HAJIAGHA: Nuclear bomb & Israel

10/22/2007 - 10:19


To Asabani: bishoeor khodeti

by Mazloom on

Rafsanjani once said if Israel attacks Islamic countries with atomic bombs Islam will not be destroyed, but if Israel is attacked with atomic bomb it will be destroyed.  One interpretation is that the hell with Palestinians.  They don't give a fuck how many Palestinians get killed.  They attack Israel and it is destroyed.  But you are right on one point, none of the Islamic leaders would dare to drop an atomic bomb in Jerusalem where the sacred shrine is.  So, some of the Jews will survive in Jerusalem.  In that case Muslims have to go after them and kill them all in Jerusalem, and the rest of them any where in the world, including the USA.  That means they have to go to war with the USA, which will end up as an atomic war.  That is if you really want to get to the bottom of it.  A friend of mine once told me Islam is not a companionate religion.  He went on to explain that according to rules of fasting someone in a polar region of the world might began his fasting before sunrise, but sunset might not occur for days or weeks and that poor person being a pious Moslem might die of hunger.  “How would the Moslem leaders of the world feel about that?” he wanted to know.  I said they wouldn’t give a fuck as long as the rest of Islamic world would remain.



by Asabani (not verified) on

What kind of idiot would actually think that Iran is planing to build a nuclear bomb to drop on Israel?!
The idiots should remember that Israel is not really Israel but in fact it's the occupied Palestine full of Palestinians, the same people that Iran has been supporting. Nuking thousands of Palestinians to get rid of Israelis is as stupid as the claim that Iraq attack was for peace and democracy!


Where exactly is the testing site?

by Prospector (not verified) on

Mr. Hajiagha, I have a diamond prospecting business in southern California. I am planning to buy cheap desert lands in Iran and after the Iranian conduct their nuclear bomb tests, I am planning to mine for diamonds produced by conversion of sand into diamonds under the enormous pressure produced by atomic explosions. Unfortunately according to your inside information IRI is planning to test in 2009, which is at the most only 26 month away. I am afraid by then I will not be able to attract enough investors for this venture and purchase vast number of parcels needed. Is there anyway your contact could provide me the exact location where these tests will occur? Of course I am going to award you generously for your information. Thank you very much.


sure they do

by MRX (not verified) on

Iran does not have a bomb and does not need one, but the sewer republic and it's leaders definitley do and need one! At this point they are convinced that they can suppress any internal opposition but they are very much afraid of external opposition, which is why they are wasting away zillion of dolloras on nuclear stuff.
of course you can be "sadeh loh" and naieve and think may be just may be these guys really want to generate expensive electricity!


Sorry about your passport

by Anonymouse on

Hajiagha sorry you lost your passport.  We go to Iran to visit our family not make money.  You can't be mad at us because we have passports.  It's like being mad at us because we have wives or girlfriends.  That's not fair, is it?


You've made some choices, right or wrong or just a young foolish mistake, and ended up where you are now.  You are like many others.  Now you can not ask for bombing Iran just so you can get your passport back.  That's not fair either, is it? 


You can make a life anywhere you are.  It may not be a good life like you wished, but you can make the best of the circumstances.  If you can't make the best of it, think of others in worse lives than yourself, much worse.  Like people in Darfur in Africa who are getting slaughtered.  No one talks about bombing them for the sake of Human Rights violations.  No oil, no money, so forget about them.


Is chemical or nuclear weapon BAD?

by Nonsense (not verified) on

Why don't everybody get it in their head. If they're bad, they're bad for all. Only selfish warmongers say that I should have all these so I can use against you. But, you're not allowed to have. What a hypocricy!

Let's hope for a world free of these anti-human weapons.

Imagination is a powerful weapon. If we can imagine world free of these weapons, we can strive for it.
My point is te world should work on getting rid of these weapons rather than stopping others to have it.



Re Abu Ghraib

by Ajam (not verified) on

Thank you for the link. Incident of this kind mar the human conscience forever. After all, these SOB's entered Iraq to bring "freedom and democracy" to the people, and look what they have done! How ironic, they have documented their atrocities yet some by posing for the camera as if they are psoing for a Xmas picture. This shows the level of confidence and certainty they had of impunity and support from the chain of command all the way to the top!

Dear Sasha, its good to know that non-Iranians care about what future holds for Iran and its people. I wish some so-called Iranians had an iota of common sense and sympathy that you feel towards Iran and Iranians!


