
Islamist tries to kill cartoonist

Police shoot intruder who attempted to break into cartoonist's home

BBC: Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad sparked an international row. Mr Westergaard was at home in the western town of Aarhus when a man broke in. He pressed a panic button, then police entered and shot the man. Danish officials said the intruder was a 28-year-old Somali linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia. The cartoon, printed in 2005, prompted violent protests the following year. One of 12 cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten, it depicted the Prophet Muhammad with a bomb in his turban >>>


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زیاد نباید جدی گرفت


اگر قرآن را خوانده باشید هیچ جایش ننوشته که هرکسی به حضرت محمد و دیگر پیامبران بی حرمتی کرد سزایش مرگ است.  این تعبیر ها رو مشتی غوغاساز که شاید یکبار هم قران را کامل نخوانده اند و اگر خوانده اند روح آن را درک نکرده اند به دین اسلام می چسبانند.  حالا این کاریکاتوریست یک عمل احمقانه انجام داد ولی عکس العمل این آقایان تندرو به مراتب بیشتر به اسلام لطمه میزند تا کاریکاتور این آقا.  وسلام

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Freedom means offending!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I want to offend. Are you offended? Did I break your heart? 

As the immortal Frank Zappa said:

"Broken hearts are for assholes"


From: "The Avengers"

I offended the Affendi


JJJ u will never "hear" Muslims condemnation Not juicy enough 4u

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Islamic hypocracy!

by statira on

The terrorist guy tries to blow-up himself & others and gets offended by the cartoon of Mohamad with a bomb in his turban?

Shazde Asdola Mirza

It's funny that he seems to have fashioned the cartoon's face

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

after his own features! The resemblance is uncanny.

That's a double-blasphemy, and for that reason, it is every intelligent Muslim's duty to congratulate him and treat him to some Danish pastry ;-)

May god give some sense of humor to all Muslims, and some more cash to our beloved supreme leader!


JJ You crazy idealist.

by AlexInFlorida on

Do you know who Muslims Are?

Free Speech isn't exactly a Muslim creation.

Nor Is Freedom Of Thought

or Freedom of Expression Muslim


I can see you haven't read your koran recently emam JJ.




Should we avoid offending others?

by divaneh on

When I first saw these cartoons in 2005, I banned anything Danish and saw it as part of the propaganda and new crusades at the time of the Bush's holy war. I felt there was no need to offend people by attacking their believes in such derogatory way.

I however changed my mind a year later and realised the sometimes it is necessary to offend people if that is the only way to challenge the status quo. It is this deep belief in the undisputed truth of Islam and its backward laws that has kept so many backward Muslim countries in the dark ages. I then welcomed the opening of the debate that questions the holiest taboos, however painful some may find it.


JJJ you are just crazy! Muslims "must" eat must! Ok?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

Violence vs. Cartoon

by Jahanshah Javid on

Muslims must condemn acts of violence in their name in the strongest possible term in order to send a clear message to fellow followers that even the most offensive speech, writing, cartoon, film... does not justify killing or physically harming anyone >>> full text