Car tumbles down

Emergency road assistance, Iranian style!


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more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Have you watched America's Funniest Videos?

by ghalam-doon on

Morons are everywhere. Has nothing to do with nationality.

They come up with ideas that are absolutely moronic but in their own little minds they're convinced it's going to work.

But we need them for comic relief. Too bad that the financial loss in this case was too great. Hopefully it was the owner who came up with this brilliant idea and he can only blame himself.

But just imagine if it had actually worked! It would have become the standard car rescue method on Iranian highways!


Very normal for Iran

by HHH on

If they could figure out where to connect the winch hook they wouldn't have brought likes of Khomeini and Ahmadinejad to power.

It's a simple case of arrogant stupidity.

I feel sorry for the other 60% population of Iran who could have easily saved this car. Now they're stuck in Iran with these morons.

Sargord Pirouz

Obviously, they took a big

by Sargord Pirouz on

Obviously, they took a big chance and lost. (They almost made it!)

They should have chained or roped the vehicle to another pushing it out. They also should have checked the density of the exit path.

No one should have stayed put in that vehicle, let alone attempt to drive it out without a safety line extending up to level ground.

Now it appears they definitely need an ambulance. 

(I've seen this very same lack of intelligence exhibited on US roads, so don't be so quick to blame the nationality.) 


Samad Agha ma goftom khar savari behtare!Layla machine'e aroosit

by obama on

raft payeen'eh darreh! Ma hala namitonom bahat aroosi konom chon kharamoon boogh nadareh!



by Iran_e_Azad on



How Iranian!

by farrad02 on

Besides the type of automobile and Farsi dialogue, how can you tell this happened in Iran? Here's a list of clues:

1) No emergency personnel to help!

2) Lots of people stop to watch but no one is helping!

3) Everyone is an expert and no one holds back on offering their advice (still not helping!)

4) After the car is destroyed, everyone issues decrees and judgement calls!



that was funny

by iran_zameen on

oh god


that clunker

by capt_ayhab on

Do you know that piece of clunker is worth $20,000 or so in Iran.

Iran is the only place where value of vehicle goes UP by age.



It is all Islams fault that cable broke, isn't that so Chenghiz? Perhaps if it was  protected by Jesus, that would not have happened.



by ThePope on

Yeah, talk about road assistance!

Thx Ghormeh Sabzi,
car crashes are always fun to watch...!!
(when no one gets hurt, of course)

P.S. "gawd" knows cheh ghadr maasheen beh fuck daadam too Iran...

Genghis Khan

Some deductions

by Genghis Khan on

Does this nation, with this random sample of stupidity, deserve being a nuclear power? Definitely NOT.

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.