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شبکه امام حسین


Recently by mehrdadmCommentsDate
Omid Djalili: The Baha'i Faith in Words and Images
Dec 05, 2012
Dimmed Lanterns
Dec 05, 2012
Iranian TV shows off 'captured US ScanEagle drone'
Dec 04, 2012
more from mehrdadm

Live as you say?

by choghok on

Most mullahs in power have way more than they need. I guess they should be beheaded since it gets only more.


Also in a country with tax system you are already paying all this. If you want beg money from people be honest about it. 


His accent clearly points

by Khebedin on

His accent clearly points out to him being from Iraq. And of course he is totally screwed up by the Aarabs.

A Qustion for him ( Mass-alaton): If a ligitimate child in Iran inherits couple of millions of US$ from her his mother's brottle in NY , and wants to transfer the funds to Iran, does he/she have to pay Khoms or Zakat on what he/she has inherited?


Theft of all oil revenue not enough for these greedy creatures.

by Liberated on

Now that they will have hard time selling oil and hiding the cash, they will have harsher ways to deal with bleeding out the Iranian People. 

Wakeup people there is no hope.  How can can anyone defend them.  


Theft of all oil revenue not enough for these greedy creatures.

by Liberated on

Now that they will have hard time selling oil and hiding the cash, they will have harsher ways to deal with bleeding out the Iranian People. 

Wakeup people there is no hope.  How can can anyone defend them.  


It sounds like

by azadi5 on

after death you are also held accountable for your income. so god in essennce is like IRS or CRA. cherto pert :)


Marg bar IRR/IRI & akhoonds who continue to

by Azarbanoo on

fool people and rip them off.