We know your kind

Why are you asking what I am doing here?


We know your kind
by Foad

After reading JJ's pictorial essay on his unrealized trip to Israel, I was reminded about a confrontation/incident I had with Israel (El Al) security forces of all places in Newark International Airport (EWR).

Before telling you about the incident, let me say that I am glad JJ didn't make the trip.

I am saying it not because Israel has become a pariah country in the Middle-East or because it is an apartheid nation, their close cooperation with South Africa during their apartheid regime not withstanding, Arab citizens of Israel are treated as second class citizens. (I realize under current regime in Iran Jewish and Christian Armenian citizens are also treated as second class citizen and I feel it is such a waste of talent.)

And not because JJ has become a bit of politician after reading a posting from a Pahlavi cabal stooge that JJ is a reformed person after repenting for his earlier association with mullahs and now JJ is his best friend or not because he posts the Massed operatives and its sympathizer's various writings.

No, none of the above. The reason I salute JJ for not making the trip was because it was a junket (paid for by Israel).

Having said all that let me tell you about the incident at EWR. It was mid 1990, long before 9/11, and I was traveing to the Netherlands. It was a business trip and I was supposed to give a technical presentation on one of the newer products that we were making in the US. I had prepared about forty transparencies (at that time transparencies were the way for business presentation) for my presentation.

Although Dutch are socially kind of liberal, technically they are not. Since the company I used to work for was a Dutch Company, I had to be extra careful as to authenticity and also how well I presented my talk. Even though my flight was about 8 PM, as usual afraid of traffic jam in NY/NJ area, I got to EWR about 4 PM.

So I had to kill some time. I bought myself a cup of coffee from Starbucks (which I hate by the way) and found a quiet place to sit and review my presentation. Our department secretary had prepared a booklet of all my transparencies which made it easy for me to review them.

So I was sitting there minding my business and sipping the hated coffee, suddenly I realized I was surrounded by three or four plain cloth people asking me what I was doing there. I just started to say what I was doing, thinking they are security personal from EWR, but looking at their ID tag I realized that they were from Israel's El Al Airlines.

I quickly changed my tone and asked who the heck (I actually used the F.. word) are you? Why are you asking what I am doing here? to which they responded "we know your kinds".

I screamed for EWR security, no one showed up but they saw I am beginning to scream and making a scene they returned to wherever they were coming from and left me alone.

To this day, although I was flying with KLM, I don't know what caused them to come to me and say "we know your kinds".



Great article. Thanks for

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Great article. Thanks for sharing.


pariah country

by Anti-palestinian and proud of it! (not verified) on

The only real pariah country in the world is the so-called "islamic republic of iran",- which said PARIAH is neither islamic, nor a republic, nor iran, but a territory and a people, terrorized and oppressed by a palestinian army of occupation of
mass murderers and terrorist criminals!


The fact that Foad looks like an Arab should alone be

by A Clergy (not verified) on

tantamount to his arrest. Foad should be deported back to the Islamic republic and sent to Hozey Elmiyed Qom along with his friend Qumars to serve the koon kon mullahs.


Israel is not Jews

by XerXes (not verified) on

Disagreement with the Israeli government doesn't translate to hating Jews. Just like disagreeing with the United States government or Iranian or anywhere else doesn't mean hating those people. That is actually the propaganda that the Zionists put in the people's mind in order to make sure that no one criticize their action. This is a proven fact that the democratic people including the Jewish accept. Just like the days that if you criticized Bush or the war you were labeled unpatriotic. This is bull. At least I always expected a little more knowledge from the Iranian community but some seem to be just like the uninformed Americans!


Someone explain please

by XerXes (not verified) on

I just don’t understand the reason for some Iranians to “sang e Israel beh sineh mizanan” Please can someone who is Iranian answer me to understand this once and for all. I see a lot of Iranians, who also seem to like Bush defend Israel. It’s just interesting to me. Hamin Israeliyaa hastan keh in ruzaa mikhaan beh Iran bomb bezanan.


how much

by MRX (not verified) on

pot did you smoke before you came out with all this rubbish and cosy share? Ok we got the point, you and your ilk do not like jews, you don't like all the good things that happend during pahlav period in Iran. did i miss anythig else?

Kaveh Nouraee

Are You Selling The Movie Rights To Your Story?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Nice Fantasy. About as realistic as peace in the Middle East.


You should do PR for El Al. Another story of how their security is the best in the industry.


Racists keh shaakho dom nadaareh

by Daryush on

aghaa nezhaadparasti keh shaakho dom nadaareh. Ageh har ki khiyaal koneh keh esraaeel yeh keshvareh kaamelan bitaraf, azad va mardm garaast bas bikhiyaa.

Unfortunately some of the Iranians Americans have lost their sense of humanity and become more American (That is lead by Israel/Fox New) than clueless Joe Shmo. I could say that the German Nazi's are all around also but majority of the Germans are not Nazi. So the Iranians that are anti everything but west are not much different than the Nazi and naturally would match with Israel since they are racist fucks also. So the hell with them all, the good thing is that the Iranians kick these people out and most of them can't even go back. So we are good. Thank God for that.


So what?

by bacheh porroo (not verified) on

This story is as meaningless as this sentence quoted from its main text:
"Although Dutch are socially kind of liberal, technically they are not." How can anyone be technically kind or liberal??
Anyway, even if you were surrounded by the ElAl security, so what? You must have behaved, and looked like a potential terrorist. Send us a picture of yourself (dated 1990) and the truth will be out.


We all are one

by one (not verified) on

I ditto the comment by khodemun1 – the story does not sound like a believable story. Even if it was true it was 17 years ago so who cares? If we all could remember that "at the end" we all want (all 6 billion + us) the same thing - to be comfortable and to be happy (in one shape or other). But I believe that our human nature is not mature enough yet to realize that - what a shame – maybe we learn by our next life!



by SALTY (not verified) on

lets see Aboud, You hate anyone that looks at the Pahlavi era and its accomplishments without prejudice, you hate starbucks (by looking at your article we know now it has a lot to do with the last name of its founder than how it makes its lattes, you hate ElAl, Israel and South Africa, is there anyone you dont hate?

By the way you left out the part that the ElAl baggage handlers come to your house and burn it down and force you from your land!
yeah you got that right: "We KNOW your kind"


Probably because this is a

by khodemun1 (not verified) on

Probably because this is a badly fabricated peice of fiction