Iranians in One Word

Answers from Iranian Americans


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Iranians in one word?

by Raelynn on


Shazde Asdola Mirza

این تنها لغتیه که همه ما رو به هم وصل میکنه!

Shazde Asdola Mirza


شاهی ها: پشیمون

اسلامی ها: پشیمون

چپی ها: پشیمون

ملی‌ ها: پشیمون

مجاهدین: پشیمون

آخوندا: پشیمون

پولدارا: پشیمون

بی‌ پولا: پشیمون

جانی‌های بی‌ وطن و بی‌ وجدان: خوشحال و سرحال.


That's so polite Shazde!

by benross on

It's more like 'goh khordeh'!

Shazde Asdola Mirza


Shazde Asdola Mirza




by Iraniandudee3 on

With that kind of masloom mentality the islamic republic will stay in
power for another 1000 years, good thing Iranians aren't like



by Iraniandudee3 on

I'm a young man, and I promise you that i will accomplish more things
not only for myself but for my people than you or most people out there
by the time I die. I've decided to dedicated my life to helping my
nation and people.

khaleh mosheh

Iranians in one word

by khaleh mosheh on

Por Harf?

(Oops- is por harf one word or two words?) 

Wyatt Earp


by Wyatt Earp on

Read all my blogs.  Until my last post, I didn't share anything about my success.  It was knee jerk reaction to that "iraniandudee" comments.  I admit, I should have not posted it!


As to whether I am a "POZ BEDEH" or not, I don't drive a BMW. In fact, my car is old, nice shape and probably not worth $4k.


As to whether I share my success, at a risk of appearing as "POZ BEDEH" again, I do share significant portion of my income with those desperately in need.


And, I do not dislike Iranian.  In fact, I go out of my way to hire Iranian if qualified and have hired about a dozen in last 5 years. 

No ethnic group or nationality is perfect.  They all have good and bad attributes.  It appear to me Iranians have more than their fair share of bad attributes. 

Think, there is a reason a Taliban wanna establishment is in power in Iran for last 30 years and most likely will for next 50 years.


Wyate, the main character is: POZ DAADAN! And you are the proof

by obama on

of it. So much ego! My! True Iranian goes by: DERAKHT HAR CHEH BAARESH BISHTAREH, SARESH PAEEN TAREH! Your success has not made you less humble, but more arrogant! That is unfortuante. Do you think, most of us here are bunch of illilterate people?

I am happy for your success, but your definition of success is different than mine. To you success is the amount of money you have earned. To me, it is the love you have in your heart, and how you help others. You are very critical of iranians which some are justified, but look at yourself in the mirror, and tell me what have you done for iran or needy iranians in iran with all the money you have made? Talk is cheap! 

Reminds me of a story. My uncle (who hated mollahs), was Takhti look alike but with broader shoulders and size. Very quiet man who had a large manufacturung company. He was very proud of his iranian roots. When he passed away, many years ago. I was told that there thousands of people at his funeral. His wife was surprised that so many people knew him, and she got even more suprise to see the neighborhood SOOPOOR there. She asked him, how he knew my uncle, since he always would leave home before 6 AM? He said: KHANOOM, ..(my uncle's name) JAAHAAZEH HAFTAA DOKHTARAMO DAAD! Of course, that was a surprised to her. 

You see Mr. Wyat, you made me say this personal story, just to make a point that true iranians who might not even be the most eduacated people have MARDAANEGI. Don't just trash islam and moslems as a whole! Unfortunately, there is less MARDAANEGI today. May be you and I want to re-learn the true persian characters so we can be proud of ourselves again FIRST BEFORE JUDGING OTHERS!


Mohammad Ala

Please state your point(s) without getting upset or name calling

by Mohammad Ala on

Please state your point(s) without getting upset or name calling.  Thanks.

Wyatt Earp


by Wyatt Earp on

Jealous! Let me spoil you day.  I AM one of those successful Iranian you're bragging about.  

