Ali Pahlavi

Son of Reza Shah's second son Ali Reza, sends message to Khamenei


Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Dear Farah

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

I apologize for budding in your exchange with Mr. Phantom here but since you brought up Khoda beyamorz Taghi Zoohori and Shahnaz Tehrani I just wanted to mention the 3rd character in that group, the midget man Assdollah Yekta. He was the funnies of all!


Irooni: ROFL.. Thank you.

by vildemose on


ROFL.. Thank you. So funny. 


Farah Rusta

Alireza Pahalvi according to the IRI records

by Farah Rusta on

This is how the IRI's records see the father of Patrik (part fact, part fiction). 




Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Jallal Khalegh....what a jAneVar this guy is!?

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

True or false, if one attribute of the late Shah had unified against him Iranians of different persuasions over the years was his love for and preferential treatment to his supposedly corrupt family members and relatives!

It is very hard to believe that the Shah would have imprisoned his own nephew for petty crimes (e.g., raping a girl, stealing cars, running over a donkey rider to town, etc.)!? After all the Shah had all the politicians and the judges in his pocket, at least that's what the mullahs and the commies have always wanted us to believe!?

But if indeed Ali Partick Pahlavi, the nephew of the Shah, was imprisoned, it must have been for a good reason, right? Let's conjure up what those reasons could be, subversion, treason and betraying the country, attempt to murder the military officers, etc.

If true, then, after all the late Shah treated subversives equally well regardless of their associations with him!? Hence, the Shah was a fair man contrary to the nonsense the mullahs and their commie collaborators have been regurgitating for the past 40 years!? quod erat demonstrandum (QED)
God Bless the US Armed Forces!




منم دیگه به قرقره ام رسیده


The Phantom Of The Opera


by The Phantom Of The Opera on

The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

Farah Rusta

فانتوم از خنده غش کردم

Farah Rusta

پسر تو چقدر بی‌ حیایی؟ بالاخره منو از رو بردی و وادارم کردی جواب بدم. اما خودمونیم خیلی بامزه ای. ولی اگه تو مثل تقی‌ ظهوری زشت و کوتوله‌ای خودت میدونی‌ ولی من مثل شهناز چاق و تپل نیستم.  جوان تر که بودم میگفتن من شکل هاله هستم (یادت میاد  - دستمال من حریره). به هرحال از توجه خاص شما متشکرم ولی از من میشنوی یه خورده از اون جین کوکتل کمتر بخور وگرنه کله که گرم بشه اونوقت تقی ظهوری و شهناز تهرانی هم سرو کلشون پیدا میشه. 


Here's one Pahlavi who

by jasonrobardas on

  is at least  somewhat honest .


Thanks Farah for the

by vildemose on

Thanks Farah for the background on

The Phantom Of The Opera


by The Phantom Of The Opera on


The Pahlavis, all mullahs, and all public figures associated with the Green Movement  must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth/income.

Farah Rusta

سوری خانم

Farah Rusta

شما هرچی‌ بگید همیشه خانم هستید. منم از روی طبع گاهگاهی حرفایی میزنم که موجب دلخوری بعضی‌ از دوستان می‌شه ولی‌ بقول شما در مثل مناقشه نیست. بهرحال ما همه حاصل گذشته مان هستیم و به اندازه شناختمان از دنیا مطالبی‌ میگوئیم. امیدوارم باعث کدورت نشده باشم و خلاصه به خوبی‌ خودتون ببخشید.


من با شما هیچوقت بد نشدم


من اصلا با هیچکی بد نیستم. ولی‌ اگه توهین ببینم، توهین می‌کنم.......چه کنم یک جور بیماریه دیگه ؛-)

ولی‌ در مورد شما صدق نمیکنه، چون مدت هاست که از شما هیچ توهینی
نشنیدم. اگر هم اینجا و اونجا به حرف‌های شما گوشه و کنایه زدم، این یک
امر طبیعیست و میگن در مثل مناقصه نیست. (مناقصه یا مناقضه؟) میدونم که
شما فارسی‌ غنی رو خوب میشناسید.

به هر حال اگه حرفی‌ زدم که باعث آزار شخصی‌ شما شده، معذرت میخوام.

