U.S. Senate Targets Iran Central Bank

Obama administration fears move could disrupt oil markets

BBC: The US Senate has unanimously approved economic sanctions on Iran targeting the country's oil industry, despite warnings the move could backfire. The measures, passed by 100 votes to nil, would ban foreign firms from doing business with the Iranian central bank. President Barack Obama has been cautious about harsher sanctions, fearing such a move could disrupt the oil markets at a time of economic uncertainty for many Americans, and alienate potential allies. US officials have also warned that depriving global markets of Iranian exports could send oil prices sharply higher, gifting Tehran a funding boost. >>>

U.S. Treasury Undersecretary David Cohen: Senate's Iran Central Bank sanctions 'sisks fracturing the international coalition' against Iran:



fred this will act of WAR!

by Anonymous8 on

is what U want?


Airtight sanctions NOW

by Fred on

It is taking too long.

Before the Islamist Rapist Republic (IRR) imposes war on all,  impose airtight sanctions which include oil/gas/Central Bank and maritime interdiction NOW!