President Mohammad Ali Rajaie

Cabinet meeting, 1981



To all who weren't in Iran on those days

by GOTTI (not verified) on

His nickname was " amaleh Rajaie". :-)
Just a bit of useless info.


whats funny?

by rezapci on

I am noit seen any thing to been funny at that picture, khamenei and ranajei? you know whats is funny is you glasses, is upside down on your face!


if you don;t have anything, keep it quite and shoosh


Isn't everything relative?

by Anonoymeowww (not verified) on

I remember how people thought Rajai looked so dahati and low class (compared to prime ministers during the Monarchy). Now you look at him and listen to him and compare him with some of the mob ruling Iran and you kinda yearn for his class. Who knows maybe in a few years we'll all be praying for Ahmadinejad's return.


میر کبیر سر قنات امین الضرب

Anonymous55555 (not verified)

واقعا به مسخره بودن این حرفات خودت نمی خندی؟
انگلیس ایران رو کنترل می کنه واقعا؟ این حرف یه آدمه قرن 21امیه؟ این حرف یه آدم تحصیل کرده است؟ یعنی نباید از 50 سال پیش تا الان یک ذره با دنیا آشنا شده باشید شماها؟ اصلا روت می شه این اراجیف رو به انگیلیسی بنویسی؟ فکر نمی کنی بهت می خندن؟

تو و امثال تو حتی یک ذره اعتماد به نفس و عاملیت برای خودتون و هموطناتون قائل نیستید و مثل این نوکرهای خانه زاد فکر می کنید هیچ تاثیری تو سرنوشتنون ندارید. آره بابا، همه چیز دست انگلیسی هاست! آره دائی جان. تو هم بشین پای تریاکت دنیا رو ولش! !

اگر یک سر سوزن از دنیا خبر داشتی ها، اگر حتی یک کتاب راجع به نهادهای تصمیم گیری تو کشورهای غربی خونده بودی، اگر یک مقاله تحلیلی از یه موسسه معتبر یا یه دانشگاهی خونده بودی، اگر حتی یک سمینار یا یک کلاس دانشگاه تو روابط بین الملل ورداشته بودی، انقدر مزخرف اینجا نمی گفتی که کار کار انگلیسی هاست.

واقعا باعث تاسفه که یه عده مثل اینکه تو جزیره زندگی کردن سالهاست. اگر صد تا دلیل و مدرک هم براشون بیاری که ایران دست انگلیسی ها نیست، باز می گن اون دلیل و مدارکت هم مال انگلیسی هاست.

انقدر بدبختید که از انگلیسی ها که خودشون مثل خر تو گل موندن چنان بتی ساختید که اگر خودشون بفهمن اینطوری ذلیلشون شدید از خنده می میرن

به این میگن افکار پوسیده و فسیل.

راستی لابد انگیسی ها خودشون بودن که دو سال پیش مخصوصا افسرهای نیرو دریایی خودشونو چند هقته اسبر نیروهای ایرانی کردن که بعدش عذر خواهی کنن که ما اشتباه تو آبهای ایران بودیم... که بعدش چی کار کنن راستی مش قاسم؟

برو کازرون و ممسنی خوش باش بابا


To Anonymous 55555

by امیر کبیر سر قنات امین الضرب (not verified) on

بقول ملک خاتون که بعد از خوابیدن با ناصرالدین شاه ناگهان زنده زا شد و یک شازده پس انداخت " برو تو کو**م سگ نگیرتت".

تو اگر خیلی واردی چرا نمیری کلاس اکابر درس بدی که حالا امروز یکمرتبه شهوتی شدی و دم از سیاست میزنی؟

آنزمان که ابوی بساز و بفروش بود و از آن راه حلال خرج ولگردی شما رو میداد، ما توی کار سیاست و کیاست بودیم و چهارتا پیراهن از ایشان بیشتر پاره کردیم که از قرار چیزی بشما نیاموخت.

اگر فکر میکنی انگلیس از جنگ دوم ببعد در ایران نفوذی نداشته، این بخاطر نوع تریاکی است که هرروز میکشی و باید بروی یا بستری شوی و یا نوع بهتر آنرا پیدا کنی که این هجویات را سر هم نکنی.

پیشنهاد میکنم مجددا در کلاس اکابر اسم نویسی کن و اینبار سعی کن مطالبی را که در مورد آنها کوچکترین اطلاعاتی نداری با معلم در میان بگذار و شاید سر انجام بیاموزی که در ایران آب بدون اجازه انگلیس خورده نمیشود. آن کتاب مزخرف و ابلهانه را نیز خود انگلیس خرج نوشتنش را داد!

حالا بپر برو دو تا لواش بخر برگرد، تا بقیه اش را برایت بازگو کنم.

یاهو، و هوالقاطر المظلومین


To Be fair...

by Anonymous55555 (not verified) on

Of course there are knowledgeable people among them. But most of them have been away from Iran since the Revolution. They have lived among their own little aristocratic circles and precisely because of that, their perception, philosophy, their "culture" and even their language have not evolved one bet. They have turned and turned around the same vicious circle for decades. Many people in my own family and friends are monarchists. But believe me, they are so crystallized in time and so disconnected that it is extremely hard to connect with them. They live in their own little fantasy about the future of Iran and nostalgically speak of the "good old days" that really never existed.

