Kurdish Rebels Holding "Indirect Talks" With Iran

Interview with PKK leader

سناریویی کهنه دوباره تازه شده است؛ حملات به کردهای خودی در سرزمین های غیر خودی. ترکیه مواضع حزب کارگران کردستان پ‌ک‌ک را در شمال عراق بمباران می‌کند. ایران به حزب حیات آزاد کردستان- پژاک- در مرزهای ایران و عراق حمله می کند. تهران و آنکارا این گروه ها را تروریست و تهدیدی برای امنیت خود می خوانند. این گروه ها، اما، می گویند به رفتار این کشورها با کردها معترضند و برای آزادی مردمشان می جنگند. نفیسه کوهنورد، خبرنگار بی‌بی‌سی، با مراد کاراییلان، فرمانده نیروهای پ‌ک‌ک در ترکیه، گفت‌وگوی اختصاصی انجام داده است.


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کردستان سنگر تسخیر ناپذیر انقلاب ایران

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

16 مرداد 1384 روزی به یادماندنی در تاریخ مبارزات مردم کردستان
روز 18 تیرماه سال 1384 مامورین جمهوری اسلامی یکی از مبارزان شهر مهاباد
به نام "کمال اسفرام" معروف به "شوانه سید قادری" را به قصد دستگیری دنبال
کردند. آنان پس از ناتوانی در دستگیری "شوانه" وی را به رگبار گلوله بستند و
زخمی كردند. دژخیمان این جوان زخمی را شکنجه دادند، او را کشتند و جنازه
مثله شده اش را با بی احترامی حمل کردند و به خانواده اش تحویل دادند. قصد
آنان از این عمل ددمنشانه مرعوب ساختن مردم بود، اما نتیجه عکس گرفتند...
22 تیر اهالی مهاباد برای نشان دادن اعتراض بیشتر به رفتار خشونت آمیز
ماموران و میلیتاریزه کردن شهر در کنار تداوم تظاهرات خود، مغازه ها را
بستند و مراکز کار را تعطیل کردند..
.. کومه له سازمان کردستان حزب کمونیست ایران،   روز 16 مرداد 1384 را
روز اعتصاب عمومی در کردستان اعلام کرد. فراخوان  کومه له طی اطلاعیه ای
که در روز 11 مرداد منتشر گردید به اطلاع عموم رسید.
.. حركت
مردمی 16 مرداد سال 1384 اولین اعتصاب عمومی و سراسری بود كه بعد از 26
سال در كردستان در چنین مقیاس شكوهمندی انجام می پذیرفت. این روز به تاریخ
پرافتخار مبارزات مردم كردستان پیوست. گرامی باد یاد این روز تاریخی، پیروز
باد جنبش انقلابی مردم كردستان



by BaronAvak on

Khomeini himself was an intelligence asset of British intelligence.  Down with him as well.  But this issue has nothing to do with Khomeini, since even Mohammad Reza Shah before him, and Reza Shah before him, and so on, had the same policy of maintaining Iran's territorial integrity.

However, that doesn't mean Iranians must accept Kurdish separatist terrorists either, as the anti-Iranian spam propagandist fake profiles like "Roozbeh_Gilani", "Fred" and "Simorgh555" insist.

What Iranian patriot would support the dismemberment of his own country?  If you support separatist terrorist groups, you are even worse than the IRI. 


Bravo BaronAvak

by BoosBoos on

this is about Iran.

by BaronAvak on 

What does opposing Kurdish separatist terrorists have to do with IRI? Reza Shah himself had the same policy, and rightfully so, to protect Iran against separatist terrorists who kill Iranians and want to divide Iran.


Even if Santa Claus and the Pope are the next President and Vice President of Iran: No separatist-terror organizations should allowed.  

Soosan Khanoom

Are U kidding me?

by Soosan Khanoom on

Censorship and sever punishments including every single thing you brought up for accusations such as Witchcraft,Blasphemy,Bigamy,Sodomy,Freemasonry...

list goes on ......

The Inquisition would simply walk down the streets, order men to drop their pants down and if they were circumcised those men then would be sent to jail for the crime of being either a muslim or a jew ... And yes they would rape virgins before excuation as well.  Something adopted by IRI directly from Catholic church  .... 


I was actually a little harsh on IRI ...  but if you think it over there is no  such a thing as less evil anyway ....



Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Faced with evidence of IRI Bassij Child killers in Kurdestan, the shameless IRI apologists immediately say "hell with IRI" from one side of the mouth, yet supporting the actions of the islamist regime from the other side!

I thought it was supposed to be a 80-20 thing (80% attack of IRI so you sound like an opposition, followed by 20% attack on IRI sworn enemies).

