Religion, Reason & Politics

Ezzatollah Sahabi's viewpoints


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مرحوم سحابی آدم بسیار خوب و در عین حال خیلی از مرحله پرت بود؛ بابابش و بازرگان هم به همینطور. شادروان مصدق خوب اینها را شناخته بود.

چند روز پیش بی بی سی با علیجانی که تو نشریه سحابی قلم میزد مصاحبه کرد؛ بخوبی معلوم بود که حضرات پس از سی و سه سال هنوز نفهمیدند که چقدر از مرحله پرتند. 

با این کوسه ریش پهن ملی-مذهبی بازی و قر قرۀ لقلقه های کلامی شارلاتان علی شریعتی کلی زور زدند و وحوش را به قدرت رساندند و حالا نمیتوانند درک کنند که چرا بجای پاداش،  زندان و بدتر از آن گیرشان آمده. 

آن نواب صفوی که سحابی اسمش را میبرد؛ مادر زن میرحسین موسوی خامنه؛ دختر برادر نواب صفوی قاتل و تروریست است.

پس از سرنگونی این نظام پربرکت؛ کتاب شجره نامه و  روابط سببی و نسبی همه اینها بسیار خواندنی خواهد بود.    



by religionoutofgovernment on

He is full of contradictions. The arguement about "Roshanfekri" vs "Noandishi" is nothing but a twisted way of fooling yourself. He agrees that "roshanfekri" and religion are not compatible. He defines "Nogarai" as a different way of looking at the world, where "the book of nature" is equally educational as the "Quran"!! In other words, the scientific knowledge resulting from research in hundreds of universities about our world, its natural laws of physics, chemistry, biology, evolution, astronomy, the big bang theory, the expansion of universe, etc is at par with the Quran telling us about Adam and Hava, Abraham being ordered to kill his son, and how Muslims should be treating Mohammad's wives. 

He talks about tolerance!! He doesn't personally hate his opponents but opposes their views! This is not what you are taught by Islam, Sir! It is a direct order from your God to kill the apostates, to convert people and obey his orders. Remember Islam means submission to God and not submission to the will of the people.

And he had connections with Navab Safavi??? What's up with that? He is actually proud of knowing the person who was part of the biggest terrorist group in Iran's histroy and his ideas shaped this tyrannical regime?

It is very sad that people like him are considered our "rowshanfekrs". He is also a testament to the role of people like Bazargan and the Nehzat Azadi in bringing this theocracy to Iran.


Tekrar mokarart

by MRX1 on

from a shiekh o omati crowd masquerading as politicans in omatestan. At least he is honest and he admits he had link to the scum killer navab safavi.