Shah "taking history to the grave"

Interview with BBC


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Happy what new year?

by پندارنیک on

As an Iranian, I don't celebrate the Gregorian new year thing........I use it for my tax purposes only............jooneh oon baabaaye "azizet" ke az "zero" shoroo kard, khodeto vaase man loos nakon, and drop the stupid side-talk, such as avatarology(?) ke man pas oftaadeh haayeh darbaari tooye omram ziaad didam........As far as your desperate justification for the Shah's dictatorial regime goes, here you have it guys after more than three decades fail to accept his historic and detrimental wrongs while you claim you have the best remedy for today's'll never work that way..........




"In the shotgun marriage of

by Joubin on

"In the shotgun marriage of 1979 An-Gholab, the Iranian grooms became the brides of the Akhoonds continued to this day...! :-)"

The bride was Iran and the groom the Iranian.  & the bride was knocked up by a holy goat.

And here is the tragic offspring of that maculate conception:



Think Clearly

by Joubin on

Let me explain to you what Pendareh Neek means:

What is a Neek thought?  It has be logical, considered and requires clarity of mind.  (Ideologically framed thought is typically not "neek".)

1 - Transitioning from a multi-party to one-party within the same political system is not quite identical to the complete overhaul of the political system.  So here you are making a categorical error.  (Because you are an ideologue.)

2 - Shah fully explained what this future would be, unlike the 79 "vote".  So here you have failed to give the due 'consideration' to all the facts and circumstances.  

Think Clearly, Speak Straight, and Act Decisively, if you are indeed an Iranian

(And don't worry about History and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Aryamehr.  You are counting on a continual display of ignorance on the part of Iranian nation and I assure you will be proven wrong.) 

Happy new year! 

Oon Yaroo

Of "shotgun marriage" & the reversal of the groom and the bride!

by Oon Yaroo on

Usually, in a shotgun marriage the groom stays a groom and the bride stays a bride although to much chagrin of the former!!

In the shotgun marriage of 1979 An-Gholab, the Iranian grooms became the brides of the Akhoonds continued to this day...! :-)



"I remember that day vividly -- it was a beautiful sunny day"

by پندارنیک on

........Same here...........when His Majesty had us lined up for registering at the "Resurrection Party".............I tell you, things were resurrecting from beneath His royal foot which ultimately and most justifiably grabbed all his dirty family to the history's garbage bin...............Most of us could see the dark clouds gathering on the horizon........


shotgun marriage

by Joubin on

"What kind of referundom was that, when people's ONLY choice was a "YES" or "NO" to a concept which they had no idea about?"

Roozbeh Jaan, I remember that day vividly -- it was a beautiful sunny day in Tehran with fluffy clouds and my uncle took me to the polling station with him to vote.  What you wrote above is precisely what I asked him about.  

I fully doubt that a matter that was so clear to a 13 year old child was not understood by the (educated) adult population.  The alternative is to accept that Iranians lack basic common sense.  (Is that true?  I don't think so.  We're a smart people, for the most part.)  

Those who did participate in that theatre need to accept the responsibility for even going to those polling stations, like sheep lead to political slaughter.  Of course, there was the whiff of Revolutionary Terror in the air in those days and perhaps I should not be so judgmental of that bewildered generation

It is milestones like this that undermine the narrative of the revolutionary ones (left to right, all).    


"shah was responsible for economic crisis ..." - fact check

by Joubin on


this BS, lie, of "99% voted for islamic Republic and VF"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Repeated so much recently , has really one objective only: frightening people of the idea of another revolution, overthrowing the Fascist VF Islamic republic. 

Not only in places like Baloochestan, Torkman Sahra, Kurdestan , where  people overwhelmingly and actively opposed the creation of the Islamic so called Republic, but even in places like Gilan, as a child I remeber huge demonstrations in Rasht against this fake referendom, being attacked by small gangs of armed to teeth "hezbullah" thugs.

What kind of referundom was that, when people's ONLY choice was a "YES" or "NO" to a concept which they had no idea about? If this so called "referendum" was not the counter revolution at a grand scale, what was it then? 

It is not surprising at all that the counter revolutioanries of VF who stole our revolution are now terrified of meeting  Shah's fate, hence warning people daily about the "dangers of another Revolution", asking them to wait 400 years for reforms, VF style!

boro baba, khar khodeti!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


You're mixing things up; VF was developed by Khomeini only

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Somehow after 32 years you still don't fully comprehend those six months from 17 Sharivar to 22 Bahman that led to demise of monarchy. Islamic Republic was not a forgone conclusion on 22 Bahman. It became the conclusion due to many different factors. Complexities of such situations remains beyond you ken. All you monarchists and closet monarchists like to blame are the Iranian people. Such an approach only demonstrates the limitations of your analysis, understanding and minds.

