
Faezeh Hashemi

Released after brief arrest: Fars News

خبرگزاري فارس: فائزه هاشمي كه در حال هدايت عده‌اي ضدانقلاب و آشوبگر دستگير شده بود با طرح اين ادعا كه براي خريد لباس به خيابان ولي عصر آمده بود، آزاد شد. به گزارش خبرنگار سياسي خبرگزاري فارس، فائزه هاشمي رفسنجاني ساعتي پيش در تقاطع فاطمي - خيابان وليعصر در حال ليدري، شعار دادن و تحريك مردم دستگير شده بود اين براي چندمين بار بود كه فائزه هاشمي رفسنجاني در تجمعات ضدانقلاب عليه نظام جمهوري اسلامي شركت مي‌كند. فائزه هاشمي پيش از اين نيز يك ‌بار توسط نيروهاي امنيتي دستگير شده بود. در كوران حوادث پس از انتخابات 22 خرداد 88 چندين تجمع دانشجويي و مردمي با مطالبه درخواست محاكمه مهدي و فائزه هاشمي رفسنجاني به دليل نقش‌آفريني در ساماندهي اغتشاشات برگزار شده بود. فائزه هاشمي رفسنجاني دقايقي پيش و پس از اينكه مدعي شد براي خريد لباس به خيابان آمده بود، آزاد شد. وي دفعه پيش كه در ميدان جمهوري دستگير شده بود نيز مدعي شده بود براي خوردن ساندويچ به اين مكان آمده است.


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Then probably you need to

by amirincanada on

Then probably you need to read more dude...


Dude... who created green

by amirincanada on

Dude... who created green movement ? I thought it started from Musavi's campain? If you hate them all then be creative and make your own movement. I might agree with you on Hashemi. But Musavi is a different story. He might have his own beliefs (I am a secular and dont share same beliefs as him but I resepect him). Non of us can live one day just one day the way he is living now. He had everything. why da F*** did he have to blow everything up? Lets be reasonable. we are so tight up in "daiee jan napelonism".


مثل هیچکاک ولی واقعی


اینکه دیکتاتوری را بدون خونریزی از میان برداریم امریست نشدنی که ولایت وقیح خود جنایت شبانه روزی میکند و تن به رفتن نخواهد داد چون هدفمند است و جایگزین قوی دارد:
رفسنجانی  نقشه ی جامعش اینست که پس از مرگ خامنه ای خود رهبر شود پس رژیم ولایت وقیح  تن به رفتن نخواهند داد چون از درون مهره ها درحال انجام وظیفه هستند و خود او جایگزین ولایت وقیح خواهد شد.
او عمرعاصی دیگرست که نقشه هایش به دقت در حال انجام شدن است تا همزمان : مردم را به دلمردگی دچار ,  آیات عظام را بی اعتبار و بیت رهبری را ناامید از جانشینی مجتبا کند تا همه را مهار کرده و خود رهبر شود . سپس به قانون اساسی بی تنازل عمل کند که مساویست با یک دیکتاتوری شدیدتر بدون حضور موثر دیگران. بدلایلی یقین دارم که اقشار مهمی از وزارت اطلاعات و سپاه پشتیبان اوست که رهبر را مجبور کرده از اوباش استفاده کند که او حتا اهمیتی نداده و اجلاس خبرگان شرکت خواهد کرد. تنها راه نجات یک انقلاب فراگیرست تا جنایات اینها خاتمه یابد.

David ET

فائزه هاشمی در لباسفروشی جماران دستگیر شد،نه ولیعصر

David ET


تحول سبز: در پی انتشار شایعاتی مبنی بر دستگیری فائزه هاشمی، در حال لیدری اغتشاشات امروز در نزدیک میدان فاطمی، سایت سفیر نوشت که وی اصلا در آن حوالی نبوده است.

یک مقام آگاه در گفتگو با سفیر گفت: این خبر از اساس دروغ بوده و فائزه هاشمی بعد از ظهر روز یک شنبه به منظور انجام مراحل تنظیم پایان نامه به دانشگاه آزاد واحد علوم و تحقیقات مراجعه و پس از آن به همراه تعدادی از اعضای خانواده برای شرکت در مراسم زنانه ترحیم زن عمویش که روز گذشته به رحمت ایزدی پیوسته است به منزل آنها واقع در خیابان لواسانی می رود و پس از شرکت در مراسم در مسیر بازگشت به منزل شخصی اش در منطقه جماران به دلایل نامعلومی بازداشت و پس از مدتی نیز آزاد می شود.

این منبع افزود : فائزه هاشمی به منظور خرید یک روسری مشکی رنگ مناسب برای مراسم ترحیم مرحومه زن عمویش در مغازه ای مشغول خرید بود که چند نفر به وی مراجعه کرده و اعلام می کنند که در حال تعقیب وی می باشند و بدون پاسخ به این سوال که برای چه منظوری مورد تعقیب می باشد در حالیکه از وی عکس گرفته می شد او را سوار یک خودرو کرده و پس از دو سه ساعت بدون هیچ توضیحی وی را آزاد کردند .