The other problem with them is that whether they admit it or not, they feel superior to the rest of us. (And this feeling of superiority is not just out of ill intention but it is inherent to their political philosophy, since the closer you get to the Royal family the more "divine" you supposedly get). So they don't take advice from anyone. They are self-righteous and extremely overconfident and dismissive of others. They talk as if THEY are the real children of Kourosh and the rest of us simply do not belong to Iran. They do feel deep inside that the rest of Iranians were too stupid to deserve their "Alaa Hazrat Homaayooni".

This is why I think they need to educate themselves and get out of that fancy little crowd and get updated with their time and space.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

كوفت بخوريد وخناق بگيريد وطن فروشهاي اجنبي پرست.


To Anonymous55555

by Be fair and do not stereotype (not verified) on

mosht hamisheh nemooneh kharvar nist.

I am sure DK is very knowledgable yet he's allowed to make mistakes, isn't he? He's human after all.

You can find ignorant people everywhere and among any group of people, political or apolitical, even among the so called "political activists"!

Is it fair for me to consider all akhoonds as crooks and criminals on account of those handful and their families running Iran for the last 30 years?


As scruffy and inappropriate as he looked

by farrad02 on

This guy Rajaie, his government and the early ministers and MP's had a lot more honor and sense of duty in comparison with the people we have been in charge for the past 15 years! Right now the only norm is bribery, stealing and cronyism!


Amir Kabir... Come on. Get

by Anonymous55555 (not verified) on

Amir Kabir...

Come on. Get over Britain already!

What's with this sick paranoia about the British controlling everything in Iran? Great Britain has NO significant influence on Iran after WWII. The British do not control anything in Iran. And for your information, MI5 is in charge of England's INTERNAL security issues and not blowing up a political party's headquarter in a foreign country.

We're a nation of sick Daee Jan Napoleons. Paranoia of Britain is a social disease in Iran. People have not yet realized that Great Britain is no longer a superpower. It might have had a good deal of influence on Iran when it was one, but it is no longer the hegemonic power. It's a European country, deeply submerged into the European Union and most of its foreign policy decisions are in concert with the EU policies. Come on.

Conspiracy theories have made us a nation of imbeciles who think they have no say in their destiny, have no role in the shaping of their own history, and that there are - and has always been - invisible British hands behind every significant event.

When are you going to start educating yourselves a little?


Of course it is not Rajavi

by Anonymous55555 (not verified) on

Of course it is not Rajavi interviewing him, Mr. Kadivar. You're a political activist. You should know your history better.

With all due respect, I think our monarchists are so uneducated about Iran's internal politics and post-revolutionary history that it is sad.

I had an argument with one of them once and the lady knew close to nothing about post 1979 Iran. She was passionately and actively advocating constitutional monarchy and the comeback of the Pahlavis and all, but she really couldn't name two political parties or institutions in Iran, she couldn't name three previous presidents (except Bani Sadr and the current president), she thought Ahmadinejad was the Commander in Chief and would use his A-bomb on Israel, and she wouldn't go to Iran for a family emergency because she thought an Akhoond whom she insulted 30 years ago would remember her and have her executed as she enters Mehrabad (she didn't even know her plane would land in Imam Khomeini airport). And the sad part is that she was - and called herself- a "POLITICAL ACTIVIST".

When I call her on with all her ignorance, she said she's not interested to learn anything about Iranian politics since she didn't even recognize it as a legitimate system and would not want to know anyone in it. For all she cared, the Shah's son had to come back and everyone working in Iran or paying taxes to the current government had to be charged with treason.

And this is not an isolated case. Most of them (just like Mojaheds) are just as backward and crystallized in time.

And now Mr. Kadivar's Rajavi comment!

Why do you people INSIST so much on being "political" if you lack even the most elementary knowledge about politics?

Get real.


To Darius

by Amir Kabir counting sheeps (not verified) on

Rajavi neither had the means or the power and sophistication to blow up the parliament which killed 72. It was the British Embassy staff (MI5) that did the explosion because among the 72 there were about 30 that did not want the British interferences in Iran and were advising Khomeini the close the British Embassy in Tehran as well.

After the explosion, there has not been a single voice against the British rule in Iran. In fact Shah was only days away from ebing assassinated by the British agent (Freemasoner Lodge Grand Master Sharif Emami),but he found out and stopped blaming the British for his demise, and the rest is history.

Vasslam shod nameh tamam


a true disgrace

by Arash Kamangir (not verified) on

Rajaei was a true disgrace for a country whose values were built on qualification of her hard working people before 1979. His abrupt death saved us from seeing his ugly face ever again.


I'll Never forget seeing

by Hassan Kachal (not verified) on

I'll Never forget seeing this Iranian President taking his shoes off and then socks and placing his bare feet on the table to show how the SAVAK had beat his feet. I knew right then and there the country was fucked.

Darius Kadivar

A Funny Photo of Rajai and Khamenei ...

by Darius Kadivar on

This Bloke was the Father of the Islamic Cultural Revolution when he decided to purge the Universities of all European and American influences. His only True positive accomplishment was to start a retirement program for individuals over the age 70.

I find this photo of him with Khamenei VERY FUNNY:


Darius Kadivar

Didn't Rajavi Kill Him when he blew Up the Majlis ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Ironic to see Rajavi (if Its Him ? that is) interviewing him too ...