Bahrain warns Iran against meddling in its affairs

Union with Saudi Arabia "is a demand by the people of the GCC"

AFP: Bahrain on Thursday warned Iran to stop interfering in its internal affairs while affirming its support for a union between the six nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmad Al-Khalifa made the remarks a day after Iran called on its people to protest on Friday against the union that Gulf officials say will start with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. "The union... is a demand by the people of the GCC," Sheikh Khaled said according to the official BNA news agency, adding that Bahrain "rejects Iranian interference in the affairs of the kingdom." >>>


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Iranian army is not the "Arab army of 1967"

by GojehSabz (not verified) on

... ridiculous.  But so is the state of Israel.


calling mousa the jew & his uncle names does not change the fact

by mousa67 on

that little brave israel (without a single nuke) beat the crap out of the entire arab armies who were talking big BS just like the islamic republic does today in less than 6 days back in 1967. the supporters and mamoors of islamist regime instead of name calling mousa  should learn a lesson from this event and stop big mouthing on internet in case they get caught by local law enforcement and deported back to gaza strip where mousa's nephew, offir the politicaly incorrect wanabe rambo is doing the checkpoint duty as a reservist.

just sayin.

btw not my fault, i was only a young conscript back in 67. 

Immortal Guard

Mousa67 please post on

by Immortal Guard on

Mousa67 go and post on where you spend your money.

Nobody cares about what you or your uncle Ishmael think!


what part of

by MRX1 on

Arab's desire to unify don't you guys get? Arabs know that the lines and nationalties  that have been drawn by foreign powers are bogus and their ultimate goal is to unify. In 1970's Iraq and Syria almost become one country. Down the road there will be more integeration among the arab countries and there isn't much any body can do about it.

Now as for Bahrain, there was a time if was part of Iran (so was turkey, afghanistan, most of pakistan and so on) but after the tention started there four decades agao, ethnic Iranian population left the island (call it ethinc cleansing if you like) and now the area is entirely populated by Arabs and you can be rest assured they don't teach ferdosi,hafez and sadi over there. 

Finally Ii's despicable to see this professor gooz who runied the life of thousends of Iranian students and professor's with his body sorush now talking about right of others as if  Iranians have a right in their own home land.

tehran e Azad


by tehran e Azad on


جوابیه غیر رسمی گوگل در مورد حذف نام خلیج فارس

بسمه تعالی

خدمت شهروندان شهیدپرور و همیشه در صحنه ایرانی کلهم اجمعین
آقاجان! علت اینکه ما نام خلیج فارس را از روی نقشه‌های خودمان حذف کردیم این بود که دیدیم حکومت شما تاریخ هخامنشی و شاهان گذشته را از کتابهای درسی مدارس حذف کرد و شما هیچی نگفتید. ما هم فکر کردیم که اینها که یک حکومت عربی را بیش از سی سال است که تحمل کرده‌اند لابد از حذف یک نام خلیج فارس هم خواهند گذشت.
ملتی که ارزشهای ایرانی خودش را فراموش کرده و امروز تحت سیطره حکومتی است که دیپلماتش در برزیل انگشت توی کون بچه مردم میکند و اسمش را میگذارند تفاوت فرهنگی. خوب لابد حذف دو کلمه هم از روی نقشه را میتوان تفاوت فرهنگی و یا فراموشی فرهنگی نامید.

بر همگان واضح و مبرهن است که نام اصلی و واقعی خلیج فارس همان خلیج فارس است نه یک کلمه کم و نه یک کلمه بیش. اینکه بعضی میخواهند بگویند خلیج نیلگون فارس و یا خلیج همیشگی فارس و یا خلیج دمکراتیک فارس و یا خلیج اسلامی فارس ویا غیره همگی فاقد سند تاریخی است.  

اما دو کلام حرف حساب با شما ملتی که رگ غیرت‌تان برای حذف نام خلیج فارس بیرون زده و از زور ناراحتی میخواهید رگ دست خودتان را ببرید و خودکشی کنید دارم و آن اینکه: عموجان! سی سال است که حکومتی که سرکار است تمام ماهیت فرهنگی و اعتقادات و ارزشهای ایرانی را از شما گرفته و مشتی خزئبلات هزار و چهارصد سال پیش را جایگزین کرده شما کک‌تان نمیگزد آنوقت چگونه است که برای حذف نام خلیج فارس اینقدر برای ما شاخ و شانه میکشید؟

حضرت عباسی شما عجب ملت عجیبی هستید. پنجاه درصد سهم دریای مازندران که حق مسلم  شما بود را بدون سر و صدا از شما گرفتند یکنفر از شما ملت همیشه در صحنه اعتراض نکردید و حتی خون از دماغ کسی نریخت آنوقت هی دارید گیر میدهید که گوگل چرا این کار را کرد و از حق ما دفاع نمیکند؟

آقاجان! تاریخ نشان داده که ملت کون گشاد و ترسو به هیچ حا نمیرسد. ملتی که توسری خور باشد حقش این است که در دنیا تحقیرش کنند. توی فرودگاهها با او بدرفتاری کنند. اسم دریا و شهرهایش را تغییر بدهند و یا مثل گوگل فقط به حذف نام آن اکتفا کنند.

آقای ملت ایران!

تا کی میخواهید دل خودتان را با این چیزها خوش کنید؟ خانه از پای بست ویران است و خواجه در بند ایوان است. مملکت شما را دارند غارت میکنند و حالا شما نشسته‌اید عزا گرفته‌اید که چرا گوگل این کار را کرد و چرا فلان سازمان آن کار را نکرد و غیره؟

بقول شاعر : برو قوی شو که در نظام طبیعت ضعیف پایمال است. 

