Hoveyda in Prison

Former prison warden recalls encounter with former prime minister


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Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
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The Phantom Of The Opera


by The Phantom Of The Opera on

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.


هویدا ، عجب


هویدا ، عجب کلاسی و شهامتی از خود به این حرومزادها نشان داد، روحش

  انقلاب، حکومت و مردم حرومزاده اسلامی مثل این کثافت مسول بدبختی
ایران و ایرانیان بودند و هستند!!! این حرومزادهای قاتل رو باید پس از
پیروزی از ایران برای همیشه بیرون کرد... قطب شمال و جنوب هم  از سرشون


Here is a good example

by MRX1 on

of what your typical so called reveloutionery looked like in 1979. Wouldn't have mattered if this person had an access to khomeini's book or jefferson's book (The usuall complain we hear from some people) , the end result would have been the same!!!! The so called reveloution was doomed even before it started. I am truly sadden for people who lost their lives to these low lifes...........


Do we know were these people are

by bahramthegreat on

Do we know where these murderers like khalkhali, Yazdi, and others are currently located?. I think we should start to investigate them before they leave the country.

Paidar Iran

Bloody Murderers

by Paidar Iran on

Dorood bar Roohe Hoveyda. Hoveyda and many other Generals who were murdered right after the revelution were the true nationalists who loved their country Iran.

Marg bar Islamic Republic and its cronies.

Nader Vanaki

این حاج آقا تازه خوش تیپشونه

Nader Vanaki

همشون عین همین حاج اقا هستن.  یک بازاری تمام عیار که قبل از انقلاب لات محل بود و بعد از انقلاب به لطف ارتباطات شد کاره ای توی کمیته.  تحصیلاتی هم ندارن که دلشون به مطالعاتی خوش باشه مثل بعضی از آخوندها.  داستانهای اینجوری هم تعریف می کنن از سر نئشگی به ذهنشون می رسه چون آنقدر پای بساط و منقل برای دوستان هم عملی خودشون تعریف کردن که از آب و تاب افتاده و با کلی چاخان و پاخان تحویل می دن. از بابت خدمات در زندان های کشور هم لابد یه خونه مصادره ای به زیر قیمت بهش دادن و یک باب مغازه توقیفی مال یه فلک زده ای هم بهش دادن که در کنار حقوق بازنشستگی چاشنی هم می کنه.  اگر هم یه روز به تورتون خورد که کاری براتون توی قوه قضاییه می کنه، بی خیالش بشین چون هم دوره ای های حاج آقا دیگه کسی براشون تره خورد نمیکنه و الکی می خواد تلکه تون کنه.


آقایون فکر می


آقایون فکر می کنن با نشون دادن این ویدیو از صدا و سیما مردم چی فکر می کنن؟ من که بعد از دیدن این ویدیو برای هویدا احترام بیشتری قائلم


a man of honor and integrity

by Fatollah on

people like Hoveyda were a head of our society, culturally and intellectually. 

Roohash shad va yaadash geraami!

Azarin Sadegh

R.I.P. Hoveyda

by Azarin Sadegh on

Hoveyda was an intelligent man who lived and died with class. R.I.P..

This video made me respect even more the previous "system" as the late Hoveyda calls it.

Maryam Hojjat

Abarmard, You are right

by Maryam Hojjat on

about this bastard and his boss Khalkhali who was boold sucker crazy! 


It shows savage mentality

by Abarmard on

I feel very sorry for Marhum Hovayda. These guys should be ashamed talking behind one who is not present to defend himself. Also Hovayda showed class not talking behind a person without his presence. They should learn one or two things from this show. Khalkhali was such a bastard to have asked him to go and slap Hovayda.