You boys and girls need to go back to basic training, right away:)

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


A question from Baron Avak, Allaf, Choghok, Kissy kissy: Does

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Khomeini's giving an order of Jahad against all people of Kurdestan (thereby clearing the way for murder and massacre of civilians in Kurdestan) qualify him as a terrorist? Please elaborate.


Calling IR the same as Spanish Inquisition,would be a complement

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

to IR.

In Spanish Inquisition they didn't rape virgins before executing them, they didn't  stone people to death, and they certainly didn't have a gang of apologists typing away all day long.

It will take decades for the Iranian society to recover from the crimes of IR. We've already wasted 32 years.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

The word Spanish Inquisition describes IRI the best !!!   


Once an obtuse apologist, always an obtuse apologist

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

You still haven't said a word on murders, crimes and atrocities of IR in Kurdestan.

I know it's a big challenge for you apologists to read and understand the truth, but for once in your life, try it. It might work even for you.

Read all the testimonies below about how IR military forces beheaded Koran carrying civilians in Kurdestan, their  fellow-muslims, only because they were Kurds. What  would  you call such mudredring individuales?

Their official title is Guardians Of Islamic Reaction?  Guardians of Death sounds more accurate? What do you think?


F. the IRI, this is about Iran.

by BaronAvak on

What does opposing Kurdish separatist terrorists have to do with IRI? Reza Shah himself had the same policy, and rightfully so, to protect Iran against separatist terrorists who kill Iranians and want to divide Iran.

Face facts.  The PKK terrorists are not exactly Muhatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. here.  They're violent terrorists fighting to take a piece of Iranian land, which has been a part of Iran since the dawn of civilization, and make it into a separate fake country called "Kurdistan."  Anyone who supports this cause is anti-Iranian.  


Why is it that apologists of IR don't have a word to say on

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

the crimes and atrocities of IR in Kurdestan? And when ever someone asks them this questions, the query is deleted by the Admin?

P.S. "Apologists" in here would be choghok, Baron, Kissy  kissy, Allaf aka Mid Westy, Admin being Admin!


choghok is 100% correct & Iranians reject terrorists among them

by BoosBoos on

I agree with choghok:


Dirty methods by PKK

by choghok on 

Turkey is for sure not democratic towards its kurdish people but PKK is just like MKO an undemocratic group that kills people and put up a nice front. A lot of civilians were killed in the war between PKK and Turkish army (by both sides) and never they saw it as a reason to stop but once their beloved leader was arrested then they suddenly came to conclusion that violence is wrong.

Pzhak [PJAK] is not equal to kurdish people either. You can kill and damage with gun but you can not build anything by it, they are doomed to fail.  


This is what I wrote to someone doing public relations to make PKK seem like a reasonable group:

The U.S. aslo has labelled them a terror group ....

by BoosBoos on 

Office of Counterterrorism, U.S. Dep. of State, listing: "Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)" as FTO (foreign terrorist organization); 

Council of the European Union Listing  "Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)" as a terror group.  


"by Roozbeh_Gilani on How can [a person] label any group, let alone the brave people of Kurdestan as Terrorists, is simply beyond me...... "



۲۸ مرداد سالروز آغاز مقاومتی سرفرازانه در مقابل یورش جنایتکاران

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

۲۸ مرداد، سالروز یورش نظامی رژیم جمهوری اسلامی به کردستان است. سی
و دو سال پیش در چنین روزی، خمینی فرمان جهاد علیه مردم کردستان را صادر
کرد و لشکریان جهل و خرافه را برای سرکوب مردم مبارز و انقلابی به کردستان
گسیل داشت.
مدت کمتر از 6 ماه که جمهوری اسلامی سرگرم آماده ساختن خود برای حمله مجدد
دیگری بود، کومه له علیرغم کارشکنی های که در داخل کردستان صورت می گرفت،
در تدارک آماده ساختن افکار عمومی مردم کردستان برای روبرو شدن با تهاجم
محتوم دیگری بود. جمهوری اسلامی از یک مذاکره واقعی با هیئت نمایندگی مردم
کردستان طفره می رفت و با مانورهای فریبکارانه برای خود فرصت می خرید. چنین
بود که در فروردین ماه سال 1359 نیروهای خود را از چند جبهه به مرزهای
کردستان نزدیک کرد و سرانجام تهاجم خود را از کامیاران آغاز نمود و به
دروازهای شهر سنندج نزدیک شد. مقامت حماسی 24 روزه ای در این شهر صورت گرفت
و این مقاومت در دیگر شهرها و روستاهای کردستان سنگر به سنگر دنبال شد.
رژیم نتوانست هیچ سنگری را بدون عبور از مقاومتی جانانه فتح کند. مقاومت
مسلحانه برای سالها ادامه یافت و نیروهای رژیم را در کردستان زمین گیر کرد.
اگرچه رژیم سرانجام توانست تفوق نظامی به دست بیاورد، اما هرگز و تا همین
اکنون نیز نتوانسته است مردم را به تمکین و تسلیم وا دارد. مردم کردستان
جنبش انقلابی خود را در اشکال متنوع و در سنگرهای متعدد دیگری حفظ کرده اند