To Haji re the future...

by Ajam (not verified) on

It's a kinda hard to keep up with your postings since you keep posting comments and deleting them soon after making my comments look irrelevant! However, re your last comment, that is why my friend, you'll never be the president of anything! For aside from being naive, you can not distinguish your emotions from your rationale. While it's good to have good relations with every country in the world, it also is a near impossibility for a country of Iran's stature. Perhaps it could be more affordable for a banana republic than a country of seventy million with vast energy reserves in such an strategically vital importance.

In case you did not notice, the world in the 21st century resembles a jungle more than ever before. The more power one wields, the more say one has in the world affairs. Look at the U.N. security counsil, the nations who possess nuclear weapons are permanent members while the the rest rotate. The tiny North Korea rattles its saber at the U.S. but is never attacked for it possesses nukes! Now, Iran, if didn't even have a civilian nuclear programme, let alone weapons, would still be vilified by the U.S. and its allies so long as it decides to spend its oil revenue independantly. Otherwise, no power in the world gives a hoot about the human rights or the plight of women in the less developed countries. If that was the case, Saudi Arabia deserved more attention for women are treated as almost non-entity in there and no official is elected by the public while savage punisments for infractions of rules are prevalent. Yet, KSA is immuned from scrutiny for it provides the U.S. with cheap oil, while buying the U.S. military surplus (dated left overs of Israel) hands down while supporting the Sunni insergency in Iraq, in other words, keeping in line with the U.S./Iraeli agenda. Indeed, waht they call the Shi'a Crscent, possesses the most oil/gas reserves in the middle east. That's why the Israeli President, Shimon Peres, keeps reminding the Arabs that their main enemies are Persian/ Shiites and the U.S. military arms the Ba'thist suuni's to fight the Shia's. Why is it that while promoting secularism, george Bush sheds crocodile tears for the Myanmar Budhist clergy? Could it have something to do with the western contracts' expiration dates approaching, hence the need to teach these guys and their prospect Asian patrons such as China and India a lesson?

Well, at least it's good to know you have a vision (your sinister views not withstanding) for the future!


Reply to Ajam

by Sasha on

I think that you are correct in saying that US attacking or going to Iran is a big mistake and should be avoided. All you have to do is google information on Abru Grahib I attached a link for you to see. How about Gauntanomo bay.  Do you really want Americans on Iranian soil? I am not Iranian and I am horrified at the thought of US occupation in Iran. There has to be a better solution. I wish I knew what it was but I do not. I am just learning about World Politics especially in the MIddle East.


Reply to Haji: You want doom and gloom here it is.

by Sasha on

I am surprised you did not mention the book of Revelation 6 in which the 7 Seals are mentioned since you say the US and Israel are together. US which has a majority of so called Christian beliefs and Israel which does not believe in the new testament. In the Seventh seal it mentions the following: " a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues standing before the throne............." 

Judaism, Christianity and Islam have so many things in common that sadly instead of realizing it,  have been constantly at odds with each other. The only ones that suffer are the people from many nations. So Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can believe he is as holy as he wants but that does not make it so. Many in the three religions I have mentioned have thought themselves holy and have done some of the greatest autrocities in the name of holiness. The irony is that Muslims wait for the the return of Muhammad (pbuh), the Christians wait for the return of Jesus Christ and the Jews wait for the Messiah. If this does not come to pass then all will know it was a lie. Again, one more thing they have in common. There is a prophecy that I heard of as a child that there will be unity and peace among all nations for I think 7 years before the coming of the end of the world. I know that I will not live to see this prophecy come to life. I think it is why I found it so interesting that some Muslim scholars wrote a letter to the Pope. It just makes me wonder if it  is the beginning of the prophecy.

Seal 1:  The Conqueror

Seal 2:  Conflict on Earth

Seal 3:  Scarcity on Earth

Seal 4:  Widespread Death on Earth

Seal 5:  The Cry of the Martyrs

Seal 6:  Cosmic Disturbances

Seal 7:  The Sealed of Israel


from yahoo answer

by hajiagha on



If Iran can annihilate the Jewish State, then the Middle East would be
fully Arab Country. One Arab Country, One religion Islam. This is their

The Jewish people have been persecuted since back in the days of
Babylon. They had used them as slaves. But God freed them and told
Moses to lead His people to the Promise-Land, which is Israel, the Gaza
Strip, The West Bank. All of this land God gave to Abraham for
generations to come. (See Genesis: 12.)

Iran and all that are Islam believe their Inman, Mohammad is going to
return to Israel where he descended back thousands of years ago.

Islam knows if this doesn't happen, then they will know that Islam is a lie!

God said, "To all Nations that touches my beloved Israel and my people will suffer my wrath."

Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad strongly believes that when this spirtual
leader returns, they will all die and will be rewarded for belieivng in
Islam, he thinks he is holy!


