Wikileaks: Iran & Chevron

U.S. oil giant eyed oil deal involving Iran

AP: DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- Chevron Corp. expressed interest in developing oil reserves straddling the Iran-Iraq border, potentially putting the American energy giant at risk of violating U.S. sanctions against Tehran, according to comments made public in a leaked diplomatic cable. During a March 2009 meeting detailed in the document, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told a senior U.S. embassy official he was in talks with Chevron about the cross-border oil field. He added that Chevron, America's second-largest oil company, had also approached Iran about the project -- a claim the memo makes clear the embassy was unable to confirm. Al-Maliki said Iraq was interested in awarding Chevron rights to develop the unnamed field but wanted the embassy's guidance about the "political feasibility of such a deal" in light of U.S. sanctions against Iran >>>


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by J.S. on

Say one thing on sanctions and do exact something else.



by yolanda on

I am not surprised Chevron contacted Iran.....some of the companies will do any thing (legally or illegally) for money!