Iran medical achivments

In past year

Part 1

Part 2


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

I have the same esteem for Iranian doctors. They all carry the Ibn Sina gene. The vitiligo claim suggests a degree of sophistication in stem cell manipulation that has consequences beyond just a cure for a relatively benign skin disease. Whatever Iranian research team has made this breakthrough would be looking at a Nobel Prize.


Dear Ari, There is policy in

by RezaR (not verified) on

Dear Ari, There is policy in Iran to hide new scientific approaches. I don't know why but security could be the reason. By the way I never go to non Iranian doctors any where in the world. God Bless Our Physicians.


Too little

by AnonymousX (not verified) on

Without the IRI, Iran would have advanced far more than these Islamists could imagine.

The IRI wants us to be happy with the absolute minimum. They constantly "show off" our least potentials, never mind our true potentials.

Sorry, won't do. You don't fool nobody.

Ari Siletz

Big claim about vitiligo

by Ari Siletz on

No papers about a cure in the comprehensive PubMed database (which does report some research by Iranians on the skin condition). Worth a careful look though.


These are not credible but

by Alborzi (not verified) on

These are not credible at all, had they created new
drugs, I would have seen some articles on their research.
However there is not doubt that they have improved the population's medical care. Essentially unlike the US model, the Iranians go for quantity (in this case size matters), You will not get the latest drug on cancer, but all the people will have access to immunization and moderate cancer therapy.


More videos or propaganda, w hich way you define it.

by OmidKarimi on

Its true that the country has done much progress, but still, alot of the health services, in general, still has not catched up with industrial countries. More vids about Irans health industry that I like:

Irans first artificial liver:

Royan stem cell and infertility clinic:

Organ transplants in Iran:

Robotic heart surgery in Iran:

IMOD, Irans (much debated..) drug against the spread of AIDS:

Mahak Children's Free Cancer Clinic:

NOTE: These are all PressTV reports, take what they say with a table spoon of salt and healthy critique.


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