تا زمانی که شما اجازه میدهید این حکومت بیعرضه و غیر ایرانی بر شما حکومت کند باید هر روز شاهد این قبیل اتفاقات هم باشید. یک روز گوگل یکروز سایت وزارت دفاع امریکا یکروز یکروز آلمان یکروز فرانسه و یا هر خراب شده دیگر.

جمع کنید این بساط رو. شما اگر راست میگویید اجازه ندهید چند تا آخوند بیسواد مملکت را به اینجا برسانند که زنان و دختران شما برای تامین مخارج زندگی توی بارها و کازینوهای کشورهای حاشیه خلیج فارس تن فروشی کنند.

ما توی گوگل از شما ملت ایران در شگفتیم که چرا آنروز که جمهوری اسلامی تاریخ ایران باستان را از کتابهای تاریخ بچه‌های شما در مدارس حذف کرد رگ غیرتتان نجنبید؟ آیا برایتان مهم نیست که فرزندانتان هویت اصیل ایرانی خود را نشناسند و از تمدن اصیل و باستانی خود دور بمانند و بجای آنها در مورد صلح حدیبیه و نام اسب حضرت عباس را یاد بگیرند؟

چرا برای این چیزها حساسیت نشان نمیدهید؟

این حکومت اسلامی چنان فرزندان شما را در مدارس شستشوی مغزی میدهد که گویی اسرائیل دشمن بالفطره ما ایرانی‌هاست. آنقدر که در کتابهای درسی بر روی فلسطین و وقایع جنوب لبنان به بچه‌ها خوراک ذهنی میدهند از فردوسی و رستم و سهراب و شیرین و فرهاد خبری نیست.

خلاصه اینکه شما اول بروید مملکت خودتان را نجات بدهید بعد بیایید با ما دعوا راه بیاندازید. مطمئن باشید آنروز که نشان دادید یک ملت سربلند و سرفراز و قدرتمند هستید همه در مقابل شما جانب احتیاط و احترام را در پیش میگیرند و دیگر هر ننه قمری نمی‌آید به آب و خاک کشور شما قصد و غرضی داشته باشد.   

از طرف گوگل و حومه



by Benyamin on

it is obvious that you are living in the past with the name you have chosen for yourself!!!!

My name is Benyamin not Benymin!!!!

I invite you to read more about the 6 days war(I can`t believe I am talking about Israel and Arabs instead of the real issue here! i wonder why?)

The Arabs literelly ran from the front line otherwise no matter how powerful you are it will take you a "long time" to go through five hundred thousands armed men in only 6 days!!!! after all it took Hitler to kill 6 million Jews in 5 years and none of them were armed!!!


If the arabs were not running from the front line the Israelie army no matter how sophisticated or powerful could have not been able to do what she did in only 6 days.

Please don`t change the subject!


6 days mr. benyamin. six day :)

by mousa67 on

with a name like "benymin" you should know better my friend. the matter of defeating big mouth cowardly islamists to a pulp was resolved in six days by the little state of israel back in 1967 so desisively that to this day the islamists are crying, not knowing what hit them. and remember they were sunni islamists who actualy fight not shia islamists who hide behind women and children at the first sign of a US marine or IDF soldier  (god bless our troops). i am sure that the mighty US of A which we all love and adore will beat the crap out of a bunch of unpopular tehran based shia islamists in less than 6 days. and return the freedom & democracy that iranians so deserve, to them.



by Benyamin on

Arabs are clearly the problem here!!!

The Saudies and other GCC countries are financing a lot of "mis-information" or "distorted historical facts" and enter them in "all" school text books in all of arab world!!!!

I do have a friend who is an Iraqi but raised in Dubai but now he lives and works in here. He calls "Khuzestan" the made up word of "arabestan" it is interesting that the sufix is in persian and almost the entire word is farsi but what they mean by it is totally a different thing. he also calls "Persian Gulf=????? Gulf" and I actually asked him how did he come up with the name "arabestan"? he told me he learned it in school!

I believe that the little countries around Iran will be in trouble and they are the one to lose "BIG" time should  any conflict happen between Iran and them or between Iran and the USA!!!! 


Their countries would simply turn to the battle ground and if they are that stupid to think that the USA can actually take care of Iran in 21 days like the way they did with Iraq then they deserve what it will come to them!

I am not a fan of the IRI but I am an Iranian and know it in my heart that when Iranians fight we fight with our heart and we definately wont run away! That is in our culture and it is in our blood islamists or not!

I actually don`t think that USA could dismantle Iranian army /Sepah as they claim or wish because their bases are "TOO" close to the Iranian shores and no matter how powerful and accurate the Americans are it would be "impossible" to shield themsleves from the Iranian side because of the close proximimaty to the Iranian war machines.

I read somewhere that if there was a war between Iran and the USA today, the American side will lose like some 20000 soldiers and that is if Iran is not helped by other powers who have vested interest in Iran. Hence that is why "everything is on the table" but they haveyet act on "every option on the table"!!!

Again do I like IRI or the system? the answer is no. But to get back to my point the PERSIAN gulf arab states are absolutely stupid if they keep playing with the " sleeping lion`s tail" since there will be nothing left of them at the end of the battle wether they win or lose the battle with Iran, there is only one out come for them "total loss" .

So I am puzzled why are they still pushing their agenda? maybe they believe in countries like USA, UK, France, Turkey and the fact that they could help them!!!! I guess so was Saddam Husain, I wonder what happened to him?




Rafsanjani errand boy

by Fred on

This Islamist is a former “cultural revolution” commissar who along with Soroush and few others are responsible for expulsion of hundreds upon hundreds of highly qualified professors and students.

The way he talks about lack of democracy in Bahrain, one would think Islamist Rapist Republic (IRR) is a bastion of democracy.

When the time comes, this Rafsanjani errand boy has a date at ICC.