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teheran e azad!

by P_J on

Stop patronizing those who disagree with you, using the “HATE” comment; that defense/offence is getting old and obsolete; and believe you me, I am quite savvy and astute when it comes to the exercise of free speech and it's right(s) , possibly far better than you are.

His mansion is modest if you compare it to Bill Gate’s or that of Queen Elizabeth’s; difference is that they bought them legitimately and not by the embezzled and stolen money taken from Iranian citizens; money that was TAKEN from Iran’s treasury by the corrupt and despicable tyranny that was "Pahlavi Criminal Enterprise" regime…bearing an uncanny resemblance to the IRI DEEDS and actions!


Thanks crown Reza Pahlavi for his efforts for unity

by Shirzadegan on

The unity between all oppositions is necessay to end the tyranny of Islamic criminals. Most of the comments are irrelevant to crown Reza Pahlaiv's interview.

   The lady in the video is so lovely.


He is one of many who

by masoud5 on

He is one of many who should face justice both from Pahlavi era and IRI. Injustice encourage others to do wrong by allowing them to get away with that.


masoud5 all sides of the truth seem to be disagreeable to you

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

If what you say is true, then it would be very easy to report on it and provide proof.

Your unverified views and mistaken beliefs are the type of slander and an a generalized attack on many good people that same way we experienced in 1979.  You would be a person I would make the comment to, that Truthseeker 9 mistook for being made towards him.  Accusing people of being an accomplice in stealing money, when most people know Iran in the 60's and 70's was about money not leaving the country, with exception for free education abroad of any iranians wanting it, and a growth of the economy by 200%, 400%, 800%, 1600%, 3200% and so on, increasing wealth for the people and to be honest for who achieved this, creating the largest percent increase in middle class in the entire world. 

Not that you care about good people, you do not show it, you show hatred towards many good people and don't even show care about Iranian culture that the Monarchy defends, which is based on good thoughts, good words and good actions. So how can one expect you to care for good people???  If you were to study Iranians that left Iran as a result of 1979 shows that the vast majority 99.9% left without selling their homes or taking money out of Iran, from employees of police to military, to every large segment that supported the late shah and Irans culture.

However, what Iranians know is quite the opposite, when the shahs team was in power in Iran most of irans wealth never left Iran, it was put to use within Iran (with exception of 2 thieves discovered 10 and 20 years after 1979 which many corruption agencies did not catch).


If he wants to enter

by Shepesh on

If he wants to enter Politics as a politician and stand as EQUAL with other political leaders of a future Iran then renounce his title of Crown Prince and clearly state he will not have other expectations such as "God given right as heir" as his supporters say. This is what people are sayig. Please can I remind people when Shah was unpoplar and Khomeni was giving his "inspiring" interviews as some would say, behaving as a pious saint people were fooled into thinking he would not enter politics. They paint themselves in the best possible picture but afterwards the power is too hard to resist. The size of his house and family pictures of ordnary man - some comments are so naive. As well as "becomes successful" by legitimate means  I can assure there is many bank accounts and money from Iranian state. people will not forget that. And for some to call this HATE is the same argument the religious use when they are criticised.

tehran e Azad

Modest house

by tehran e Azad on

 I am half of RPs age and my place definitely looks bigger than his house. Its a pretty small house for some one that according to DEMO , P_J ,  Madoud5Has stolen billions! You guys are wrong   I think he has stolen trillions!Matter of fact RP can single handedly pay USA deficit of 16 trillion dollars!!!

Be jan e aziz hamatoon 16 trillion dozdideh. Man midoonan , be joone azizetoon.  Vallahe Mil yard naboodeh , trillion boodeh ! Man

Midoonam be hem ghoftan! 


tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

I never said said rob the nation , I said they are prevy to some information and as a result they end up making a lot of money.

Now if I can gather correctly and if I can understand you , you are looking for a utopia that currently just does not exist on planet earth. maybe  another planet or maybe in the future here on earth ................... till then this is how its done in usa, canada, western europe, eatern europe, russia, far east , north pole , southpole , middle east ,,,,,,, etc


tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

you are entitiled to your views and hatred this is democracy at its best.

