Shouldn't "Citizens of the World" Support Military Action to Remove Dictators?

Anonymous Observer
by Anonymous Observer

When confronted with their cries for justice for every other nation in the world except the Iranian nation, our resident citizens of the world (“COTW”) are quick to tell us that injustice is injustice anywhere on this planet, and that we should be active in trying to eradicate oppression around the world.  So why are COTWs against military intervention by powerful nations for the removal of dictatorships and oppressors around the planet?  Aren’t superpowers acting as COTWs also?  After all, they are there to remove dictators and tyrants whom the indigenous population will never have the power to remove by itself.  They are acting upon their moral duty to stand against tyrants anywhere in the world, no? They’re even sacrificing their lives to do so.  It’s one big planet without borders and we are all its citizens, right?  So why not come to each other’s aid? 

So what if they have bigger guns?  Are you jealous that they can actually do something while all you can do is safsateh?


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more from Anonymous Observer

It is heartwarming to see…..

by Bavafa on

So many different people, all in opposition to IRI, yet commonly and rather unanimously believe that change MUST come from within, if Iranians are to succeed in having freedom and political independence for foreign powers.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Chon shomai chashm. Age kase digei bood zir bar nemiraftam vali barye ehtrame shoma: chashm!


VPK aka Al-Muqanna: Thanks, we can respectfully disagree!

by bahmani on

As long as you don't send any raiders or looters my way... OK maybe looters. But definitely don't send any raiders.

To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Iran Freed by Iranians tastes sweeter, lasts longer

I agree with you; despite previous differences I will call a sensible idea what is it. You are right and that is all I have to say. 


Iran Freed by Iranians tastes sweeter, lasts longer

by bahmani on

We have seen the disastrous effects of foreign intervention to free enslaved countries suffering under dictatorship.

In our case we have seen the wrong side of foreign intervention, installing a dictator, instead of removing one.

Although I have been greatly disappointed by Ebadi's lack of courage during the one most obvious moment in her life, I completely believe in her words, "Democracy cannot be exported. It can only be Imported."

Those and the words of G.K. Chesterton, who said, "You can never have a revolution in order to establish democracy. You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution."

Iran freed at the hands of Iranians, who then use their wits and intelligence and craft a state of the art constitution that protects individual rights and freedom and removes the cancer of religion from government, is a far sweeter and lasting democracy than any you can buy (with your soul) from the most generous interventionist outside powers.

Plus, in 2500 years, we've never once actually tried it.

Iranians have to stop looking for seemingly cheap solutions, and avoiding the fact that we may have to start considering that some blood might have to be shed to get our country back from our fellow Iranians, who simply refuse to give up on God's laws.

To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Not the Egyptian!

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on



Please if Iran wants to change don't use Egyptian or Libyan model. They are more Islamic than IRR! At least in Iran they did not go on a wholesale killing of Armenians.

Watch how Coptic Christians are getting it in Egypt. Libya is about to disintegrate and has already done so practically. No thanks not those models. Ghaddafi is looking better by the day. You know what are some higlights of new Libyan constitution: 

  • establish Islam as the official state religion,
  • ban the praise of any religion other than Islam,
  • identify Islamic Sharia law as the primary source of legislation

Is this what you want for Iran post IRI? No thank you. Make it better or don't bother. Now people need a visa to go from town to town. If we learned one thing from IRI is it could always get worse. Don't make that mistake again or we are scre***.

Mash Ghasem

Occupy Iran Movement

by Mash Ghasem on

An idea whose time had come?

Easier said than done. What gave the ultimate advantage to the original Tunisian and Egyptian cases and the recent OWS movement is that: they came out of nowhere, we see a big element of surprise in all of them. In the case of IRI is the exact opposite.

And yet with splits and cracks at the top, combined with mass refusal and collective action from below, makes for a combustable combo, this thing is going down.


COP, thanks.

Anonymous Observer

Quickly-- for everyone's FYI

by Anonymous Observer on

I'm not supporting military action.  Just making an analogy and throwing out a question, perhaps to show a bit of hypocricy and double standard.

Gotta go.  Will respond later. 


AO jaan, huh?

by Cost-of-Progress on

I know the point you're trying to make here, but if we want true change, if we want our people to leave the 7th century once and for all, then whatver change we aspire MUST come from within.

Bradley fighting vehicles parked on Pahlavi Steert next to the disappearing trees will not do my friend.





Your Question, is easy to answer, legally logically and morally.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

So why are COTWs against military intervention by powerful
nations for the removal of dictatorships and oppressors around the

Legally a pre-planned war is an act of agression, no matter what the reason or goal. All the crimes that follow are the responsibility of the side that started the war of aggression.  That is why both GW Bush and Tony Blair are technically war criminals, yet no one can bring them to court.  War is never the answer, even though it becomes necessary for one side to start to save itself, provided it is corrupt and tyrannical itself.  This world we live in so far from ideal that sometimes I can not believe it, but it has functioned this way and will likely continue.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I am with Mohammad Ala and AmirKabir

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What makes you think that the West wants dictators gone? If you had a realistic view of the world you would see this. Most dictators are actively promoted by the West until they are inconvenient. Then replace with another one.

When you do get a "democracy" they still rip you off. Sure better ripped off than hanged! So maybe they will be so kind to return Iran to a nice economic dictator like we used to have. I'd take it!



by amirkabear4u on

What you need to consider is that it is not the people of the world who make decisions BUT the governments. They do not want democracy as there is more money in dictatorship.

In other words these powerful nations prefer what is rulling over Iran.

Fairness and Equality in Justice

Mohammad Ala

Which ones? Political dictators or Economic dictators?

by Mohammad Ala on

Which dictators, political or economic? //

It is a common knowledge that Western countries breeds and feeds "dictators" who practice torture to stay in power. The jargon about human rights and reforms is a trick used to fool people. The murdering of innocent people is carried out under the supervision of the US and UK. It is beyond logic that regimes where women are forbidden to drive a car can survive without the help of Western governments. Many in the Middle East believe that the West encourages and supports corrupt and brutal dictators to promote its economic interests; lip service is paid to "human rights" but the reality is different.


Occupy Iran Movement!

by Faramarz on

By the brave Iranian people and the support of the world community.