by ali12 (not verified) on Tue Dec 16, 2008 09:59 AM PST
you have to admit that at least we had a little dignity around the world...unlike these dirty, illiterate mullahs who have ruined iran with war, murder, and oppression, he actually gave a damn about iran and our history.....the akhoonds can't wait to bulldoze perspolis....the brave villagers have thrown em out a buncha times....
whatever u think of the shah.....
by ali12 (not verified) on Tue Dec 16, 2008 09:59 AM PSTyou have to admit that at least we had a little dignity around the world...unlike these dirty, illiterate mullahs who have ruined iran with war, murder, and oppression, he actually gave a damn about iran and our history.....the akhoonds can't wait to bulldoze perspolis....the brave villagers have thrown em out a buncha times....