As I said Reza Pahlavi has millions of supporters , so do other groups and to be fair so does IRI.

People rant and rave about Obama and romney right now , and make things about them too. Its called freedom of speech some thing that is completely lacking in Iran!!!

At this point the goal should be to over throw IRI , and in a free election choose who ever you want!

Aziz reza pahlavi ro velesh kon , ziad joosh nakhor, aghe rast migi boro komak kon be har ki ke to dost dari ta Jomhorriye eshali az ghodrat sahet beshe!


tehran e Azad

by masoud5 on

What about Justice and democracy? If Kings and queens, presidents and others can rob the nation and are appointed by foreigners and people shouldn't have a say. 


RP’s saga of NOTHINGNESS & the "same old/same old!"

by P_J on

He had the chance to distance himself from his father’s murderous, corrupt tyrannical regime 30+ years ago; by first denouncing him and his deeds, halting the usage of the phony title of "crown prince"...to nowhere, and lots others.

Had he done that, he would have not only established himself, but would have become rehabilitated and more credible; free from his toxic radioactive last name.  But, then he would have had to put his money where his mouth is/was and return the embezzled Pahlavi loot that had got him his mansion, and start living modestly like the rest!

To people like him life without “normal“ amenities like Kobe beef, Caviar, truffle, Lamborghini and the rest is not livable and sacrilegious even to mention, consequently he did not commit to either….that is why most consider him a “hypocrite”!  He EVEN beats Romney.

Political hypocrisy/expediency is when a politician is on both sides of the same subject, pro and con; patronizing his audience(s)….establishing himself neither trustworthy nor credible, i.e. RP.

To believe this man, you either have to be a gullible fool or a paid Shahollahis/Hezbollah cult member.

Although, not quite sure, how many more of these torturous, totally inconsequential useless interviews he is going to give…but, despite rarely watching any of them… I practically know the EXACT content of the pre-remembered response(s).  Subject usually remains the same and like an automaton his response(s) are tape recorded like... robotic, memorized verbatim.

tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

To answer your question his father and grnadfather were kings just like the queen of england, king of spain , sweden , norway , monaco........................ they are all rich. 


right or wrong when some one is A king , president , priminiter of a country they become privy to some info and as result make alot money as a result.

 what do you expect them to drive a 1981 beat up chevy cavalier or 1969 peykan or Jian ?

its iranian culture when some one becomes successful , some Iranians automatically assume the person is a thieve.

Do you know how many american presidents came to power with nothing and left as millionairs?  A LOT ..............and usa is the cradel of democracy..... I am not saying thats right but that is the nature of the game.

And also to answer your question about IRI families bringing money here and spending it ..........I personally dont really like  that.......but  the difference between shah and IRI is that the Shah loved and cared for Iran, and spent most of Irans wealth to advance Iran and Iranians, but ALL IRI does is steal and steal and feed the terrorists,  and most importantly they dont care about iran.

 As I said If your argument is to blame Reza pahlavi for his fathers actions or inactions, then we must kill every infant of every mullah , basiji and sepahi as soon as they are born !!!!

Don't worry so much about RP , focus your energy on getting rid of IRI ( if you really care for iran) , in a free election I personally will support who ever the majority of Iranians elect, even though that person or party might not be my choice.............. This is true democracy!



You just deleted my two

by masoud5 on

You just deleted my two sentence comment.

Is there anything wrong with buying supporters instead of building? That is what Republicans and democrats do and millions talk about it everyday. Why is it wrong to say the same about RP ?

Do you see the hypocrisy when you preach freedom of speech, but don't practice it?


tehran e Azad

by masoud5 on

They are an accomplice to stealing Hundreds of Millions of Dollars if not Billions from Iran and have been living a lavish lifestyle for decades with mansions and homes in Washington, California, Paris, London, Monaco, and number other places. traveling in privet jets, wearing expensive jewelry and clothes and much more while Iranians are having economic hardships just to name one.  

Now, if they are not guilty for any of these, How would you feel if the family members of Top IRI officials left Iran with same amount of wealth and lived the same lifestyle?


tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on

One thing I have learned and was  taught in life , the more people hate on you the more I know I am doing something right. This is particularly true in Iranian culture.