Farah Rusta

سوری خانم من هرگز تعجب نمیکنم

Farah Rusta

از جنس ایرونی‌ همه چیز بر میاد. در ضمن حالا شما با من بد شدید اشکالی نداره ولی‌ من از ارادتم به شما ذره‌ای کم نشده.  



Little Tweet

بله آقای خامنه‌ای

Little Tweet

به قرقره مون رسیده


Good one Farah Rusta

by benross on

Reza Pahlavi is on his own. We don't want a whole 'thousand' families and aristocratic crap along with it. We have a constitution and he has a job to finish. That's all.

DK, you are right, Gabriel! but in his earlier years. 

Farah Rusta

Dishonest about the existing regime

by Farah Rusta on

Hmmm .. . I am beginning to see where you are coming from Mr ET. You prefer some loose canon like Patrik!!, who is cautious not to insult his former Imam but states a fact that is not such a secret about his uncle or Khamenei? Dishonesty about the present regime's past records seems to win your vote. Was it why you voted for Mousavi who like Patrik was coy about Khomeini but outspoken about  Khamenei (vis-a-vis Ahmadinejad)?  




خانم روستا


ببخشید، ولی‌ تا اونجایی که ما شنیدیم، این یکی‌ مترسک
هم با پول خود شاه دوست‌ها داره ساپورت میشه. حالا چرا؟ نمیدونیم. شاید
بعدا بفهمیم.

البته میون شاه دوستا هام مثل حزب الهی‌ها (همچنین کمونیست ها،, دروغ
چرا !) شاخه‌های زیادی وجود داره. به شما توصیه می‌کنم که یک کم بیشتر
تحقیق کنید و سر رشته رو بگیرید تا ببینید که به کجا ختم میشه. حتما تعجب
خواهید کرد!

Darius Kadivar

I'm Sure PARAZIT Won't Miss this ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


David ET


by David ET on

At last a Pahlavi who is more honest about previous regime . He does look like Peter Gabriel!

Farah Rusta

علی‌ آقا خواب دیدی خیر باشه

Farah Rusta

Listen carefully to his words: Emaam Khomeini said a ruler who kills his sons cannot be a leader!!!

Where was His Highness in the last three decades? The same Emaam Khomeini killed tens of thousands of Iran's sons but His Royal Highness chose to keep his mouth shut. I wonder why?

While Iranians are still trying to understand, let alone acceptt , another Royal Highness, this Paris born, Swiss/Paris educated, Islamic Prince is bidding to compete with his cousin.

His biography is missing an interesting part of his pampered life: 

His father was killed in an 'air crash' allegedly set up on the orders of his uncle the Shah. Then again, his father was allegedly plotting a Coup against his full blooded brother in partnership with the Brits and the Yanks. But Ali-Patrik (why Patrik is so popular a name with the Francophile Iranian? Bakhtiar's son too was Patrik - perhaps our own dear Patrik can tell us why :) was convinced that his was father was killed by his uncle. He became a follower of Khomeini, visited him in Iraq, took up arms against his uncle and together with a group of similarly rebellious  spoilt brats (or rich and chic Hippies) from families closely connected to the royal court (like the daughter of Professor Adl) formed a resistance cell and were soon arrested. So far it sounds like being inspired by a Hollywood movie (Hamlet, The Man in the Iron Mask or Prisoner of Zenda). But the rebel Prince, thanks to his uncle's orders, received pampered treatment in prison, which he gladly accepted, and eventually was released and put under guard until his prophet, Khomeini arrived on the scene. 


Now thrity one years after all the crimes and horrors of the Islamic Republic, the pampered Prince has decided to challenge his cousin and reminds Khamenei of the words his Emaam!!.


He was un-hinged then. He is unhinged now.



Darius Kadivar

He looks like Peter Gabriel Don't you think ? ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Peter Gabriel - Here Comes The Flood:



simple message....

by ahvazi on

only if khamenei would understand the last part..."toe baayad beri"



Thank you DK jan. He has the

by vildemose on

Thank you DK jan. He has the cuttest accent...

Darius Kadivar

Patrick ( Ali) Pahlavi known as Pahlavi Eslami

by Darius Kadivar on


Cute accent...Loved it..

by vildemose on

Cute accent...Loved it..