Jahanbakhsh Sadeghi

Disabled painter

I have a video that wanted to share with your viewers, it is six minutes documentry which I have submitted to Farhang Foundation Short Film Festival. -- Farid Bagheri



Great Video

by Mehman on

If the man has his painting shop in Tajrish, I must have passed by his shop many times and seen him several times around 15 or more years ago. I remember I was astonished seeing his talent and courage. May God bless him! 

This man is a typical good Iranian representing the warm and lovely side of our culture. Truly these people are gems of humanity and humane values.


Thank you Mr. Bagheri

by Solitude on

 Indeed, it was such an extraordinary piece .. his works are all masterpieces , enriched with the same kind of beauty and serenity that exudes from his soul.  What an honorable man!  His dedication and strong faith is truly what keeps him going in the face of adversity and that is truly remarkable and awe inspiring.
I wish there was a way to showcase these tour de forces or perhaps purchase some of them..



More power to Mr Sadeghi

by Souri on

I admire his courage and his force.Beautiful paintings. I'm very proud of him.

The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful.....  And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!