Banisadr's home ransacked

Burglars break into French home of former president

The home of former Iranian president Abolhassan Bani Sadr near Paris was burgled overnight and cash stolen, police and his daughter said Sunday. Police were called to Bani Sadr's Versailles home which was empty at the time of the break-in early on New Year's Day, police said. His daughter Firouze Bani Sadr said police protection for her father had been lifted years ago. "This break-in may have a criminal nature but it can also be something else," his daughter told AFP. "One has the impression that the home is under surveillance, so they acted when there was nobody," she added.


more from aynak

Ass-o-Mythical Warfare!

by Faramarz on

To those of you on this site that do not support the Regime, this should serve as a wake up call!

Turn the alarm on before you leave the house.

As they say, "Don't write checks with your mouth that your body cannot cash!"


The French no longer can

by Khebedin on

The French no longer can afford to protect these guys. And that is exactly what they did to Bakhtiar, despite his son being in the very police tean who were expected to watch for his safety & security.

Wake up all of you who live in the west and support the west, all of those who litter this site by their comments. This is a wake up call for you too. They would do exactly the same to you when they no longer want you.

It is never late to wake up and support your country, no matter what government is in power. Change of power should only take place by Iranians and not outsiders. 




by jasonrobardas on

were looking for "opium"

Ali A Parsa


by Ali A Parsa on

Good try Roger_Rabbit, but this is how the poem goes:

دونفردزد زری دزدیدند

سرتقسیم بهم جنگیدند

اندو بودند چوگرم زدوخورد

دزدسوم زرشان رازدوبرد



سایت "الف" هم مانند برخی در این سایت از این عمل کثیف به وجد آمده


در مقاله سایت "الف" نخود چی های رهبری با عنوان:
"دزد ها به کاه دانی بنی صدر زدند" این عمل را به خیال خود مضحکه کردند. انگار باید به مثلی که می گوید: دزد ناشی به کاهدون میزنه، اضافه کرد: و دزد های قابل هم ولایت فقیه میشوند یا سلطنت می کنند .


جدا از هر نقدی که بر بنی صدر داریم، فراموش نکنیم که اگر او خواهان حفظ مقام بود، با توجه به موقعیت او، براحتی میتوانست به خمینی "بلی" بگوید و مانند دیگر لاشخوران به چپاول ایران مشغول. حمله به حریم شخصی هر شخص را باید محکوم کرد. نمک و مزه هم جای خودش.

Jeesh Daram

کار خودش است

Jeesh Daram

حتما کار خودش و برو بچه های خودشه و میخواهد پول مفت از بیمه بگیره. تریاک گران و قاچاقی کشیدن آدم را به اینجور کارها می اندازد


original document

by MRX1 on

They were looking for the original thesis of 'eghtesad tohidi' remarkable doument written my by remarkable farzand islam.

G. Rahmanian

If It Were A Simple Act Of Burglary!

by G. Rahmanian on

If It Were A Simple Act Of Burglary, why the mess? My only guess is the thieves didn't like the former president's furnishings!

Darius Kadivar

Nakoneh donbaleh Baghali Boodand ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Darius Kadivar

Ex President lives in Versailles, King Louis XIV town

by Darius Kadivar on


انگار رو پیشونیش نوشته فلک زده!


این فلک زده هم هر چی بلا است سر این میاد!


دزد سوم





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