To Hjiagha

by Ajam (not verified) on

Only an imbecile can think that with American/Israeli bombing of Iran, the freedom and democracy prevails. Are you really under the impression that Rafsanjani and Khamenei will sit out in the open and endure the bombing campaign? It's only our ordinary people who wuill bear the brunt of such aggressions while the IRI big shots hide in their bunkers waiting for an opportunity to reprise! Do you really want your house-door kicked down by the American soldiers, your father and brother gagged and bound and humiliated in the middle of the night and your sister/mother raped while the American soldiers write songs about it with impunity waiting for slap on the wrist? Do you want your relatives shot or bombed in the schools, weddings... while the American military issues a letter of apology and simutaneously thumb its nose at the people? Do you want the American congress to decide the future of our country and as to how many parts it should be divided into? Well, if do, I don't. And if you think that's not gonna happen, well, take a look at Iraq!


Jews are arabs too, man! Did

by PoliticsforDummies (not verified) on

Jews are arabs too, man! Did you forget where you come from? Did you forget your Abraham? Give up racism. We're all humans, unless you doubt what you are.

Some people will do anything to satisfy their selfishness. The major flaw with mankind is selfishness.


answer is here

by hajiagha on


because you guys having Iranian passport and traveling in Iran making money now no attack on mullahs ? oh money is every where talk

اگر من رئیس حمهور ایران بشوم...زندا نیان سیاسی رو آزآد میکنم.....مسکن انبوه برایکم درامدها با احاره کم می سازم.....به دا نشحویان و کار گران وام و کمک مالی می کنم....دستور مدهم آخوند ها بابت تحصیل درحوزه احیب خود شان کار کنند.....دین را درکنار سیاست قرر میدهم......نه درقدرت کآمل....آزادی بیان.....آزادی زن و انتخاب ححاب......در آ مد نفت ملی باشد نه آخوندی......صنعت ایران رو گسترش میدهم.......ما لیات %3 رو دستور میدهم تا مردم مالیات بدهند.....ما لیات با عث رشد حا معه می شود.....محازت برآی خلاف کارها و دزدان اقتصادی مبارزه با بی بندو باری....کمک به خا نوادها.....را بطه دوست آمیز با همه کشور ها دنیا.........حما یت از حیآت وحش وحنگل داری توریست...کشاورزنو صنایع.......


Bomb or not!

by Ajam (not verified) on

To JJ: dear Mr. Javid, don't be dishartened by the character assassination attempts of misguided soles from either side. After all, for the past decade or so, you have provided such a unique, broad-based forum for all Iranians to reflect their minds. Unfortunately, some do not have much to reflect but mallice and hatred (I guess it could fall under group-therapy)! Let's see THEM provide such a censor-free forum for all. Of course that never happens.

To Hajiagha: your comments are funnier than your cartoons. May be it's time to reconsider your career path!

To everyone else: Hajigha possesses all the attribute of a Mowji. These were people who were present in the immediate vicinity of a bomb/mortar-shell impact point at the time of explosion. Some were injured physically as well as mentally. And some, although not bearing any physical marks or scars, just suffered from the psychological trauma causing behavioral deficiencies. In the more developed countries, these individuals (mowjis), considered war-casualty, undergo extensive psychotherapy before integrating back into the society. Unfortunately, having relied on the human waves in Iraq-Iran war, such treatments were cinsidered a luxury for the IRI!


Haji: Reality check

by Sasha on

Earth to Haji. Man since when is it my fault if someone else pulls the trigger. I am not even on their continent. I do what I can for my fellow person  where I am. Can the same be said about you? When was the last time you volunteered some where Haji? Life is not easy for me all the time but you know what. I still use my limited resources whether money or time to help my fellow man. I actually volunteer at a women's shelter in my area watching the children for a couple of hours on Saturday. It brings my life into perspective.  By the way I signed up to Code Pink, you know what that is? Why don't you google it and find out. There are organizations that are really laying it on the line to prevent wars in other places. You know I may not be able to save the world but I can sure leave it a better place when I leave this earth. Simply by making a difference in a life of a person or perhaps just showing kindness to a child, who has only seen pain.


