Security Show of Force

Security/Police forces on parade in Khorasan pledging to maintain "Islamic Security"


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Demonstration of weakness

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

This demonstration, intended to scare the people, in fact shows how little confidence the IRI leaders have about their own power. It is too obvious an attempt to gather the last supporters around their leaders, knowing that the majority of the people do not believe their lies any more. I remember the same in October 1989 in East-Berlin, when three days before the virtual collapse of the system there was an endless track of tanks and paramilitary trucks invading Berlin at night and taking post at strategic points. Hearing this war-like thunder was intended to frighten people, and it did so. But it was the last helpless attempt of the omnipresent ruling party and its security forces to rescue the status quo. But only a weak later it was all over, the leaders surrendered, some already put in custody. I don't see a reason why the pace of the breakdown should be different in Iran as compared to Egypt, Tunesia or East-Germany. Just remember: "Dictatorships always appear as if they are made for eternity".




And the story from Ahvaz today....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

یک شاهد عینی از اهواز به بی بی سی فارسی گفت که حضور نیروهای امنیتی و بسیج در میدان ها و چهارراه های اصلی شهر بسیار چشمگیر است. به گفته این شاهد عینی، افزایش فشارهای اقتصادی ناشی از اجرای قانون هدفمندکردن یارانه ها باعث افزایش نارضایتی ها در این شهر شده است.

Dariush Kabir

Parade of shame!

by Dariush Kabir on

I bet there is a truck full of sandwich, and drink (Sundis) in front of this show parade. These Basijies would sell thier own doughters for a bit of reward.


Cocktail Molotoff

by pedro on

will take care of a lot of that hot air and their pretty little white Benz. 

Amir19. I agree with you. As maast ke bar maast.  you can't rely on the Bazari very much. Bazari ha Akhond maslak va Akhond parvar hastan anyway. Bazari noono be nerkh rooz mikhoreh.

Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisions


Millitary state!!!

by Benyamin on

If this is not millitary state then what is?



by yolanda on

Wow! Rap music in the background!


از آسمان شهر صدای تکبیر می آید !


الان که این سطور را می نگارم, 20 دقیقه است که صدای تکبیر قطع نمی شود, شاید بیش از یک سال است که علی رغم فراخوان به تکبیر شامگاهی- در نزدیکی منزل ما - کسی تکبیر نمی گفت , اما امشب شور و هیجان تکبیر مثل تیرماه پارسال بود, نمی دانم اینها که می گویند جنبش مرده است, از مرده هم که صدایی در نمی آید, این الله اکبرها ز چیست! این فریادها ز کیست؟ شاید مردگان سر از قبر درآورده و تکبیر می گویند! مردگان را بر بام چکار!

اما راست می گویند, این مردم مرده اند, اگر مرده نبودند که اوضاعشان این نبود! کفنشان را - ببخشید شهیدشان را - می دزدند و باتومی هم حوالت می دهند تا مردم بگویند " صد رحمت به کفن دزد اولی! "

9 اسفند 1389 / مهدی خزعلی

taken from Dr. Khazali's site at


 Iran today is considered

by Delavar1 on

 Iran today is considered "Darul Harb" by the security forces and basijies.

In Islam, the world is divided into two parts – darul Harb (land of war) and darul Islam. All acts of war are permitted in darul Harb. When the darul Harb has been subjugated, the Harbi become prisoners of war. He or she can be sold into slavery, exiled, ransomed or treated as dhimmis. Dhimmis are protected people or second-class subjects who are required to pay an annual tribute. Muslims are expected to take part in jihad (or holy war) to expand darul Islam.

Ayatollah Khomeini gave a  description of jihad in the 1980's. He said:
“Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not disabled and incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of (other) countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country in the world.”

By the way, he also was contemptuous of those moderates and apologists who say that Islam means peace. He said:
“The sword is the key to Paradise, which can be opened only by Holy Warriors! There are hundreds of other psalms and Hadiths urging Muslims to value war and to fight. Does all that mean that Islam is a religion that prevents men from waging war? I spit upon those foolish souls that make such a claim.”

Some portray Islam a peaceful and tolerant religion. History proves otherwise! Though there were certainly periods of relative tranquility and tolerance, minorities and non-Muslims have always been prosecuted under Islam. In fact, this ideology ideology is based upon an intense hatred of the non-Muslim. For them, there exist two kinds of non-Muslim enemies...  kafir  (non-believers in Islam) and  ahl al-kitab  (People of the Book).  Kafir, such as Buddhists and Hindus, must either convert to Islam or face execution.  People of the Book include Jews and Christians. These people need only submit to Muslim authority to avoid forced conversion or death. Although they may keep their original faith, their status becomes dhimmi (a "protected," yet inferior non-Muslim status). So instead of outright forced conversion or slaughter, the Christians and Jews would be allowed to remain somewhat unmolested as long as they acknowledged the superiority of the Muslim.

Did you know that over the last 1400 years, 270 million innocent human beings non muslims and Muslims alike were murdered by Jihadists similar to the ones in the Republic of Islam in Iran today?


آهای بی غیرتها!


آهای بازاری بی غیرت که برای مالیات افزوده اعتصاب میکنی، ارتشی بی غیرت که سپاهیها آدمم حسابت نمیکنن، کارمند بی غیرت که دلت به دوزار عیدی و یارانه خوشه، ای ترک بی غیرت که بویی از شجاعت ستارخان و باقرخان نبردی، ...، ای پدر و مادر بی غیرت که ۳۲ ساله پیش این انقلاب رو گذاشتین تو کاسه ما، ای سپاهی بی غیرت که افتخارت دفاع از وطن و هموطنت بود حالا افتخار کشتن هموطناته. آهای همه بی غیرتها که لیاقت ایرانی بودن رو ندارین. اونهایی که میگفتین دستشون با این رژیم یکیه رو الان گرفتن. چون مرد بودن و روی حرفش... click here: //


Shah did it too

by Troneg on

It reminds me latest days of Shah, I remember having seen Army show of force in Tehran's street, Few days before global colapse!

It is begginig of the end.

Jahanshah Javid

Not that scary :)

by Jahanshah Javid on

That was the sorriest "show of force" I've ever seen.

David ET

Iranian People Oil and Tax money at work

by David ET on

To cause fear and oppression!