Iranian Toys

JadidOnline feature

مهتاج رسولی, جديدآنلاين: بسیارند بزرگ‌سالانی که با دیدن بازیچه‌های دوران کودکی‌شان دوباره کودک می‌شوند؛ اسباب‌بازی‌هایی که برای کسی دیگر می‌تواند اشیاء بیهوده و بدردنخور باشد، آنها را به شور و شعف می‌آورد و به گذشته‌های دور می‌برد. نمونه‌های بسیاری از این اشیا را می‌شود در موزۀ مجازی اسباب‌بازی‌های مؤسسۀ پژوهشی تاریخ ادبیات کودکان ایران دید. در این موزه از بازیچه‌های سنتی ایران گرفته تا اسباب‌بازی‌های کارخانه‌ای گردآوری شده که هر کدام برای کودکی شادی آفریده‌است>>>


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Similar Toys from other parts of the world

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Dear Ghormeh Sabzi,

I know it is already 2 weeks ago when you posted your collection of iranian toys. Just as a further proof to my suggestion that kids all around the world like similar toys, I send you one from south-eastern europe. Although it is nowaday produced as a container for rose oil, it is a perfect copy of former kids dolls. Since I could not insert it into this post, I put it as an IC blog. To watch it you have to klick on this link.


Greetings  Radius


Traditional Toys and Globalisation

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Thanks Ghormeh Jan for this very nice galery of iranian toys.  It is most amazing to recognize that children in different countries and different cultures obviously adore similar toys.  The design might differ, but my feeling is that children from far distant places in the world would easily come together and play with the same dolls, cars, cariages, marbles or wooden animals.

But some pieces of your collection I have never seen before: for instance the piece of bone with the red and green rope going through and the two sea-shells at the end. What is this ?