Haji: Yeah Right

by Sasha on

Yeah right Haji, like they would share this with you.  You have been dreaming again. However, I must commend you on the purification of your current drawings.


last news from Iran

by hajiagha on


I have information from inside of Iran Iran ready to test nuclear weapon buy 2009, after that Syria going to have this weapon also chemicals and nuclear.


why Bush should attack on mullahs

by hajiagha on


Are you willing to take responsibility if Iran attack on Israel and million women and children we can stop them before is to late..go to my page see the map


RE: Another depressed anti Israeli self proclaimed no talent

by ANTIZIONIST (not verified) on

Hey shyster boy, its funny to see you write "May God Bless us all" after you've written things like "sandniggers, mother fucking". Another POS posting BS. What do you call yourself? Are you an israeli, an Iranian or a jew? There are many people who call themselves Iranian and are still against this govt. But just wondering if you have figured out who da fuck you are. Are you a jew? An israeli? If an israeli, I'd suggest you move to israel and start banging you head against some wall and jerking off to those great nuclear weapons. If you are an Iranian seeking freedom from this crazy extreme religious govt of Iran, then all to ya. If you are a jew, then all to ya. Just thinking that you at least gotta make up your mind.


let's not terrify israel

by sexyironi (not verified) on

haji jewon, it will never happen. it is all about politics.


There are good Mullahs in prison

by Anonymouse on

Hajiagha there are some good "mullahs" in prison.  Some who went to war.  Many Pasdars who are in prison because they are like you and didn't like all the corruption and said something about it.  Just as an example, isn't Montazari in house arrest?  He is not the best, just an example.


If Bush could help anyone he would have done it in Iraq.  He said he is bringing human rights to Iraq.  You know all he said, I don't need to remind you of them, you drew many cartoons about it correctly.  Now what makes you think if he bombs Iran we are going to be any different than Iraq?


If he bombs us we may wish to be like Iraq.  Since he doesn't have any more ground troops to spare, he may just bomb us to ashes!

Haji only Iranians can help Iranians.  Nothing is free!  Is anything free in Canada?  They will distroy Iran and laugh at us and you'll feel much more racism than you feel now.  Not to mention that you have to pay $10 per gallon for gasoline or $3 per Litre!


replay to jahansha javid

by hajiagha on


Iran looking for nuclear boom why, when I was in Islamic military Iran started to build chemical booms and use this booms also in war and tested, they have chemicals bombs , and also from Russian I saw they came in are camp and giving training to us Mullahs are looking for nuclear bombs and if not they should let to U.N watch them and control them....%100 guaranteed Iran looking to make nuclear boobs to stay longer in power , Is city of Shiraz there is factory run by Sepah pastaran north of Mashhad.....they are spending mass of the money to create gun and booms, for what? to kill and murder and war? we don't need war. we need food, job and educated for Iranian better health care , better road and technology , tyhey are sending gun and moneyto hezbollahs in lebenan and palstaine, all over the world for what for peace?


here answer

by hajiagha on


I wounded in fav Valfagr 8, sepah pastaran Lashgar 28 karbala, buy chemicals booms close to die....I lost my brother in war in noth of the kordestane close to end of the war, I lost many friend and members relative.....Islamic regime of Iran looks to me never change and they don't like to respect to the freedom and democracy , which we are fighting for ....some mullahs in Iran staying in power over 28 years They never hard working and they own almost over %50 of are money...they punish the people in the name of God , they lies and stolen are money they killed the jailed people to stay longer in power, we never had any cases in Iran any Mullahs get in jail or punish ...because they are thinking and believing they are over the God and no one have right to ask them why? I never get in war to some stupid mullahs became in power and rub the people , this is not Islam they are bring damages to Islam . no one can trust any more Islam is a great religion? because all of this fraud , killing , punishing and passing Mullahs law not Islamic law..some one need to talk and I am one of them , is enough let to send this messages to Mullahs there is 2 way one respecting to the right of Iranian or we fight to change and bring justice in Iran, If Israel or Bush willing to help us , why not enough is enough . Iranian thinking we are bad people, and thinkingb heabolahs are bad and any one fight in war...or any one belive the Islam they are rung and bad, we not bad people , mullahs are bad don't make mistake


Hajiagha you are loosing me

by Anonymouse on

Hajiagha as a Janbaz and Brother of Martyr how can you advocate bombing Iran?  Your cartoons recently suggested otherwise.  You know Iranians better than most of us here because you've lived and fought in Iran next to others.  Do you think the people in southern part of Tehran and other parts of Iran will sit still and support Bush?  It doesn't matter if Mullahs are dictators or murderors, do you think the average muslim Iranian is going to join Bush and enjoy getting bombed?  You said you have brothers and sisters in Iran.  You don't worry about them getting killed?  You think the bombs are going to fall nicely in nuclear facilities and Mullahs simply give up and quit?


Have you bought a satellite dish recently?  You bought the dish to watch Iranian girls "in blonde highlights" dance around and ended up watching some people talk about bombing Iran?