It's also completely irrelevant if some people dont like RP. There are always going to be some people hating who ever that has a political chance .

Look at the US presidential candidates , there are some people bashing Obama and some bashing Romney. Some say one is a thieve, and some say the other one is a charlatan  and so on. 

So it's normal for some people to bash RP, it's called democracy. Something Iran  currently lacks. 

At the end once IRI falls , every one will have a chance to run for government ( even me and you )and it will depend on the Iranians who they will choose. Till then it's just Zer zere ziadi , and a waste of energy.

As much as some people might hate it , but RP for sure has millions of supporters  in Iran , so do other groups and factions!  Even IRI has millions of supporters...... Non of this could be denied. What is important is that who they will pick in a free democratic elections .

As long as the person doesn't have any criminal

Background they should be able to run.

Reza Pahlavi doesn't have any as far as I know and what his father did or did not do has nothing to do with him.

If we had to persecute him for his fathers actions or inactions , then we must kill every infant that is born to every mullah

 This all said once Iran becomes

Free , I'll run and vote for myself over any one else. 

And if I win I am sure Iran will be 1000000 times better than what it is today in every aspect!!!  




Jeesh Daram


by Jeesh Daram on

ناراحت نشین تورو خدا، ولی حرکات دست والاحضرت یک کمی منو یاد بلانسبت بلانسبت گلاب به روتون اون یارو محسن سازگارا میندازه.  و مهمتر آنکه آدم ضمن اینکه ایشون نطق میکنن میتونه یک کار دیگه نیز انجام بده بدون اینکه چیزی از ماهیت کلام رو از دست بده، مثلا ظرفهارو بشوره، تلفن جواب بده، زن طلاق بده  و غیره  و بطور کلی وقتی فکرش را بکنید در فرد فرد ما چه بسا یک محسن سازگارا نهفته است و آماده برای روز موعود که در جایی از درون ما حلول کند.  صادق هدایت میگوید "در درون هر ایرانی یک حاجی نهفته است" بگذاریم و بگذریم. بطور کلی هروقت دیدید فردی ضمن صحبت با حرکات دستش و انگشتانش یک اشکال متقارن بسیار دقیق ایجاد میکند، احتمال زیاد آن میرود که خودش به آنچه میگوید عقیده ثابتی ندارد.  اینو گفتم که بعدا گله نکنید و بگید توکه میدونستی چرا نگفتی 



by Shepesh on

You have my sympathies, only yesterday I went to the defense of Mehrban when she was being manhandled in the same way for what these people see as not toeing the line. AO and I also received similar attitude replies for daring to disagree. A familiar one is not caring for the national
culture of Iran and other obsudities. These people need to feel in control of every blog and discussion. What people are learning is it is best not to comment at all.



TS9 on To accuse of personal attack (to whom?)

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Forgive me for sharing my point of view with you, I never accused anyone of personal attack, read my comment at the very least.   I implied shemirani was doing a very good job for on focussing on views/beliefs and not resorting to personal attacks like iranians in the past would do.  And that is what we should all do. touchy touchy, I'm glad you missed my opinion of you having niave views and comparing incomparable circumstances.

from my post:

If we were to stop challenging one anothers points of view, and resort
to personal attacks, we would be like the Iran of the late 1970's,
completely acting out of emotion, based on deceptions of others and in
the process producing a totally stupid and backwards society without any
basis or harmony with Irans cultural leaders, the thousands of Iranians
scientists, poets, philosophers and intellectuals who helped create our
national culture and human relations in every village in Iran.  

I still liked the points I made, though it could have been said much better.

Darius Kadivar

Khosro Fravahar's Take : انتقاد از کمیته موقّت شورا

Darius Kadivar



by Truthseeker9 on

You are one of the most manipulative people on this site and usually I don't take the time to respond to you. To accuse of personal attack (to whom?) while it is what you do all the time is pure hypocrisy. Perhaps you should read peoples comments and absorb what is said instead of giving the usual patronsing lectures. That is the last comment I will make to you. 



by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

It is unfair to call people dishonest just because they have a different point of view.

