Working out -- with hejab

Dressing in Islamic attire by Caspian Sea :o)


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Aghaye Nader

by Falcon (not verified) on

You should be offended by the regime who have made life for 50% of population a joke. Sorry 100%. Lets focus on the root cause and not the messenger.


Fire cracker

by shirazie (not verified) on

what a great personality...

There was also a one page article in LA times about a young couple whom traveled through out the world including Iran and played pick up soccer on streets of Yazd. she did not cover her hair-people complained but no one did anything about it.


Got to hand it to them,

by پیام on

It was really funny.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Great sense of humor! Well done!

Nader Vanaki

از وزارت امور خارجه ج.ا.ا. استدعا دارم

Nader Vanaki

برای مسافرت افرادی که به قصد تهیه ویدئوی لوس و بی مزه برای مسخره کردن مملکت قصد عزیمت دارند سهمیه بندی تعیین نموده و روادید صادر نمایند.  شاید آن موقع سالی دو تا از این آمریکایی بازی ها  در ایران را ببینیم و گریه کنیم.


I love this

by airforcewife (not verified) on

this is great..............