You're loosing me man.  Give me something.


What does "Jan-baz" and "brother of Martyr" mean?

by Anonymouse on

As may of you note Hajiagha refers to himself as Janbaz (ready to die for cause) and brother of a Martyr (martyred in Iran-Iraq war). 


For those of you who may not know what these words exactly mean and why he uses them, there is a special social status that is given to people like Hajiagha in Iran.


When you say Janbaz, that means that he has been in the war 'above and beyond' his duty.  While others went to their mandatory 2 year military services, he volunteered to go to war or stayed longer, or volunteered for dangerous and life threatening missions, even though his tour of duty was over.  In Iran they actually give a percentage of Janbazi (% of life given) to Hajiagha.  I don't know what is Hajiagha's percentage but in many cases they are 70%, 80% or 90%.  That is like how much of your health you've lost.  Like loosing a limb or 2, or being a victim of a chemical attack.  Obviously the more the %, the higher your social status.  Govt provides benefit for Janbaz and his family.  For example, your children don't have to go through University entrance exams or you can get household goods without staying in line, etc.


When you say you are "brother of Martyr" that means that you have lost your own brother, your own flesh and blood in the war.  Family of martyrs have special previleges in Iran and the Martyr Foundation is actually a powerful organization.


Otrher than the social status and privileges, it is actually an honor to be a Janbaz and Brother Of Martyr.  I believe if it wasn't because of people like them, Iran would have been partitioned and we'd have been part of Iraq, suffering like the rest of Iraqis today.  Or like Afghanistan going through 3 decades of war.  No one helped Iran in the war, did they?


I don't know all the details, Hajiagha can provide more detail if he wants.  I just thought to mention it so you understand the significance of these titles, which are real and not some medals hanging on your chest.  They have a special place in the hearts of minds of all Iranians in Iran (and abroad).


Israel should drop nukes on the Islamic Republic...

by Shalom Goldman (not verified) on

I suggest the following cities:


Maybe that will teach the sandniggers not to mess with the Jews.

May Prophet Moses fvck Prophet Muhammad in the asshole with any lubricant!


Israel confirmed owner of nukes - Iran maybe in 5 years

by Mehdi on

Funny, as far as I know Israel is already in posession of nuclear weapns and they are not even agreeing to be part of the non-proliferation treaty! They have openly denied disclosing how many nuclear boms they have. I think if Israel is concerned about nuclear bombs, they should be the first to disarm themselves. And if they claim "threats" as the reaon why they need the bomb, then how can they blame someone else for potentially wanting it? Don't get yourself involved in the politics of Bush and his criminal mob. If you want to do something for the people in Israel or anywhere else, don't ask a government to help you. Governments, being US, Iran, Israel, are all slaves and they have their masters. Look to people for any real solution. These guys have no interest in peace - the more wars in the area, the more money they make and the more control they will have over people. They have no interest in people of anywhere with any religion. It's all a matter of how they can rise to higher levels of control and manipulation. So don't help them.


Another depressed anti Israeli self proclaimed no talent

by Ali Pournourbakhsh (not verified) on

Cartoonist, Mr.Hajiagha.

Haji Canadayee Why don't you seek Psychiatric help. I thought Canada offered free medical assitance. Also do us a favor and stick to just drawing your depressed and no talent doodles of a mentally challenged and sexually frustrated dumb ass/self proclaimed artist that only you and JJ appreciate.
To all other anti-Israeli readers, I can only say after 60 years they have everything that we don't have in any of the countries in the region. Freedom, health, agriculture, science, strong military, medical supremecy, etc. While the rest of the neighborhood including distant neighbors like Iran are still sitting on their behinds and ploting how to hate and destroy Israel, while being ripped off and raped by their leaders, the Israelies are reaching for the sky in everything. Deep shits, enough is enough. Make peace with Israel, get along with one another and learn from the Israelies to better your lives. For every step that Israel is taking forward we are digging ourselves deeper in sand while going 10 years backward. Let me not bring religion into this, because I could get A listed like Salman Rushdi and the Danish cartoonists. Fuck me. From the begining of the Israel statehood you have tried and failed as a group to put a dent in Israel. When are you mother fucking leaders of the regional countries are going to realize that and stop your hate. May God Bless us all.


Iran doesn't need The Bomb

by Abarmard on

Iran doesn't need a Nuke but if the possiblity or the actual attack happens then I believe the IRI has every Right to work towards getting one and protect the country. I believe that the Iranian regime is willing to compromise and it is the United States that has been on the bully side, at least on this issue. Let's be smart and support what's best for Iran, regardless whether we agree or disagree with the regime.