این مقام آگاه تاکید کرد : مدتی است جریانی خاص با نزدیک شدن به ایام برگزاری اجلاس خبرگان رهبری بر حجم حملات و تعرضات خود به آقای هاشمی رفسنجانی و خبرسازی علیه وی و خانواده اش با هدف تاثیر گذاری بر خواص افزوده است در حالیکه رئیس مجلس خبرگان با صراحت حضور در تجمعات غیر قانونی را حرام و اغشاشات را عاملی علیه وحدت ملی اعلام کرده است

قش خبرنگار خبرگزاری دولت در بازداشت!

در این حال خبرنگار ایرنا ضمن انتشار تصویر فائزه هاشمی در یک خودرو پرده دار، به نقش خود در این بازداشت اشاره کرد و نوشت: فائزه هاشمی رفسنجانی هنگام بازداشت در پاسخ به پرسش های خبرنگار ایرنا گفت: به شما جوابی نمی دهم، ژست آدم های حق به جانب را نگیرید.

وقتی که خبرنگار ایرنا از او سوال کرد هدف شما از حضور در خیابان در این ساعت از روز چه بود گفت: جوابی به شما نمی دهم شما اگر جوابی می خواهید باید به دفتر من بیایید تا آزادانه با هم صحبت کنیم.

زمانی که فائزه هاشمی درخواست آب کرد، خبرنگار ایرنا برای او آب آورد و گفت چیز دیگری نیاز ندارید؛ او در پاسخ به خبرنگار ایرنا گفت: ژست آدم‌های حق به جانب را نگیرید و من با شما هیچ صحبتی ندارم. 


Reafsanjani and his famil.

by Khebedin on

Remember what he said when he first apeared on TV in 1977.


Him , his doughter, and his boys, as well as his gangs. Must be brought to justice and face their past actions.

His daughter is no different, the most opportunist.

Why did they freed hir?, don't they know who she is and what the whole family have done?.


who cares

by MRX1 on

about her and her low life thugh thief murderer dady.


No one from this regime is


No one from this regime is trustable, including musavi, karoobi or faezeh hashemi! Any movement if leaded by these people would end up in another dictatorship. Green movement will find its way eventually. 


There is no doubt

by statira on

that unlike her father, she is a brave lady.


Simorgh is right!

by Milan on

باید هوای گنجینه‌های ملی‌ و تاریخیمون را داشته باشیم. اینها یه مشت
عقده‌ای هستن و بعید نیست قبل از سقوط رژیم بزنن تخت جمشید و باقی‌ رو



by comments on

I am curious to know what you meant by safety.  Thanks.


Be Bavafa.

by comments on

That's a great comment Bavafa.  We all have to be supportive, and consider your meaningful condition.


She's probably mad because

by alaaf on

She's probably mad because Ahmadi and CO are nationalising all of her daddy's assets. And all you morons started jumping on the Mossavi/Rafsanjani bandwagon like it was the second coming of Christ. How many young people needlessly lost their lives becuase of the whole Green movement bulshit? And none of us even know what this "Green movement" is really about.    


"A plea to all Iranian"...dot comers

by comrade on

Please be prepared for your adventuric time and get wild about safety.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



A plea to all Iranians

by Simorgh5555 on

Please protect the cultural and heritage sites such as the National Musum, Golestan Palace and Persepolis. The only thing I am concerned about is looting of national treausures and vandalism of historical sites. As important as the struggle against the regime is Iranians should set up special volunteer task forces to ensure that wilful destruction and theft of important locations do not happen. 


A plea to all Iranians

by Simorgh5555 on

Please protect the cultural and heritage sites such as the National Musum, Golestan Palace and Persepolis. The only thing I am concerned about is looting of national treausures and vandalism of historical sites. As important as the struggle against the regime is Iranians should set up special volunteer task forces to ensure that wilful destruction and theft of important locations do not happen. 


We need unity for out people

by Bavafa on

Anyone's participation against the IRI regime should be welcomed and appreciate it, unless they are part of a despicable group whose aim & intention is to derail and hijack this uprising.


Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Aynak Agha/Khanoom, your eyes Allballoo ro Geelas Meecheeneh*!

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

It's not Cary Grant but rather Greg Peck!? You see what mean!?


Allballoo ro Geelas Cheendan = Legally blind!



by aynak on



"His oldest son is in England scared to go back because of being
prosecuted. So the family is involved in illegal activity, hence western
style prosecution."

or the version I know, he has left with a suitcase full of information if they hurt his family he will out all the dirt.

Cary Grant,

I will take all cases, yours included :)

May we all have good dreams.


