Forough Farrokhzad, Passionate Poet

Forough Farrokhzad, Passionate Poet
by Parisasaranj

I know a sad little fairy
who lives in an ocean
and ever so softly
plays her heart into a magic flute
a sad little fairy
who dies with one kiss each night
and is reborn with one kiss each dawn

Forough Farrokhazad is the greatest Persian Poetess of all times. Read about her in my article Persianesque at //


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This may be the way it wants to be

by Mehrban on

Who dies of a kiss at night 

and at dawn from a kiss is reborn


I think this may be it and in fact is very close to the poet's own structure. 

Louie jaan, I am sorry but I don't know. 

Louie Louie

Parisasaranj and Mehrban

by Louie Louie on

I saw a video of reciting Forough's poem with a very lovely and warm voice of a woman. At the end she said "zendegi hajv ast" do you know which poem that is?


Thank you and a bit of nitpicking

by Mehrban on

At the risk of being obnoxious,  I think that if the "with one kiss each" in the last two verses are changed to "of a kiss at night" and is reborn "from a kiss at dawn" and eliminate the second "who", the translation may be closer to the sense of the original poem.  I have thought about this a lot but I can always be wrong :-).

I am also dubious about "reborn" but I undersatnd the hesitation of being associated with "Born Again".

Thank you for posting this segment of "Tavalodi digar" it sure is a marvel. 

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