And I've got some limitations of time on me, right now, as I'm about to get started making my espeshial cholo kabab of the day. On that note, caio & bon appetit. Outta here

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We agree the Shah made the conditions for revolution. My point is that he did not make the VF regime; opposition did. This was going on for years. Remember the speech Golesorkhi gave. 

Regarding IR; I agree the 99% is bull and good for the people of Kurdistan. But the result is here and both you and I see. Why did other leaders just roll over and submit to Khomeini. Why pick a backward ass to replace a modern ass. You tell me.


تا گوساله گاو بشه, دل صاحبش آب میشه!

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

shah was responsible for creating the economic conditions (his gargantuan expansionary program, and the failure to continue financing it) and the political conditions (utter dictatorship with Rastakhiz...)  that led to 1979.

After 17 Shahrivar even Bakhtiar was too little too late.

Majority of people in Kurdestan voted against IR. Kurdestan wasn't the only province with such a pattern of voting.

That BS which says  99% voted for IR, is just another Hezbollah propaganda, repeated here by Khebi and her/his ilk, and you're falling for it.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

HTG part II

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


shah wa responsible for the dictatorship that led to the revolution.

Yes but he was not responsible for the Islamic Republic. People had Bakhtiyar and rejected him; putting responsibility for VF on them.

shah was responsible for the failure of all reform attempts that led to revloution.

Revolution does not mean a religious Monarchy. Who removes a dictator and replace him with another. Did these geniuses realize they were creating another Monarchy? The revolutionaries were Monarchists who  preferred Khomeini.

You despise Iranian people for kicking out your shah, Iranian people have the exact same feeling for you and your obtuseness.

Please do not put words in my mouth I don't despise Iranian people. Not even the idiots who went for IRI; they paid enough already. We all paid just that some like me did not deserve to pay while others did. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Alright Shah made mistakes I agree to some of it. But disagree with the "economic crisis". The world goes through cycles. There are many dictatorship around the world. And there have been many revolutions. 

But people don't decide to go to the 6th century. Show me one other nation that went to pre-medieval because of econom or repression. In 1979 revolutionaries got all they wanted in Bakhtiyar. Did you support him and if not why?

Regardless of what you did most rejected Bakhtiyar and picked Khomeini. Did people bother to read his writings? Did anyone think what "Islamic Republic" meant? What of non Muslims; do they have any rights. What kind of idiot trades Shah for VF? One dictator for another one! Plenty of blame goes to the ones who went for an Islamic Republic. It was the dumbest political system in history of the world. Only second to an Islamic Marxist which thankfully we did not get.



shah was responsible for economic crisis that led to revolution

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

shah wa responsible for the dictatorship that led to the revolution.

shah was responsible for the failure of all reform attempts that led to revloution.

Exactly what part of these three lines you apologist monarchists can't undrstand?

You despise Iranian people for kicking out your shah, Iranian people have the exact same feeling for you and your obtuseness.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes I know it is always someone else's fault. I was a teenager and realized Khomeini was bad news. How would grown "Political Activists" not have realized it. That by itself tells me: do not take advise from them! 

As you know I am not a big fan of military action. Not without a "Government In Exile" and an internal movement. And only in support of a domestic move. Because I think it will backfire; hurt Iranians and is bad for America.

But my decisions are based on my own analysis. Now if there is an attack it is pure insanity to fight back. The way to minimize damage is immediate surrender. It will save lives and property. I am not willing to sacrifice Iranian lives to retain VF.



by Simorgh5555 on

Do you know what the irony is?

The same people who participated in the revolution of 1979 and cannot come to terms with their own culpability for messing up their country are giving lessons to me that military action will be disastrous for Iran.

If they accepted responsibility themselves I would be more than willing to take advice from losers  but otherwise I don't have time for has-beens.

<sob> <sob> Nasty Shah, Bad Shah <sob> <sob> If it wasn't for the Shah I would not have been so stupid as to start a revolution and it wouldn't have gone down hill from then on <sob> I was young and foolish, I dinn't know what to do after the Shah left. I believed in Khomeini <sob> <sob> IT WASN'T MY FAULT BOOOO HOOOOOO


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Great Revolution

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


People face truth your revolution was a miserable failure. You got only yourselves to blame. Years of plotting and planning got the result we have. It takes a great deal of courage to admit you were wrong.

How many are prepared to take responsibility. Or would rather swear and blame others because it is simpler. But it was your mistake not mine or others who oppose the revolution. I now always will blame revolutionaries for the mess.


One more thing he forgot to mention!

by Arj on

That he was taking the institution of monarchy with him to the grave!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

curse indeed.

merci         Maziar


Confucius curse

by Rea on

"May you live in interesting times".


Pendar Jan

by Simorgh5555 on


Had it not for the big screw up which followed the Great Revolution,....."

