
Photo essay: San Jose action in support of protesters in Iran




hunger strike

by David G (not verified) on

I would like to ask wha is the purpose of this action? usually protesters who go on hunger strike, do so because their voice is excluded from the main media and is in opposition to the prevailing narrative. In the US today and for 30 years the prevailing narrative which has gained increasing purchase has been that Iran is a country with no freedom to the extent that its 70 million people deserve to suffer from sanctions which make the lives of most of them, specially the economicly disadvantaged, harder.

Huger strikes and civil disobedience , which I have participated in over 40 years for peace fand civil rights and womens rights in this country has stived to speak truth to power.

When these individuals stand in the US streets and speak the language of the most powerful country in the world, the country with the largest military in Human history, a country which has continuously threatened the people of iran with the threat of military attack, all these indiviuals are doing, is paying service to Power, not speaking truth to Power. Even if what they are claiming about Iran is the truth, thikind of action is unnecessary.
What are they doing ? giving more coverage to these "truths" because the coverage of same allegations against Iran by Fox news, Cnn,NY Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and all the way to Nation, is not enought?

Why don't these people speak truth to power? Why do they not oppose capital punishment in the USA? Why did they not raised one voice or lighted one candel whena Doctor was murdered by anti-aborionists? Why do they not keep an ongoing vigil to protest the US war which killes 100's of Afghani's everyday at the hand of US soldiers and US drone bombers. Everyday, the washington post reports these horrible loss of life. today alone, the Post reported that 44 Afghies were kiled b one of the bombs from drone planes.

Where is the vigl for them? That would be speaking truth to power since the US government is conducting the war and many Americans support these killings.

So, go on hold a vigil for vitims of US war, then i may believe that oyou stand for human tights, that you are not, conciously or unconciously another tool of US government's propaganda justfying its policies against the people of the Midle East.


مرتجعترین و

رها (not verified)

مرتجعترین و دروغگوترین ایرانیها در این عکس جمع هستند شرم بر همه شما باد شعبان بی مخ های مدرن شده که حالا دیگر با تویتر و فیس بوک می خواهید انقلاب مخملی کنید و از استقلال ایران جلوگیری کنید دروغگوهای مزور در مورد زن مصری همه اتان خفقان گرفته اید در مورد یک میلیون کشته عراق از این غلط ها راه نیانداختید نژاد پرستهای دروغگو همه جور خفقان را در آمریکا منکر می شوید فیلم زن حامله مصری که به فجیع ترین شکل و ضربات چاقو کشته شد و پلیس عوض اینکه قاتل را هدف قرار دهد شوهر زن مصدونم را زد چون گفت موهایش مشگی بوده و فکرکردم او حمله کننده است !! شرم بر همه شما ها باد که چشمتان را روی غزه و عراق بستید و روی جریان آلمان می بندید و این اداها را در می آورید تف بر همه شما ها ای مزدوران وطن فروش ای ضد بشرها نوکرهای بدبخت خودتان که جرات ندارید یک کسی هم که جرات دارد لجتان می گیرد که چرا مثل شما ها نوکر نیست و سر تعظیم فرود نمی آورد.