deliver hundreds of Shaheeds so that the Regimis and the NIACis could blame the west and the sanctions. Instead he landed the plane safely!

That was not in the script!


I say

by MRX on

he barked at wrong people over there and since rule of jungle is rule of IRI that's how they decided to punish him. Doesn't matter if he saved hundreds of life's any way.