Imam Naghi

Leader of the Purple Movement has arrived


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Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

This is just brilliant !!!!

by Arthimis on

This is just brilliant !!!! LOL :D))) I saw few comments on Youtube by "angoorbezan" that are as hilarious :

‎روزی حضرت به همراه صحابه در خیابانی می شد..پس جوانکی دید که در گوشه یی نشسته و ساز گیتار می نوازد..از او پرسید:جوانک نامت چیست و چرا چنین دلخراش مینوازی؟..آنگاه جوان پاسخ داد:من جیمز هتفیلد هستم و این سبک متال است..پس حضرت لبخندی معنی دار به صحابه زد و گیتار از دست جیمز ربود و ناتینگ الز مترز را چشم بسته نواخت ..
جیمز نعره ای زد و در جا اسلام آورد…

‫امام و صحابه درحال دیدن فوتبالیستها بودند که ناگهان آن امام همام با کنترل صدای تلویزیون را قطع کردند و به اصحاب فرمودند:آیا میدانستید که عموی سوباسا درواقع همان دوست پسر مامان سوباست؟صحابه درحالی که نعره میزدند عرض کردند:نه...!امام فرمود :و اینها همه نشانه هایی از علم لایتناهی خداوندی است که در خاندان نبوت به ودیعه گذاشته است! ..در همان لحظه سوباسا و واکی بایاشی نعره ای زدند و شورت ورزشی اشان را کندند و اسلام آوردند در حالی که کاکرو یوگا با توپی زیر بغل سوره تحریم را تلاوت مینمود و اشک میریخت


‫روزی امام نقی به انیشتین فرمود : یا انیشتین . انیشتین رویش را برگرداند و گفت بله پسر رسول خدا . امام فرمود اول صدایم را شنیدی یا مرا دیدی ؟ انیشتین گفت اول صدایتان را شنیدم . امام فرمود پس چرا میگویی سرعت نور از صوت بیشتر است . انیشتین از تئوری خود پشیمان شد و فورا اسلام آورد !‬


:D)))))))))))))))))) Bravo whoever made these ...  


Stay Thirsty My Friends!

by Faramarz on

Good One!

Mash Ghasem,

Here is Imam Naghi in a Dos Equis commercial!






Two more days added to our holidays

by عموجان on

All we need date of birth and death and we are in business.i see Imam Naghi's potential to become a real one. I am all for a new Imam. Imam 13.


Thanks Ari

by ramintork on

The video itself by being funny and challenging taboos credits me, nevermind names, I like to think of it as an unexpected collaborative work.

I didn't know about a Facebook page dedicated to this, nor the video but judging by the little details in the video and the good quality, I have one or two hunches on who did the video which I'll keep to myself, and believe me I'm not doing a Marcel Duchamp here! That person has good taste in music too, snow Patrol is a great band.

Most cultural shifts start by small changes which at the time seem insignificant. I think these little fun things could be some of them. One day like the Toufigh Cartoons we will enjoy these images and videos as representing our mood for this moment in time.



Ari Siletz

Great video; well done ramintork.

by Ari Siletz on

ramintork, your Ali/Manson portrait is a big part of the visual impact of this video. Does the video or facebook page credit you anywhere? What's the bacground story to this video creation? For example who started the facebook page?


Dark side

by پندارنیک on

The only problem with this kind of humor is its short lifespan; those of us who are already done with their laughter and gone back to licking their wounds, know what I mean.


photoshop rocks

by MM on

the original picture is here


nice montage

Jahanshah Javid

Jonbeshe Banafsh

by Jahanshah Javid on

Loved it :))))

Very smart. Very funny.


Clever and funny compilation

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Thanks for cheering my lunch break up! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Flattery will get you everywhere ;-)))

by ramintork on

I got a real buzz in seeing the image I made being used in this hilarious video.

I'm glad someone picked up my calling for the DaGod work.


Excellent video btw. 


Azarin Sadegh

In Naghi, I trust...:-)

by Azarin Sadegh on

Brilliant! I hadn't laughed at all today, not even a faint smile...Thank you for the laugh!

Mash Ghasem

This is just vov, vov

by Mash Ghasem on

beyond words, couldn't stop laughing, kudos. Me thought Faramarz was the real Imam Naghi?