Just a side note, during last 10 years, what I make in Medical product license & royalty every day is more than what most engineers make in a month.    I have more patents under my name that you have years of education.  I am done with you.



by Iraniandudee3 on

I'm not saying Iranians are perfect, no, cause absolutely every culture
and people have issues of their own, but out of all the cultures and
mentality of different people I've experienced in this multi-cultural
country that is the U.s (Including Americans themselves) I can proudly
say that our culture exceeds others by far in most ways, this is why
Iranians/Persians through out history have accomplished great things
under incredible circumstances.



by Iraniandudee3 on

Average Iranians in America make more than 40 thousand dollars than
your average American yearly. Further more, I just wanted to add that
Jealousy is bad for your health.


Yoiu see

by Iraniandudee3 on

Notice how the people with low-self esteem could only point out the
stereotypes and negatives that exist only in their little world. They
get pissed off at us for saying good things about our own people,
that mentality right there is the mentality of a miserable being.


I highly doubt many of you are actually Iranian anyways.



by statira on

Doost darand hamash poz bedand.


difficult question

by Fatollah on

there are two sides to a coin.

Anahid Hojjati

I would define Iranians by the word : Adaptable

by Anahid Hojjati on

To me Iranians no matter where they are:Iran or outside Iran can best be defined by word "adaptable". That is why we have so many successful Iranian Americans and that is also why after all its crimes, IRI is still in power.

Iranians are great at adapting themselves to good and bad conditions and to me this is not necessarily always good for us.


One Word

by Saman on


Not good but not that bad either!

by Mehman on


Mr Wyatt, even during the last 1400 years we did not do as bad as you think. I agree that during the last 300 years, after the relative glory of the Safavids (if you read the European traveller's diaries who travelled in Iran, you will see much praise for the civil advancements they saw during the Safavid dynasty's rule: most of them were amazed with the civil progress and the architecture of Isfahan) we declined and especially during the rule of the backward Qajar dynasty our decline and stagnation reached its peak, this is the period when Europe was on the rise. The last 300 years have been terrible!

But the Persians have shown their genius and scientific capabilities despite the Arab and Moghul invasions. Many great middle eastern scholars and scientists had Iranian roots. As I said what really destroyed us during this period is the foreign invasions plus the spirit of dictatorial absolutism in our  unconscious political mindset: The absence of the idea of democracy and the love for an absolute dictator(king) in different disguises.

These two factors (foreign invasions and the absolutist political mindset which has its roots back to thousand of years ago in our history- as opposed to the developing idea of democracy in ancient Greece) in addition to religious fanaticism have hindred the Persian genius from developing further.

Look at most Iranians abroad and compare them to immigrants from other nationalities, they are mainly successful in comparison. What I see in America is that Iranians (in general) are a smart and well-to do minority compared to other nationalities and this mental sharpness (not in political matters but in a scientific and economical sense) has persisted throughout our history.



hamsade ghadimi

guys, guys.... just one

by hamsade ghadimi on

guys, guys.... just one word.  the only way i can describe it in one word is: heterogeneous.  just like any other place on earth.  our commonality: cynicism.  product of being born in a country that has been undemocratic for....forever.  i guess that would exclude (to some degree) iranians not raised in iran.

ebi amirhosseini

We are.....

by ebi amirhosseini on

Harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose!!.

Ebi aka Haaji

Mohammad Ala

Iranians are rich, successful, smart, etc..., amaa!!

by Mohammad Ala on

This subject is close to my heart, good observations are posted.  As a social activist who has spent many years on Iranian matters, I would like to mention two of my articles which sum up who we are:

1)      //

2)      //

Let me also share two personal occurrences that might help you to understand who we are:

1)      From Day 1, I have used my real name and picture on this and other sites.

