Village battle

Men, women and children throwing rocks at each other


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Funny and to the point

by divaneh on

That was very funny and to the point Fattolah. One dimensional mind of the propagandist wants to link everything to the west and in its petty mind take advantage of it.

Hamsade Ghadimi, thanks for the clarification. That explains why they are missing the target at such a close range.



by Fatollah on

Aslan dar US mardom doost daran kon-e ham dig-e ro har rooz much konan, be man che, be ma che, be to che! HA!? why do you have the need to compare everything?

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

that was funny.

actually this is a fight between shiite and sunni people in a village in eastern iraq.  as divaneh indicated our dahatis prefer hand to hand combat as beating each other on the head with shovel, wrestling or chak zadan.  arabs prefer to throw stones.

Sargord Pirouz

Jerry Springer

by Sargord Pirouz on

One sees this kind of thing everyday on American daytime television. It's called the Jerry Springer Show, and it includes a studio audience cheering on the assailants, with commercial advertisements spliced in at regular intervals.


Looks like a ceremonial

by benross on

Looks like a ceremonial fight. Anyhow I saw battles in India village with bow and arrows.


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