Imam Ali: An Expose

Spicy Jihad


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Heyf az Free speech.

by Doctor X on

Muslims don't consider Ali "Imam" or at all sacred.

 Don't you understand this is brainwashing from Safavid's time? All the historical data is there. Just read it. Rulers of Iran early on wanted to split from Sunni power structure. Therefore cooked up Shiite. It is pure bull and 100% political. Now idiots go nuts over this.

Yeah everyone Look at me! You are Idiots for going Nuts over this. Look at me exercizing my rights to freedom of Speech and calling You Idiots. Let this be a lesson to you. Look at this and learn from it, This is what we mean by freedom of speech. Insulting people and calling them brainwashed. Disregarding the fact that History is made up of a collection of works by various authors and historians, Not just that portion of work that i am referrring to. And for every historian  that confirms what i am saying, There are a few who might be saying quite the opposite.

Yeah, But , YOU , You who dare to disagree with me are a small-minded, Bigotted, Good-for-nothing, Islamist who has brought nothing but misery for me and my nation. yes. that is right. To hell with what you believe, You are nothing but a Khorafati,  because It does not matter what the real facts are, I can say what i want and i can call you all kinds of names, And That to me is Freedom of speech.

Yeah You god damn brainwashed, dummies.  


Why are some people so small minded as to be unable to deal? People get to say what they want! Don't like it: don't read it. Simple and easy.

Great F.. question. why don't you stop reading this stuff so you won't end up losing control and resort to Fahashi and belitteling others?



by PERS66 on

I can really relate to most of your last comment,


That why early on in my life I decided to have  no part in any kind of politics, I simply do not see any truth in it no matter what side, party or brand! Such actions always has a backlash in some way “action, reaction”


I may on occasion contribute or comment  on  true humanitarian efforts but as a human being I try to educate myself, learn about my rights and duties as human being on earth, respect the basic human rights of others, and at best try to contribute to society as best as I can. If I can do all of the above I have done my deed in this very short time that I have on this earth?


Personally I was not one to be satisfied with simply and blindly inheriting the spiritual and religious views of the family or culture I come from, any faith or beliefs I have on those topics is based on seeking, evaluating and experiencing spirituality, religion, ethics and philosophy with in a proactive fashion that would have a practical and beneficial impact in my daily life. If I would have any believe in ALI  or other mystical or religious personalities its based on years of practical research and evaluation of different cultural schools and views, not by blindly accepting material written  in an  article hear or an opinion there or loyalty to a single school or sect of thought on the subject.


The blog

by MM on

The blog Colonoscopy targeted Jews by placing the star of David, an equivalent to Islam, in the large colon, presumably behind anus.  I did not see any Jews jumping up and down condemning the Colonoscopy drawing, but it was interesting to ask Iraj how he would feel if some other artist had placed the face of you-know-who or a picture of you-know-what in place of the star of David.

I did not like it when the body of virgin Mary was illustrated with cow manure in NY, did not care for Colonoscopy, did not care for this blog either, but I did not jump up and down asking for the wrath of God to come down on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Unfortunately, I also predicted that there would be a backlash, and that Iraj thought that he is so clever, but he opened a whole can of taboo whoop@ss.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Even most

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Muslims don't consider Ali "Imam" or at all sacred. Don't you understand this is brainwashing from Safavid's time? All the historical data is there. Just read it. Rulers of Iran early on wanted to split from Sunni power structure. Therefore cooked up Shiite. It is pure bull and 100% political. Now idiots go nuts over this.

Why are some people so small minded as to be unable to deal? People get to say what they want! Don't like it: don't read it. Simple and easy.


Very Nice

by masoudA on

Those of you who are insulted or push for removal of this thread - let me tell you: You are exactly the problem not with just Iran but the whole world in this day and age.   Not only you do not understad what God and life is all about - your blind followership of the BS implanted in your brain is beyond all logic.  

The worst thing about your kind is your first instict of removal and elimination of everything beyond your pittyfull taste or comprehension.   

PS - NOTHING SACRED - that is what this site is about. 



by PERS66 on

The colonoscopy cartoon was targeting a political state not a religious or holy figure,


I even made a comment on that blog stating or pointing out that Israel is not the only black sheep state in the region and it would be only fair to point out the other states with such ruthless conduct towards humanity and not single out Israel.


