Tips for 22 Bahman

Mohsen Sazegara's suggestions for protesters on anniversary of revolution


Jeesh Daram

آخه تو رو حرضیت عباس

Jeesh Daram

با لهجه عمو مجید

آخه تو رو حرضیت عباس نیگا کن بعد از شش هزار سال تمدن کارمون بجایی کشید که این آقا که خودش واسه رژیم کار میکرد حالا از اینور دنیا جوونهای مارو توی اونور دنیا شیر میکنه که پنبه بذارن تو گوششون و سوت بزنن.  اگر هم دستگیر شدند و بعد هم اعدام اون مهم نیست، فقظ مبادا بگوششون آسیبی برسه! اگر هم اینکار رژیم را از کار ننداخت، این آقا حتما یک شگرد بهتری رو ارائه میده.  حاجی خیلی جیگر داری، کلاس چندی؟  اینهم مثل اون نوری زاده یادگرفته از جمله "عزیزان من" استفاده کنه،  که گویی این آقا رهبر ماست   

Farah Rusta

آخه میخواد

Farah Rusta

آخه میخواد دکترای خودشو هم به رخ بکشه.




JD jaan Mousavi's engineering degree is not like Ahmadi's PhD!

by Anonymouse on

Mousavi is an Architect from Melli University during the time where architecture was highly valued (as much as possible in that time) and buildings were actually respecting building and architectural codes as well as city planning.  Mousavi actually worked in an Engineering firm before converting to hezbollah and he was director of some art institution prior to his summer election campaign.

Rakhshan Bani Etemad one of Iran's best film makers is a classmate of Mousavi in Melli University, just FYI.

Ahmadi's PhD on the other hand was given to him by the Islamic Republic like his presidency!  He is an expert in ignoring and denying building and city planning codes like Republicans ignore or deny global warming! 

Couple of my cousins who had to repeat 10th and 11th grades respectively ended up getting Masters degree just because they were jaanbaz!  Not that there is anything wrong with it! 

During the debates do you remember Ahmadi criticizing Mousavi's wife because she got a worthless degree from the same university that he got his PhD from?! 

Everything is sacred.

Jeesh Daram

حالا نمیشه این عنوان "مهندس" را به موسوی نبندید؟

Jeesh Daram

حالا مهندس بودن این بابا چه کمکی به اصل مطلب میکنه.  مگر دکتر بودن احمدی نژاد چی بود که مهندسی ایشان باشد؟



by Demo on

With Khomeini’s hand kissers like Mousavi & Karoubi, and with the traders like Sazgara & Makhnalbuf the “green movement” is not going to go anywhere as Khatami’s eight years presidency went nowhere. The young needs to rely on himself/herself he/she wants ever to reach his/her dreams. The “Green Zone” in Iraq, the “Green Movement” in Iran & the “Green Thing” over here & over there seem to share the same painters!!! Long live the young “brain movement.”  


I am for the green movement

by bahramthegreat on

I am for the change, but one thing that is bugging me is the  influence of other countries on the green movement, I am referring to EU & USA. If you remember the 1979 movement against the shah's government, you could clearly see the influence of other countries which eventually led into the IR government and the mess that we are now - Javid bud Iran.