More Sanctions

Originally posted on Mana Neyestani's Facebook page
Thanks to Ghormeh Sabzi for recommending this cartoon.
01/24/2012 - 15:04


Are you contending that Iran

by AMIR1973 on

Are you contending that Iran lacks "a functioning civil society"? If so, why? Because of IRI repression? If one contends that the IRI has been successful in preventing the emergence of "a functioning civil society" after 33 years, isn't it safe to assume that it will continue being successful as long as it has the resources to do so (i.e. access to tens of billions of dollars every year in oil revenue)? On the other hand, if you contend that Iran already has "a functioning civil society", then that would form the basis for a future democracy.
  When has your method ever succeeded in all of history? What functioning democracy can you point to today whose regime was removed by force during a time it lacked a functioning civil society and became a democracy? Examples of repressive regime's that have been forceably removed (or collapsed in part due to outside pressure, e.g. sanctions, boycotts, etc), thereby allowing for an environment where civil society could potentially flourish, include the Axis countries after WW2; Argentina after its defeat in the Falklands War; and the apartheid regime in South Africa. And what is your presciption? Lift all sanctions and do business with the regime -- and this will create an environment where "reforms" will be instituted and there will be a "gradual evolution" towards democracy? And where this approach has worked?

Sadegh Bozorgmehr


by Sadegh Bozorgmehr on

When has your method ever succeeded in all of history? What functioning democracy can you point to today whose regime was removed by force during a time it lacked a functioning civil society and became a democracy?


The biggest precondition for democracy in Iran

by AMIR1973 on

Is the forceable removal of the IRI (by Iranians with significant outside assistance). It will not happen through "reforms" nor through "gradual evolution". Mandela and Aung Sang Suu Kyi supported sanctions in their own countries, and it's the right approach for Iran.


> amir 1973 <

by aviator on

...Simply because the clergy is not a one block. Also, the majority of the population will not rise up for more freedom when the country is under threats and sanctions. And again, because the sanctions pave the way for all invasions, we have already experienced that.

Sadegh Bozorgmehr


by Sadegh Bozorgmehr on

You realize that a strong civil society is a predondition and necessary element for a functioning democracy, right? With sanctions weakening it, how do you expect to ever go from theocracy to democracy?


Oh yeah, the IRI will just LET that happen. Sure.

by AMIR1973 on

Lift sanctions, specially those which harm the population since years and open all channels to get in touch directly and continuously with the iranian civil society.

I have no doubt that the IRI would allow "open channels" to be developed with Iranian civil society. And WHY would they let that happen???? So it could supposedly undermine their rule? And they wouldn't keep throwing those people into jail like they are doing now? Okay, sure.


"Natural" Revolution

by aviator on

The sanctions imposed on Iran are known to be based on false claims and mostly motivated by economical and geopolitical interests of some global powers. Objectives could be: avoid to Israel to be totally surrounded by emerging foes, to break iranian influences in the region (Lebanon, Syria, Irak, Egypt recently,…) and take advantage of huge naft-o-gaz resources (not necessarily from Iran).

The 1979 revolution does not occured under sanctions, but under some liberty. What mollahs fear most, since decades ? the sanctions ? the military actions ? No.  The freedom of speech and opinions, uncensored sources of information, all kind of cultural development and nationaliste expression… They know well what made an oppressed nation to rise up. The taste of freedom.

Lift sanctions, specially those which harm the population since years and open all channels to get in touch directly and continuously with the iranian civil society. Then deep changes will occur inexorably and much faster than expected.


Why European Union only?

by choghok on

This embago has put in place by Americans first and is joind by Aab countries and ailently by China and Japan, and probably India although too soon to call on that one.


Meddling in Neda's Life!

by Faramarz on

Let's see, these European "Affair-Meddlers" voted to buy their oil from some other suppliers and that is called meddling. And Iran's neighbors decided to put missile shield on their soil to protect themselves from the Regime's crude missiles and that is meddling.

Let me tell you what meddling is. Meddling is coming to power 33 years ago and then telling everyone in the neighborhood to rise up against their governments. Meddling is going to Lebanon. Meddling is giving money to Hamas and Hezbollah. Meddling is taking hostages. Meddling is putting mines in the Persian Gulf. Meddling is terrorist acts around the globe.

What is more intrusive than forcing Iranian women to wear scarf?

And the ultimate meddling in the Iranian affairs is meddling in their "election" and then torturing and killing the protestors.


More sanctions, biting sanctions, more more!


I am Fred and I would like Iranians to suffer.

Dr. Mohandes

AO jan

by Dr. Mohandes on

As always you hit the nail (the western made nail that was imported by Iran) straight on the head. Well put.

Never mind that all the technology and means of communications that make such "whinning" and "moaning" opportunities available to some of our compatriots, have been brought to them by non other than the west!!

