Parazit: 1979 Revolution Generation

The parents who rose up against the Shah and created the Islamic Republic


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Not bad but

by fidelio5 on

I'm a bit tired of reanalyzing 1979 and 1953.

This would be a good piece to show to the people of Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.

If they repeat our mistakes they're in for a long cold Arab winter.

Maybe that's the only way to learn the truth.


Mr. Ahossieni

by Aria on

Although there was no political freedom in 1979 but there were social, personal, economic and religious freedoms, which Parazit eloquently captured in its segment, resonating well with many who felt all those achievements were lost.
If Parazit ever does a segment on 1953 they will need to include the following:

• Why Mossadegh exceeded his constitutional power by dissolving the parliament

• The serious threat of a Soviet communist takeover by Tudeh party at the height of Cold War

• The reason Dr. Mossadegh did not curb the activities of his reckless foreign minister in attacking the young Shah who was popular with the people in 1953 (unlike 1979)

• Mossadegh’s refusal to go along with the help and assistance from US, which its only concern (Unlike UK) was the threat of communism

• The level of social and political chaos post the nationalization by Mossadegh’s inability to come up with a formula to sell the oil and manage Iran’s economy (high unemployment and inflation)

• The mood in the Iranian society – a fertile ground – to rid itself of the two years of political and social stagnations

• The army’s monarchist fabric and its reaction to the threat of communism

Maryam Hojjat

Perfect Show

by Maryam Hojjat on

Kambiz did great.


ای کاش آقای کامبیز به کودتای 28 مرداد نیز می پرداخت


به نسل جوان توضیح میداد که کی نهال دموکراسی را ذر ایران ریشه کن کرد.

دیکتاتوری لجام گسیخته را به ایران حاکم کرد.

خفقان ایجاد کرد.

مانع ترقی و تعالی شعور سیاسی و اجتماعی مردم ایران شد.

و در نتیجه این سطح پایین شعور سیاسی و اجتماعی خمینی را به مردم تحمیل کرد.



Zamaneh Tagoot?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

To che chaleh oftadim.

The reason Iran has a dictatorship today, is due to the lies of the world and the lack of wisdom of Iranians.  A world that pins countries in one of
two camps, democratic and dictatorship, based on whether their
leaderships change hands or not, a country that does not change its
leaders is viewed as a dictatorship.  This type of incorrect thinking caused many to make the profound error we are victims of today.  Sadly we lost not just an Angel (Aryamehr) who served iran with generosity and never in his life used absolute power, but we also stole the birth right of Iranians from Iran, the spirit of freedom, justice and indepedence of Iran, Shahhanshahi.


Another notch!

by Milan on

Just when I thought they couldn't get any better. Flawless report!

Anonymous Bugger

باشه چَشم..بهشون ميگن ديگه نگن مرگ بر جمهوری مشروعه اسلامی

Anonymous Bugger



 که به خودت و دوستان مثه جووجوو و جيجی و "سبزي" فروشان ايسلاميک ريپابليک ورژن 2 و  ملی مذهبيون  مقٌدس و بی گناه  و يه شبه دمکرات و چپی توده ای وطن پرست بر نخوره.   راست گفتی ..اين مردم بايد بجای اين شعار مرگ و خشونت از رفقای سبزی فروش ياد بگيرن و مثه حاج بهنود و حاج دباش و  اون يکی ديگه, ابرمرد تاريخ عيلام , حاج سيد محمد خاتمی اين ايسلاميک ورژن 1 رو "نصيحت" کنن و باهاش درد دل که به راه راست علوي برگرده. و خوشبختانه اين تبصره شامل حال سبزی فروشان نميشه و دوستان امتی ليبرال آزادند که تا دلشون ميخواد شعار مرگ بر منافق و نيوکان و سلطنت طلب و کورشی ها و داريوشی ها و امريکايي و صهيونيستا سر بدن و تخم نفرت بکارند.


شَخت نگير بيادر..خودش خش ميشه ميفته

بازم بيايد پشت سر  وای ی ی  اووه ه ه   آی ه ه ه و  بی بی جواد سی حرف دراريد



Khomeini became popular through Shah's stupid mistakes

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

to begin with. All of a sudden everybody forgets how Khomieni bacame an overnight sensation, because of an article against him in Ettellaat.  Before publication of that stupid anti-Khomeini article in Ettelat, hardly anyone knew Khominie, after that he was an over night national figure. 

All the footage they showed was of Khomeini, nothing of the actual strikes, assemblies, protests,.. that Khomeini used to get to power, and then crush them one by one.

It's amazing how carelessly we forget our own history, and with a stroke of a program the entire history of a revolution is revised. 

From day one Khominie had to violently confront opposition to his rule, all this myth about card blanche from the entire nation to him is just, you know what, and it don't smell good...

The video segments were good, they should augment that section.

Khob, bad, zesht was uniquely excellent this time.


reality bites @ "19:40-24:00 minute"

by MM on

PS, where are the nay-sayers who were screaming about VOA and Parazit as part of IRI?????

Keep it up, Parazit.


The Best One Yet

by Faramarz on

Excellent program and great analysis of the 1979 disaster.

These guys are so good and they get better with every program. Kambiz's delivery is outstanding. His style will be the model for many others in the years to come.

Keep it up. You guys are the hope and the inspiration of your generation.


For what my opinion is

by Parham on

For what my opinion is worth, I didn't like it much this time (at least I didn't find it funny), except I thought thank God someone is saying something about Khomeyni for once, the one who is at the source of many of our ills -- that's if you don't count ourselves.
Otherwise the rest was so-so I thought.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Thank you Parazit

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

I don't usually watch it but this time I did. Great job it was right on point. Glad VOA is providing this program because it really got it right.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

نسل جدید آبروی ایران را میخرد، و آبروی آخوند را می‌ریزد

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Oon Yaroo

Parazit Guys Are Competent & Effective!

by Oon Yaroo on

These guys are "good" at what they do! That's why they are the envy of many organizations out there!

Jahanshah Javid

Nailed it

by Jahanshah Javid on

Best commentary by anyone on the 1979 revolution and our current state. Nailed it.