HAJIAGHA: Divorce & Women's liberation

11/08/2007 - 15:18


Somewhat accurate depiction..............

by Sasha on

 First I would like to take this opportunity to thank Haji for making this cartoon bilingual so that us people that do not know Farsi can understand it better.

Second yes some women do take everything they can from their husband to start a new life with another man. However, I must note that I know several women that did otherwise.  They actually used whatever money they received in the divorce settlement for the benefit of the children of the marriage. They also returned to university and completed their studies and now have a good job.


Contrary to popular belief not all women are gold diggers. Did I mention they get along better with their exhusband now?  For the sake of the children involved they both try to be civilized with each other.


Natalia (real name)


Way to go . . .

by Javad agha (not verified) on

Hajie joon;

Do not listen to non-sensical comments. Your PinEnglish is fine.

Rasti hajie, bro Paypal account doorost koon. Too Rupie ya dinar ghabool meekonee?

Javad Agha


I love Haji-Agha

by Abbas Agha (not verified) on

I love Haji-Agha! >:-) He reminds me of a shomali guy whom I met during my first days in exile, some 20 years a go. He did not have Hajis drawing skills, but the attitude all the same. He used to make me laugh a lot, so does Haji-Agha! I miss those days, and I wish you good luck Haji.


your english-writing will

by assdollah (not verified) on

your english-writing will kill us all Haji!
You sun of a gun!