Mehdi Saharkhiz

Son of imprisoned journalist Issa Saharkhiz

Interviewied by ABC's Diane Sawyer:


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ما بیشماریم


This is very true.

bacheh irany

WELL SAID AMIR19....well said.

by bacheh irany on

i guess the regime still doesn't understand that "every action has a reaction, equal in magnitude, and opposite in direction".



فرزند با شرف ایرانزمین


یک مثل معروف است که میگه:

ستمکاران زمانی میتوانند ظلم کنند که انسانهای خوب هیچکاری نکنند. بدست آوردن آزادی ساده نیست ولی با اتحاد و استقامت بهار آزادی را در ایران جشن خواهیم گرفت. هموطنان در این راه هیچوقت دلسرد و مایوس نشوید و بدانید که ما بیشماریم و ما پیروزیم چون حق با ماست



a very brave patriot....

by shushtari on

may we all be in a free iran very soon


Very brave!

by Benyamin on

Guys like him are the source of pride in all of us.


So sad.

by vildemose on

So sad.

Jahanshah Javid

Man of honor

by Jahanshah Javid on

Mehdi's father Issa was my boss around 1994 when he was the correspondent for IRNA at the United Nations in New York. I developed great respect for his honesty and open-minded approach. A good man, a good friend.

My respect for him has risen to a new level as he has been an outspoken critic for many years. And now with his imprisonment on bogus charges. They have tried to break his spirit and humiliate him to no avail.

I wish him good health and early freedom.

Thank you Mehdi for continuing in your father's footsteps.