28 مرداد - جنایت جمهوری اسلامی در کردستان

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

28 مرداد - جنایت جمهوری اسلامی در




شاهدان عینی جنایات جمهوری اسلامی در کردستان ـ ویدیو

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

چند شاهد عینی از
جنایات فجیع رژیم جمهوری اسلامی  کە با دستور
خمینی و فتوای جهاد وی بە  روستاهای قارنا، قلاتان،
هندرقاش وسوکند، خانەجوی، سرچنار، سوزی و قرەگول
یورش آوردند و مردم زیادی اعم از زن و بچە و پیر و
جوان را  قتل عام کردند. ماجرا را از زبان شاهدان
عینی بشنوید


You gotta love the Neo-Con Trolls in this site

by alaaf on

The very same people who call Palestinians and Lebanese resistance dirty Arab terrorists, call Kurdish separatist brave and courages fighters. But anyway don't feed the trolls.  I thought it was really funny when the PKK leader said that Iran is asking them to stop dealing with PJAK and at the same time America is demanding PJAK to stop dealing with PKK. Such a life in 21 century geopolitics. 


"Choghok": Have you no shame or Can you not read in Farsi?

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

So let me translate the list of some "PKK terrorists"  I already supplied to your buddy "BoosBoos", who were  killed by Turkish army just last week. I think you'd still be able to smell their blood if you manage to peal yourself off the computer chair  and travel to the "war zone" of kurdestan:

1) Solin Shomal 6 months old baby..

2) Sonia Shomal : 4 years old (girl?)

3) Askar ozi hossein: 10 years old

4) Rana hossein: 11 years of age

Now tell me genious; what has murder of a 6month old baby or a 4 year old little girl got to do with PKK, Pejak , let alone MKO who you very conveniently tried to drag into this completely unrelated debate?


Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Dirty methods by PKK

by choghok on

Turkey is for sure not democratic towards its kurdish people but PKK is just like MKO an undemocratic group that kills people and put up a nice front. A lot of civilians were killed in the war between PKK and Turkish army (by both sides) and never they saw it as a reason to stop but once their beloved leader was arrested then they suddenly came to conclusion that violence is wrong.

Pzhak is not equal to kurdish people either. You can kill and damage with gun but you can not build anything by it, they are doomed to fail.


تعطیل کردن پروژه های عمرانی به بهانه ناامن بودن کردستان

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


List of "kurdish Terrorists" For Miss Hezbullah Kiss Kiss....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

بیشتر قربانیان این حادثه‌ کودکانی بین شش ماه تا 11 سال هستند.

به‌ گزارش خبرگزاری پیامنیر اسامی قربانیان حمله‌ خونین جنگنده‌های ترک عبارتند از:

1 – سولین شمال حسن 6 ماهه‌

2 – سونیا شمال حسن 4 ساله‌

3 – اسکار عوزیر حسن 10 ساله‌

4 – زانا حسین 11 ساله‌

5 – ریزان حسین 24 ساله‌

6 – میر حاجی 45 ساله‌

7 – حسین مصطفی حسن 55 ساله‌



Miss Kiss Kiss :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

"Is Iranian.com some sort of a meeting place for people lending support to recognized terror groups?   Seriously, what's up?"

You have a point sista. Look at all these  scum  bags here, supporting the terrorist groups such as Hezbullah, Hamas, and IRCG Quds group . All listed as terrorist entities in the office of counterterrorism of department of state you'd been so eagerly looking at :) 

Now tell me:

 where in North Tehran the fat terrorist kingpin, Hassan nassrullah, the leader on the run of Hezbullah terror group hiding these days, and when are you going to take a shower? you have been in front of your computer keyboard for at least two weeks non stop, you are begining to smell bad:)

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


The U.S. aslo has labelled them a terror group ....

by BoosBoos on

Office of Counterterrorism, U.S. Dep. of State, listing: "Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)" as FTO (foreign terrorist organization); 

Council of the European Union Listing  "Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)" as a terror group.  


"How can the Islamist Regime, the biggest terrorist entity

by Roozbeh_Gilani on 

in the world,  label any group, let alone the brave people of Kurdestan as Terrorists, is simply beyond me...... "


Is Iranian.com some sort of a meeting place for people lending support to recognized terror groups?   Seriously, what's up?


How can the Islamist Regime, the biggest terrorist entity

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

in the world,  label any group, let alone the brave people of Kurdestan as Terrorists, is simply beyond me...... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."