Middle Eastern Super Power

Who will get more credit acting civilized, the attacking “West” or calm and reasonable Iran?


Middle Eastern Super Power
by Abarmard

One thing that no one can deny is the powerful international position of Iranian foreign policy makers that has made Iran an “Island of stability” in a very unstable region. While one cannot deny the role of the United States in making Iran a powerhouse in the region, yet the Iranian government has not sat quietly either. Many arguments can rise for the real reason behind the Islamic Republic actions in the world stage and the truth behind the Iranian policy makers to do what they are doing. Iranian government has been a financial supporter of Hezbollah and in times Hamas.

The Iranian regime supports the movements by the Shia groups in Iraq and helps the economy of Sunni Kurds in the north. They have developed the Herat Region of Afghanistan to a point that it has become the only politically stable and economically prosperous part of that country. Iran has helped Christian Armenians against their rival Azerbaijan Republic that is a Muslim country.

The trend shows religion not being the main criteria for the Iranian policy makers since the decisions have not been blindly made based on a belief system. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been a great chess player in regional competition, while the cards have been against them all along. To the critics of the Islamic Republic and at times the Iranian citizens regarding the economical “assistance” of the government to foreign countries, the Iranian politicians have been silent. The Islamic Republic’s reasoning behind all their help can be easily explained once one considers the position that the regime has been put in to.

Mostly International, the Iranian regime feels threatened and never has been given credit for their positions in the international political arena. I say international because one should agree that foreign countries do not consider a dictatorial regime as good or bad, citizens do. Islamic Republic of Iran has been on the right side of the equation when it comes to the western and Eastern fights against rogue nations. For example, the Islamic Republic of Iran was the direct advocate against the Taliban regime and ultimately Osama bin Laden.

The Islamic Republic of Iran was against its own arch enemy Saddam and all the Islamic fanaticism around the region. During the time of president Khatami, Iran advocated the image of a kind and compassionate site of Islam. One could not make sense of the American anger against the IRI since they have been fighting on the same side and mostly agree on the same issues when it comes to the Middle Eastern policies and its future outlook. IRI has shown historically that they are capable of reasoning and willing to work with the western powers to reach a positive result.

Reading this should not give you the idea that the IRI has been domestically without flaws and does not have a bad Human Rights records. One should not conclude that IRI is a government that the population of Iran has not been critical of but to look at the position of IRI in the eyes of the western powers and to reach a reason for the west to want to get rid of “them”. So the confusion of the IRI has been form an ideology to explain to their citizens and the rest of the world that the only reason the west is against the IRI is because of its independence (not being a puppet regime) and its true concern about the region and ultimately Islam. Many people that don’t see any other reason thus have agreed with this logic.

While the IRI tries to paint a humane, independent, cultural, Islamic and ultimately modern picture to their citizens and the world, it has to survive and divert a possible attack on the country’s soil. IRI plays the Shia Islamic for the Lebanese and brings to them social and political network along with military for their safety. The IRI plays a Muslim role for the Sunnis who are tired of the western dominance, plays a humane and anti colonization for the African nations, and finally plays socialist for the South American nations.

The hands of the IRI all around the world have cause a headache for mostly the neo-cons who thought they can use their International influence and their powerful economical cards to overthrow the IRI. But again, why? Why not work with IRI like many other countries in the Middle East or around the globe? Simply because the IRI is a source of danger for the Western governments who want to have the absolute say and dominance in the oil rich region. And thinking short term, they have fallen into the quicksand of the IRI tricks and ultimately are losing. Therefore one solution comes to their mind: Attack Iran.

IRI is looking at the political scenario in a long term basis and that is why that they have been generally far more successful than the Western countries (mostly the United States, Britain, France and Germany). The IRI has been very consistent about their position while the western countries, mostly the United States politically have been flip flopping based on different situations. Again one reason is shortsightedness. The United States has angered many of its supporters, people in the west and the Middle East, while Iran has kept her position clear and calmly reacts to every scenario.