I don't think you're views are being pointed out as dishonest and unfair because they are a differing point of view.  Shemiran highlighted the intellectual dishonesty of your point, and he cited the circumstance Iran and Iranians are in today.  You were comparing an apple to a car.  I personally agree with shemirani and not with you, but you are free to make your point to and just allow people to decide for themselves.  You are making a point about an individual who solely because of who his father and mother were and are, has an immense amount of support within Iran and who is seen by many as a national iranian leader for all the provinces of Iran including the one I am from.  Let people decide if shemirani's point is fair for themselves. I can assure you that for me it did not look like his criticism was dishonest because your point of view was different, but because it was incomparable to the uk's situation and showed niavitee.  If we were to stop challenging one anothers points of view, and resort to personal attacks, we would be like the Iran of the late 1970's, completely acting out of emotion, based on deceptions of others and in the process producing a totally stupid and backwards society without any basis or harmony with Irans cultural leaders, the thousands of Iranians scientists, poets, philosophers and intellectuals who helped create our national culture and human relations in every village in Iran. 


Ok Shemirani

by Truthseeker9 on

I commented in response to questions about why he does not have enough followers and whether he has expectations. There is something uncomfortable to me and others about a politically active person who is being sold by his followers as a future constitutional monarch.

Also, there are many potentially great democrats out there and many (including myself) want to vote for a future leader without the baggage of the past. 


Being interviewed?

by choghok on

the interviewer was looking for how he could kiss his royal buttom as much as possible. Even Ahmaghinejad does it in less obvious ways when being interviewed.



by Shemirani on

What i said to you is Compare what is comparable because Iran is far from being like  U.K, Britishs  are living happily in their own country,their parlement is Meligarah working for people interest ! Iran is far from it !

 and of course with our situation, a prince can give political interview like all others iranians are giving theirs ! so comparing him to Queen Elisabeth was  intellectually dishonest ! (doesn't mean you are not a honest person !)


 and for the rest, yes he is a Prince and many people like him for that and he is also a great democrate man and many others like him only for that ! i don't see where is the problem :)





by Truthseeker9 on

I am giving my honest opinion as others have. Why not ask similar questions from those who assume he is getting air time because he is an ordinary citizen with great achievements with transparent source of wealth? He is getting air time because he is RP (son of deposed Monarch). It is unfair to call people dishonest just because they have a different point of view.



by Shemirani on

TruthSeeker, If the Queen of England was living in exile for years as well as 5 millions of her compatriots and England was ruled by Mullah (or Church) for 33 years  killing people, ruining the country ! i m pretty sure the Queen Elisabeth would give interview and her political opinion  ! it's good to have some intellectual honesty and Compare what is comparable !



by Truthseeker9 on

And I'm sure he wouldn't want anything in return.   :)


I enjoyed the interview

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

He's an Inspiration who is Solely focussed on Uniting all the people of Iran for the right to cast a vote.




بی بخار و بی ربط به ایران و مردم ایران


قحط رجال که میگویند همین است.
که تمامی دوران بلوغش را در خارج کشور گذرانده، تا به حال درعمرش یک کار
ثابت نداشته، حتا توانایی گرد هم آوردن خود طیف ظل الله یون را نیز ندارد،
معروف به عنوان "هر چی مامان جونم بگه" به یکباره مدعی رهبری ۸۰ میلیون
نفر میشود.
شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه،  گهی لف لف خورد گه دانه دانه.


بی عقده!




I tip my hat to him for being a model citizen and having the best interest of Iran and Iranians in mind without asking for anything in return.

Maybe being influenced by 6 women (1 wife, 3 lovely daughters, a mom and a sister) made him who he is!

Great job and keep it up.



Yes it is in the name

by Truthseeker9 on

Facts are if he wanted to be constitutional Monarch then he should not be political. You wouldn't see the Queen of England give political interviews, she knows the line that cannot be crossed. He is itching to reclaim role of Monarch and that is what his supporters want, and that is why people are cautious.

Ultimate Sacrifice