And whose fault is that, Penar Jan? Is that the fault of the Shah still, Pendar jan? As you so self-righteously declare, you "kicked out the shah" amd what became next?

Because you and your "generation" were such incompetent reprobates you did not know the first thing about how to govern and gave away your Great revolution to the Khomeneist. You and your generation were either too dumb or like that idiot Ebrahim Yazdi has now admitted, you did not have a clue what system of government to replace the hated Shah with.

As a revolutionary, had it not been for your sheer incompetence a whole new generation of Iranians would not have been condemned to abject misery with no future other than a daily diet of Koran and medieval punishment.  

How dare you leave Iran! It was your responsibility to stay in Iran and enjoy the fruit of your revolution. You are too blame.  You condemned a whole generation of Iran to a virtual hell and did a runner when the proverbial hit the fan. You carried out the worst crime imaginable on the people of Iran, regardless of your intentions and flew like a fugitive. 

What? Do you think the Shah is still at fault for screwing up your revolution. Power was in your hand but you mucked it up. Its time you with the help of your therapist conducted a series of critical self-evaluation and find out where the fault really lies. Its funny that you don't even blame Khomenini

Your attitude is the same as the incompetent man who cannot conceive but blames his wife. If you were to stay in Iran you would have found good company with the Mullahs, especially this one who blames cheating men on women who do not want to have sex:


Accept the truth Pendar. You mucked up!  


let us not forget that

by Khebedin on

let us not forget that almost 99% of Iranian pushed the Shah out of the country, without really thinking what to replace him with . Do not repeat the same mistake. Think before you take your next step. I don't want to see 40 years later evryone wishing for what they have now. Make sure you know what you get before giving away what you have.

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Thanks to late shah & laanatola khomeini

to show us the true faces of Iranians & Islam.



Good point RG, Thank you

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

We really are all united on getting these criminals brutalizing and destroying Iran and her people.  Its good to remind me at times how badly these lying, murdering, thieving corrupt islamic authorities cheated us all on so many levels, no one could have really intended this to happen.  Its just so painful remembering what these mullahs did, they executed so many innocent people we knew no trial, like a guy secretary working with my dad and our pets, the mullahs freaking blinded our pet horse.  They weren't busy harming just anyone, they focussed mostly on the most innocent and weakest people because they supported the king.  We can not let that happen when mullahs are defeated, yes go for heads/ayatollahs and only after a trial/ but not the ordinary person who is an innocent follower of what ever guy.  The thieves are going to scram and take money, those are the ones we need to remember are the target to go after.  Any IRI person leaving with $ we need to pursue, not niave followers, unless the mullah somehow helped bring the mullahs down. 


Happy New Year Amir Parviz

by Joubin on

... and the rest of the Family. (Estranged or not ;)

All the best in the new year. 


on those "who actively kicked shah out of our beloved homeland "

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

those folks,love them or hate them, are either burried  at numerous secret mass graves in Iran, courtesy of Islamist regime, or in jail, or if lucky enough abroad, and by no means in the habit of praising the Fascist VF regime  on internet forums, 24/7, using dozen or so user ID's.  

Now, i really need to find a place to pardy.....


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


LOL Joubin and all Happy New Year

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Loved the comment, "Blame my mother for naming me after a weapon of war that is Straight, Unbending,  and to the Point ... 

love you all, my fellow Iranians** and want nothing more than to see
each and every one of you realize your Full God Given potential.

But my
love will not stand in the way of my tongue: We "phocked" up and were
ungrateful.  You and I disagree.  That is fine. (Can you live with

I wish this New Year Brings the Regime in Iran Down and after we the people of Iran rip it down, we freely choose to have a Secular Monarchy and a Secular Democracy both in place to replace the IRI, Long Live The King, Long Live Iran, Long Live the Culture of Iran.


LOL Joubin and all Happy New Year

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Loved the comment, "Blame my mother for naming me after a weapon of war that is Straight, Unbending,  and to the Point ... 

love you all, my fellow Iranians** and want nothing more than to see
each and every one of you realize your Full God Given potential.

But my
love will not stand in the way of my tongue: We "phocked" up and were
ungrateful.  You and I disagree.  That is fine. (Can you live with

I wish this New Year Brings the Regime in Iran Down and after we the people of Iran rip it down, we freely choose to have a Secular Monarchy and a Secular Democracy both in place to replace the IRI, Long Live The King, Long Live Iran, Long Live the Culture of Iran.


Ahhhhhh there you go پندارنیک the little traitor fesses up.


Still working on blaming others hey?  Try Shame.  It will work far better for your spirit.  That is once you learn like HTG may one day, to painfully regret your own involvement in crimes against people then your character will become stronger and brighter.  Be my guest, try it.  But warning, you first need some self esteem پندارنیک


O.K. amirparviz, anything you say, it was all just a bad dream.

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Happy new year and good night.