The calculated reactions by the IRI at times have given the image of a more civilized Iranian government than the United States. That might be one reason that President Ahmadinejad also reacts on the same basis calmer and comfortable, ultimately more civilized than President Bush. While the United States and recently France preach war, IRI preaches peace. Who will get more credit acting civilized, the attacking “West” or calm and reasonable Iran?

Another problematic issue for the United States has been the Christian fanatics who have a strong lobby for the policies in the United States. It is easier for IRI to be religious government and be able to defend itself than say the United States, which is supposed to be a secular system. In that arena the IRI is also a point or so a head. Now the question raises what to do with the IRI?

First should be noted that domestically nothing can be accomplished inside Iran as long as uncertainty and the possible attack is the main issue on the minds of the Iranian citizens. The sovereignty is the far most important concern than anything else. Therefore it is better to continue the focus internationally. At this point the United States as the world super power needs to step up and acknowledge the IRI as the superpower of the Middle East and credit the regime where the credit is due. In return the IRI should change course in the areas that the Western countries have trouble with.

One must note that IRI will not just give up its position of power, while the ball is in their court, so any suggestions from the five western powers should begin with respectable gesture rather than insulting demands. I would guarantee that IRI will respond in kind and civilized manner. Please remember that I am not advocating the idea that the IRI is a final and static government of Iran, rather than if we need to reach a democratic or as some would like it “secular” Iran, we must do that internally while the regime does not beat the drums of war.

The Untied States must stop its carrot and stick policy towards Iran (favorably the entire Third World) and begin the new chapter of the sole superpower with the new method of influence and dominance. The clear winner here would be the citizens of the countries and hopefully the entire earth.


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Stability? Reasonable?

by berim (not verified) on

Please stop being romantic about the IRI. In what world do you live?


To The Point

by Rooshan-been (not verified) on

I agree, with your point of views.
If they want true stability and peace as they claim , they should stop bullying other nations and start talking to them with respect. How many times you've heared these right wing psychopaths repeating that we do not talk to them(Iranian officials) rather we talk at them.


Island of Stability !

by Mash_Ghasem (not verified) on

"has made Iran an “Island of stability” in a very unstable region."
Yeah right ...as long as the paycheck arrives from IRI, I guess Iran is an island of stability for some.



by someone (not verified) on

You will have another miserable failure added to your failures in Lebanon, Iraq and elsewhere. Another one or two $trillion of debt to China, completely entering recession, you arrogant fools think you own the world!


Good article abarmard, you should write more

by Qumars B. (not verified) on



many high ranking member of

by Yek Irani (not verified) on

many high ranking member of Iranian government are under investigation and wanted for their criminal and terrorist activities by different judges in the world. How does that make this government more civilized than any thing let alon Am erican government?

Islamic regime should spend all the money which they are spending on supporting terorists in middle east now, on Iranians who thank to this regime have become familiar with new terms like "street children" and "sex trade" etc... etc... in their vocabulary. If you give hundreds of billions of dollars to any donkey he can work with that much better than mullahs if they really are after interest of the people. Nullahs have wasted $billions of Iranian national wealth on hezbollah and hamas and today the situation in Lebanon and Palestine is much worse than it has ever been. They are negotiating to give up a big part of Iran's share in Caspian sea and in fact damaging integrity of the nation. what kind of good poolitical chess player is this?

where is the "position of power"? they were begging Americans for negotiation just a few months ago and they have tried multiple times to reach their voice of begging to Americans through Saudis, Kuwaitis and Pakistanis. what kind of power is this? their power is just the dogs that they have and unleash them against Iranian people anytime they raise their voice in objection to this murdurous regime and with such vast amount of money at their exposal, anyone in this world can have that kind of power against unarmed people.

Islamic regime has showed it clearly many times that their priority is expansion of their islamic ideology through any means possible. They have cooperated with all kinds of terrorist groups, from hezbollah to hamas to al-qaeda and others to achieve their idological goals. They are trying to buy the religious belief of other people while ignoring sever economical issues inside the country. Their president goes to UN and sees an "ora" of sainthood around himself and all the time is calling for Mehdi! what else you need to understand that this regime is based on ideological system no matter if the leaders are just a bunch of charlatans pretenders.