Karma is a bitch!

by Pahlevan on

Rafsanjani criminals are getting exactly what they deserve. When two criminal mafias are ripping each other apart, you musn't take sides! you should stay out and watch or otherwise cheer on the fight!


Support a movement or not?

by comments on

Sorry there are only two options at present: support Faezeh or support a Basiji? 

Women have minimal respect, support and rights in everyday life there let alone leading a movement.  Should we be against any movement because we don’t like one of the participants?  Is she a double agent?  Yes, this is the best time for IRI to have an agent to provoke the public against hopefully at its last seconds.  How smart one could be?


Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Off, should come her chador and scarf then maybe and just maybe

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

we will take one year off her 5-life long jail term!? How do you like them apples or hoolloos!?


All my supports to...

by comments on

My hats off to Faezeh.  As long as she steps towards democracy she has to be supported.  That's totally okay if she overwhelms with wealth.  Who are the controlling people in here?  Other than rich people and their companies?  Probably you have seen her videos contineously being assulated by Basijis living in Iran.  Doesn't she has an option to relocate and be respected as all we did? 



Her anti regime activities matter to me more....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Than what her dadyy or rest of her family  have allegedly  done.

Friends, Let us remember that at these critical moments in our country's history what matters most is the absolute unity of all opposition forces against the islamist regime, under the unifying banner of the Green movement. Creating divisions in our ranks is precisely what the islamist regime wants  

"The People, United, will never be defeated."



by vildemose on




























Regime's cronies trying to get a green card in the US...hahah









by mahmoudg on

His oldest son is in England scared to go back because of being prosecuted. So the family is involved in illegal activity, hence western style prosecution.




Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Okay Anyak, you can be the legal council

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

to the Rafsan-Jani's and take their cases!

By the way, you may end up with much stronger prescription lenses for your "aynak" by the time your done reading and sifting thought all the indictments against this criminal family!


So you don't sound like a hypocrite

by aynak on



"The young should hang the whole family after their victory."

(Really?  are you the judge? or the executioner?   or once you say it, it is word of god?).


"This family will be among the first ones to be brought to justice in a Western Style court of jurisprudence"

You have very interesting notion of Western Style court in your mind, chief.    First thing about civil code, is not to promote guilt by assocication.  Otherwise, Saddam daughters would have been put on trial, hello?  YOu should learn more about "Western Style court of jurispurdence".

But the best comes last:

Everyboday Loves ....

" The RafsanJani's including the father, the sons, & the daughters must be put on trial for all the crimes they have committed and all the resources they have plundered over the past 32 years."

There is a conviction notice for Rafsanjani for Mykonos terror assassinations (along with Seyd Ali).   In addition there are specific charges against him in assasinating other Iranians.   But this does not extend to the family.   According to all civil codes,  one is NOT responsible for crimes committed by their parents.   Again read back what I said about Saddam's daughter.

Bottom line is,  every penny must be accounted for, for all those in charge of governments that do not answer to people.    That is a perfectly legitimate thing to ask for, and obviously the murders ordered by Rafsanjani, but the same way you good folks do not want to have Reza Palavi or AliReza Palavi responsible for their dad crimes, (which I agree with), you should apply the same rule to Faezeh.  

Now it sounds rather strange that you should be on the same side as the offical IR version:

گزارش پیشین ایرنا از این خبر چنین بود:به گزارش خبرنگار ايرنا، فائزه
هاشمی در حالی که قصد داشت با اظهارات تند و سر دادن شعارهای تحريک آميز،
ناآرامی ايجاد کند، در خيابان ولی عصر(عج) بالاتر از تقاطع فاطمی، از سوی
نيروهای انتظامی و امنيتی شناسايی و بازداشت شد.

وی در جريان فتنه سال گذشته نيز بارها در تجمع‌های غيرقانونی حاضر شده و به تحريک آشوب‌گران پرداخته بود.

علی‌رغم فراخوان گسترده و تبليغات کم‌سابقه رسانه‌های ضدانقلاب،
هيچ‌گونه اتفاق خاصی در سطح تهران رخ نداد و شرايط کاملاً عادی در سطح شهر
حکم‌فرما بود.


May we all have good dreams.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

The RafsanJani's including the father, the sons, & the daughters

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

must be put on trial for all the crimes they have committed and all the resources they have plundered over the past 32 years.

To all the friends and admirers of this Foxy Faezeh, I have only one thing to say, kh*r Kodetoneed!?


Petrified of being tried for crimes against humanity

by mahmoudg on

this woman knows that the regime her father help bring about is crumbling around them and the entire family is scambling to find friends on the other side.  Too little and too late.  This family will be among the first ones to be brought to justice in a Western Style court of jurisprudence.  All the wealth which does not belong to you will be returned to the Iranian nation, while you lot rot in jail.


If this

by Raoul1955 on

Woman is truly against the islamic regime, her first act of protest should be to remove her hijab in public.  :-)