2)      When I lived in the USA, I attended several NIPOC meetings.  This organization used to hold its meetings at Hyatt Hotel in Irvine.  I pleaded with the organizers not to hold their meetings at Hyatt because this hotel had been using a wrong name instead of Persian Gulf.  The successful Iranian arrived at Hyatt in expensive attire, driving expensive cars, and they lived in expensive homes in Orange County region of California.  Members of NIPOC hardly attended or listened to the speakers. Can you guess what NIPOC organizers told me?

They said Hyatt offered them a cheaper price in comparison to other hotels. 

Yes, Iranians are rich, successful, smart, etc.,  amaa!!


Fantastical. Amazing, Beautiful, Kind, Generous, Civilized...

by Parsagarda on

I love Iran and Iranians...

Wyatt Earp


by Wyatt Earp on

Believe me, you are not stealing my money or my job.  Unlike you, I don't mow lawn for living.  And certainly I don't brag about my accomplishment to anyone and certainly some uneducated "dude" like you.

Wyatt Earp


by Wyatt Earp on

I agree with most everything you said. I see significant potential in China & to much smaller extent to India.  I am not so certain with Brazil & Turkey.

If and when US looses to China, it is mainly attributed to financial corruption and greed in corporate America.

China was great civilization back then and certainly doing great now with  very promising future. 

Regardless, persian civilization has not done so well for last 1400 years and nearly zero for last 400 years.


Don't Go Too Fast Mr. Wyatt,

by Mehman on

you will fall down on your face!

Human history is more than 400 years! You are right about the last 400 years when West in general has been on the rise and most of the modern scientific inventions have been designed in Western countries...

But this is not ALL of the story! Human history is a cumulative process, so are the sciences and different branches of human knowledge. Science and technology did not start in the West, it all started in the cradle of civilization, i.e. the Mesopotamia and Egypt in 4000 BC, and for 2000 years there were no sign of the West.

Greece  flourished 2000 years or more AFTER Mesopotamia, and Rome started much later.

China in the far East started almost as early as the Meso civilization and remember during the Middle Ages when Europe had degenerated into the Medieval state of superstition and wars, China and Near Eastern countries were in progress and many technological inventions and scientific achievements flourished during that time (Just look at the name of many branches of mathematics and sciences which have middle eastern name: Algebra, Algorithm, chemistry: Kimia...)

Then during the Renaissance period (1500 to 1600 A.D.) the course of events changed for the next 400 years, after Western nations freed themselves from the yoke of religious oppression and kingship, and after they studied, translated and experimented with the accumulated knowledge of the Near Eastern nations and China along with Greece and Rome (just read Marcopolo's diary and see how China was progressive in comparison to the 13th century Medieval Europe) to develop modern science of technology.

And now, during the last 30 years the course of events are slowly changing again. The major developing nations are gaining confidence and momentum despite all political hindrances.

Many futurists have predicted that the next fifty years belong mainly to the awakening Dragon: China.

In addition, many developing countries like India, Turkey, Brazil etc., are gaining back their confidence, and slowly but surely they are progressing towards breaking the scientific monopoly of the West, while we do not see the same pace of progess in the leading Western nations anymore.

The course of human history is a non-uniform variable cycling  rational spline, Mr Wyatt!





by Iraniandudee3 on

What do you mean highly emotional, in what way exactly? I take action
for the things I say. What, you want us to be like your typical dull
Americans and suck the c@ck? Is that what you want sir, well, is it?



by Iraniandudee3 on

Majority of the immigrants that came to the states are new, do your
research, and they aren't cream of the crop, they are your Average
Iranians that are still immigrating to the states and stealing your
jobs and money, like me :)


Iranians, even under such a government are doing an incredible job inside Iran and outside.



by Iraniandudee3 on

Why don't you tell me what group you belong to?

Wyatt Earp


by Wyatt Earp on

BTW, where did you get the idea that I "despise the Iranians".  I simply stated my observation.

Number #9 on my list was "Highly emotional" and you not only qualify for that, based on your message you actually qualify for the rest as well.