Operation Iranian Freedom (OIF) will start at 01:00 on 4 Nov 07

by American (not verified) on

The bombing will start with taking out the Command and Control (C2) center....

Stay tuned...


Re: Two legged …

by someone (not verified) on

So called American says: “See, you are all a bunch of animals”
Is that why your bodies put leash on Iraqis in Abu Ghraib?
Is that why your Black water mercenary bodies use the Iraqis for target practice?
Animals are much more decent than you and your bodies, they kill each other but they don’t torture each other, they only hunt when they need food. You and your leaders (these corrupt necons) are disgrace to majority of Americans and the whole humanity.


Don't fool yourself

by Mehdi on

Currently there is no such a things "Iranian government." There hasn't been one for a long time. You'd probably have to go back a few hundred years before you can face something vaguely resembling "Iranian" government. I think the past three regimes are clear to have been put in place and maintained by first the UK and then US. The only reason you see "stability" or instability at times is because the CIA criminals and their pervert masters want it that way. There is not "foreign policy" beyond that. The CIA criminals feel it suits their needs. They change the scene as they see fit. They put in Shah and he was good until he started to realize, after a number of years, that there was a long big broom handle in his behind and tried to pull it out and tried to figure out who put it there and why. Well he was immediately taken out - he did not serve the purpose anymore. The bastards did it so well that to this day almost no Iranian, or non-Iranian has figured out that they wanted the mullahs to replace Shah. Iranians actully think that "they" took Shah out. There is just this little mysterious issue that later when IRI started to take shape, just a year or two after the supposed "revolution" they could not even effect a slight change in the course of history never mind taking out the government. Supposedly Savak with all its mythical might could not keep Iran under Shah but the one-year old "government" of the mullah was all of a sudden able to defeat the most trained militia available at the time in Iran!!! It was so overwhelming that Iranians today actually think that mullahs must be some super geniouses disguised as idiots!!! They can't figure out how these uneducated low-lifes can maintain such a tight control despite devestating economical and social disasters! If you want to understand Iran, you cannot ignore international interventions. The only reason today CIA wants to bomb Iran is because the people running the show (at least on the surface) have started noticing the broom handle and started to cause trouble for the CIA and their beloved masters. I don't think the CIA even wants them out - just to push the country back technologically by 20-30 years again so that they can easily be controlled - as always.



by ahvazi on

If you think this "Islamic" govt. is a superpower then I have to say your standards are pretty low. Volek Sarbesaraam Nazaar!




Re: Grabage

by someone (not verified) on

Professor, as you may have seen in several reports publish in the US (one of them in Money if I recall correctly) Iran is in real need of some $200 billion investment in its oil industry. This can only be provided by US/West as China and Russia can not do it yet. IRI realizes that and has made many gestures to better its relation with US. However neocons and AIPAC think that a better relation with Iran is not in line with their unrealistic dreams for the Middle East, shattered dreams expressed by Bush as new “Middle East” etc. There is really no rational bases for continuation of animosity between the two countries.


The two-legged inhabitants in middle east are all a bunch of

by American (not verified) on

animals... Just a minute ago two bombs went off near Butto's car killing 100. See, you are all a bunch of animals. America should nuke the entire place except that we need your oil.....



by Professor Iran (not verified) on

This is probably one of the worst pieces of analysis I have ever read on the issue. What are you trying to do? Kiss one of your professor's asses. You are in dream land like all the other far left liberals. You guys are trying to rewrite history. Amazing.


RE: figment of your imaginative desire

by someone (not verified) on

Fred, even if we assume IRI is what you say, it is not nearly as dangerous a plague as Bush-Chenney gang. AS you know this gang has much more firepower than IRI, one of them is allergic to reading and the other (Chenney) is delusional (per one of our congressmen).


figment of your imaginative desires

by Fred (not verified) on

This is Rodney Kingesque statement of “can’t we, can’t we just get along?” Well No. That Islamist Superpower of your theory is the figment of your imaginative desires. What we have in Islamist Republic is a group of thugs masquerading as a government who are in the cross hair of the nation waiting for the first chance to unburden the world of this plague