Patriots who want their country destroyed

Iranian Neocons go after Dr. Mossadegh


Patriots who want their country destroyed
by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

A hypocrite is in himself both the archer and the mark in all actions shooting at his own praise or profit. – Thomas Fuller

For some time now, I have been barraged with emails from someone who claims to be a ‘patriot’. Admittedly, he has an impressive address book which includes names such as Reza Pahlavi and Kenneth Timmerman. The responses to these emails include even more infamous characters such as Hassan Dai. Each correspondence ends with Gandhi’s famous quote: “The future depends on what we do in the present”. It seems to me that this crowd has a sharp tongue and a dull wit - but to that later.

Although it flatters me to realize that I have been writing with some effectiveness to have become targeted by these pretenders, and while for the most part it has been easy to ignore their attempts at communication, I now find that I must reveal the treachery and half-witted efforts of those who confuse dissent with disloyalty and cannot distinguish between having an opinion and altering facts to suit their opinion.

I was sent a file by the aforementioned “patriot”, Arash Irandoost, with a note saying “see Mossadegh not from an Iranian perspective (which is mostly biased), but through the Western Eye. Read and decide for yourself.” Evidently though, he wanted me to ‘decide for myself’ based on the pertinent highlighted text. Yet another ‘patriot’, Roxanne Ganji,suggeststhat I read a couple of books as “proof the true face of her dear Dr. Mossadegh.” This time I see the infamous Hassan Dai’s name in the correspondence. Certainly I don’t find the truth objectionable. In fact, as a researcher, my fidelity to knowledge is paramount. But my problem is the irony of the situation.

The hypocrisy with which these people have sought to belittle Mossadegh is what shoots at the heart of their own praise and profit. These pretenders, the self-acclaimed “patriots”, use Gandhi’s quote as their slogan - a nationalist who achieved independence from colonialism; yet they ask that I view the nationalist Mossadegh from a colonial and foreign perspective, and not an Iranian one. After all, Mossadegh challenged the colonial powers and the Iranian perspective is biased. The British and the Americans, who staged a CIA-backed coup to replace him, will tell the Iranians why it was necessary to remove a nationalist man-- democratically elected by the Iranian people – without their consent.

Perhaps given that Kenneth Timmerman is copied in the correspondence, I should stand in his shoes and examine his perspective as a Westerner, especially given that he is so praised by my accusers. Timmerman’s raison d'être seems to be finding ways to lead to Iran’s destruction. His website contends that he “is helping families of the victims of the September 11 attacks prepare a class action lawsuit against the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, because of its direct, material involvement in the al-Qaida plot to attack America." This unfounded and utter nonsense is aimed at arming Bush to move forward with his Doctrine (The Bush Doctrine).

Further, Mr. Timmerman’s has had positions with “Committee on the Present Danger” and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) - both serve Israel’s interests. The National Endowment for Democracy is a front for CIA which funded the Foundation for Democracy in Iran (FDI) – Timmerman’s pet project. Perhaps it is these credentials that make Mr. Timmerman’s perspective more valuable and unbiased than an Iranian’s.

The actions and associations of these people speak for themselves. A country is not limited by boundaries, it is an ideology. True patriotism is remaining loyal to that belief. One has to question a person’s character should they choose to collaborate with foreign elements towards the destruction of a land they call their country. More affronting is to question a national hero who had the moral courage to stand up to foreign powers and demonstrate patriotism by remaining true to its principles.

Dr. Mossadegh was an inspiration for many anti-colonialist forces. Evenas he lies peacefully in his grave, his nationalism and the example he set remains a threat not only to the colonial powers but even more so to the rats that gather around for crumbs. So here is my response to the rats: Mossadegh was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things. With his heroism he restored the Iranian will to challenge the status quo and to fight for independence. He is an icon that for ever reminds every Iranian of what they can accomplish without foreign interference: democracy.


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آکهی تسلیت

Anonymous Slap (not verified)

بدینوسیله خبر مرگ ناگهانی دوشیزه ناکام آرزوی جنگ طلب را به اطلاع دوستداران ایشان می رساند.
این واقعه در اثر برخورد در تقاطع انتخابات امریکا میان شاهراه های شیطان بزرگ و محور شرارت اتفاق افتاد ودوشیزه نامبرده و شخصی به نام آبروی امریکا جان خود را از دست دادند.
این مصیبت بزرگ را به همه لابی های اسراییلی و نئو کانهای محترم تسلیت گفته و بقا و دوام ایران غیر اسلامی را خواهانیم.

همچنین مراتب تسلیت خود را به شخصیت ها و سازمان های زیر ابراز می داریم:

جان بالتون- ریچارد پرل- مایکل لدین – پل ولفوویتس- نیکلاس برنز- نیکولا سارکوزی (ملقب به تازه داماد ناتوان)- تونی بلر-برنار کوشنر- پاتریک کلاوسون -رضا پهلوی - مریم و مسعود رجوی- شاهزاده های پابرهنه سعودی، کویتی و اردنی- ساواکی های نسل دوم (و دست دوم)،
بنگاه های پارازیت پراکنی: صدای امریکا، رادیو اسراییل و رادیو فردا.

از مرده خورهای محترم : روضه خوانها، قبر کن ها، بچه های آیت الله ها و قرآ ن خوان ها خصوصا عبدالکریم سروش تمنا دارد برای خوردن حلوا و قیمه پلو اجتماع نفرمایند. مخارج مراسم سوگواری دو جوان ناکام جهت صرف شراب شیراز و شامپاین استفاده خواهد شد.


Ramin e aziz, who died and made you King?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

It's great that's what you want, but how do you know the people of Iran are OK with sanctions? You don't have to suffer from sanctions but they do.

By the way, where is Fred? He's late this time. His favorite object of obsession has written another piece.


I am a Patriot Who Wants my Country & Hamvatans Liberated

by Ramin Rezaiee (not verified) on

And if this means sanctions and limited strikes on my country, I am perfectly OK with it. The French resistance
fought the Nazis and collaborated with the free world to liberate their country. I support the same. We are part of the Iranian resistance who will free Iran from the grip of this dangerous regime. If this regime is allowed to become stronger, more Iranians will die as a result because of their fundamentalist ideology. I do not want that to happen. If you can't see that, its honestly your problem. Keep on blaming Jews/zionists (who have every right to oppose this regime because it opposes Israel's right to exist), CIA, Imperialism and the rest of the manufactured leftist scapegoat ideas. This will not change the situation on the ground. Iran & Iranians are not free and the IRI is a dangerous entity. The writing is on the wall for this regime. Keep on defending it. Its fun to watch.