In my own heart I have the same love and respect for Imam Ali and Mohammad as I have for mosses, Jesus, Zoroaster, Buddha and many other men of light and holy figures, I see them all as teachers of humanity that each brought law, order and higher ethics for their society and culture of the time and have respect for each of them, I don’t think if there was no truth to them their philosophy’s would not have lasted after passage of thousands of years!


The problem is organized religion gradually became a tool for politicians to manipulate the masses and through them at each other’s thoughts for the benefits of their own agenda: greed and control over resources and what we see today is very far from the true word and intensions of such teachers or holy men.


Perhaps the generations to come will find a solution to this by uniting the idea of spirituality and religion by organizing it into a unity of study like other fields of human study and make it available as ONE educational unit and brand available in an academic setting like universities instead of thousands of churches, temples and masjeds were the seeker is at the mercy of whatever local preacher with his own view and agenda.


I hope to see this day.


God bless us all.



by Iraniandudee3 on

I learned the history of Imam ali in 7 minutes, this really works.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

The subtle threat implied on JJ by "abusaleh" is tantamount

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

to reporting his/her IP address to the FBI!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree with MM

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

who the heck is "abusaleh" anyway. I have news for people: God is not going to take orders from you. In other words don't tell God what to do; particularly if you are a believer. God will manage without Abusaleh instructions.


wow really?

by Haameed on

Seriously, lighten up people.


Its ok for people to make funny videos about Jews or Jesus, but when something comes up regarding some guy who wasn't even the founder of Islam ,everyone goes into a frenzy. 


IMO, who cares? Ali was a murderer not a saint. Remember he played a part in the Islamic conquest of Iran, you know. the one that nearly wiped out our culture and language?


Get over yourselves, you're not God's chosen people, so therefore your beloved prophets and imams are just as vulnerable to criticism and comedy as anyother religions' founders.


Keep up the good work!

by pedramx on

Fantastic job!! I am looking forward for 11 more episodes of this depicting all 12 Imam and a special episode for Mohammad! it was truly excellent job! Thanks for posting it here!


JJ - if u remove this blog, then u have to remove colonoscopy

by MM on

JJ - if you remove this blog as requested by abusaleh, then you have to remove Colonoscopy by Iraj Yamin Esfandiary which is probably very offensive to Jews.  And, to our "big surprise", some Islamists at the other site were praising Iraj for a clever drawing.

Please choose carefully, since once you start erasing blogs for being offensive to a segment, you will be flooded with requests to remove this and that.


Please remove this link from

by abusaleh on

Please remove this link from your website if you have any decency. If you do not, I will pray that you are punished and CURSE OF GOD upon the person that made this video. Your agenda is now clear.


Amir19 and IranianDude sed it all….

by PERS66 on

Done in very cheap taste, nothing to come of the art work other than insulting the beliefs of many millions,And if there is any truth to the spiritual rank and mysticism of such holy figures, well then karma is bitch and the artists who created this have it coming.

Even if you look at it from a scientific stand point, a universal law:

Every action has a reaction!

Kill Mouse Traps

Hilarious :O)

by Kill Mouse Traps on

I died laughing, or in another word Ali killed me.  Attention to details is amazing, for example in minute 2:13, after he gets rich he is wearing a Zoroastrian gold medallion!


very cool , i love history

by Darveesh on

hamsade ghadimi

truly shameful

by hamsade ghadimi on

poor ebi, did you guys have to do that?  otherwise, it was funny.  keep it coming.  for future reference, put a warning so that religious people won't click on the play button. ya ali. :D



by IranianDude on

This is my first time posting to this site. 

I am OK with critical even angry posts against IRI and their supporters.  However, this insipid post is a huge waste of time and an insult to truly spiritual men and women throughout our history who conisder him holy. Before hitting a reply button with some asinine historical "facts" check with any major site on Sufism or Islamic Mysticism. 

Khoda shafaatoon bedeh!


What a waste of talent!

by Amir19 on

All the energy and work to produce such a cheap animation to prove what? I am not the kind of person that makes idols from Prophets and Imams (like most christians, jews and muslims) but frankly insulting what some people consider a holy man, does not serve any purpose. Your desperate attempt to get some cheap laugh from people who will see this stupid animation shows that you don't have the intelectual capacity to discuss topics such as religion in a mature way. Anyways, 22 of Khordad is right around the corner and I wish people would post more relevant articles here. And as for creators of this animation, take a look at to understand the true purpose of all religions.  I personally believe Shia and Suni muslims have gone astray from the true path of Islam. After all when Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali were alive, they didn't call themselves Shia or Suni, just Muslims.