One would think, that moving to the Iran the HEaven on earth wouldn't be such a bad idea for some. You know? COme on over and celebrate the "reform" ideas that you harbor deep within recesses of your glorious and Realistically practical (or is it Practically realist) minds. Yes indeed. Come and take iran one step further and turn it into an absolute heaven on earth. What is the hold up? what is with the wait? Ohhh... you have got mortgages? you have got "obligations" ??? Oh you have got a career goiing for yourself in the west and it just would not be "pragmatic" to make that move.




To Abarmard

by Yana on

Why would westerners meddle in middle eastern affairs if middle easterners had strong internal bonds?  There is no social bonds in Iran.  Couple of years a go we saw the students revolution but they had NO leader, no “Spartacus”, no one to lead them to go further and achieve their purposes, and everyone out side of Iran made crazy comments “green movement, bla bla bla” and I cried for those students because they were desperately asking for help from outside and nobody had the balls to go and save them!

I think we need to stop blaming west and everyone else and start looking deep inside our own society where corruption has deep rooted since before the Pahlavi era.  The evil is from within, don’t foul yourself and blame others please



G. Rahmanian

Or Maybe

by G. Rahmanian on

Or Maybe Iranians are living in a democracy where they can make all the decisions they want, but they haven't realized it, yet. It takes time, you know!

Dr. Mohandes

Abarmard jan

by Dr. Mohandes on

A friendly word / advice for you my brother. Trust me i have been there and done that and was told about it.

You engage in too much of analysis paralysis. You analyze things overtly and then reanalyze what you have already analyzed, yet unaware that you have already analyzed, so youwill analyze again. and that just keeps going on and on. I know. i should not have to feel obligated to read... but chekonim dige.... It is IC!! More important than my daily breakfast and lunch and dinner and ...well a host of other things combined.


G. Rahmanian

Is This 21st Century?

by G. Rahmanian on

"In case of a sudden social anger, I have no doubt that Iranians will take care of business, but what is happening now is wrong."

And we looked and beheld from the comfort our homes in the worlds' finest democracies how those ruling our country took care of the business in the June of 2009!

And for the past three decades, we have been looking and beholding from afar, how the IR criminals have brutally dealt with the simplest protests, even the nonpolitical ones.

Anonymous Observer

That's right Abarmard- Middle Easterners are total retards

by Anonymous Observer on

One of the problems that most of the third world and Middle Eastern countries face with is that they have not been able to socially grow and find their ways because of Western powers constant meddling in their affairs.

That's right.  Middle Easterners are total retards and morons.  They can't think for themselves, act for themselves--hell, they can't even take a piss by themselves.  The "West" has to come and hold "it" for them so they can take a leak.  The "Man" is always holding them back.  That's their problem.   

Dude, get a life.  Stop it with this playing victim and passing the buck nonsense.  The "West" is not the problem.  YOU are!





by jmyt17 on

Hope they makeing more saction, Anyway good cartoon and easy to undrestand.



Basically, leave the IRI alone & it will all take care of itself

by AMIR1973 on

Over time, the mullah-led terrorist tyranny will just work out on its own  :-) 

That sounds like a very well thought out policy to me -- LOL

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Simple and to the point comment. Perfect contribution to this Neystani cartoon page.


Yana, great question

by Abarmard on

One of the problems that most of the third world and Middle Eastern countries face with is that they have not been able to socially grow and find their ways because of Western powers constant meddling in their affairs. If a society had come up with the solution then you would not ask this question and if it hasn't, the force and push would yield unnatural results. Any actions that society may take because of pressure will not be based on social solution and natural growth.

The solution before the solution is to allow Iranians find their own way in their own time. In case of a sudden social anger, I have no doubt that Iranians will take care of business, but what is happening now is wrong.

My belief is that our responsibility as Iranians outside of the country is to make certain that Iranians inside don’t suffer, have schooling, healthcare, and work. I am responsible, as a citizen of both worlds to promote policies that empower the people and allow the people to make their choice. I as a citizen must be responsible not to enforce my own ideas into a society that I am not living in and to present my ideas with respect to their life not mine.

I am responsible to unite with others to stop this madness that may end with war and ultimately a divided country with ethnic wars, where Iran could become a place of hate. I must understand that revolution or change is a process of social development and growth. It is not strategic planning done 8000 miles away from Iran by some Middle Eastern think tank analyst.

The solution is to let Iran be. Our task is to push our representatives to understand the importance of this idea. If majority of us were actively involved with this thinking, life for Iranians inside would be better and that’s all we can do. That’s all they want us to do.


More sanctions

by Yana on

What then is the solution to this “monster” that has destroyed Iran and is trying to destroy the rest of the world?  I read almost everyone's comments/nazar va aghideh but I don't see any logical solution in any of that and am very very interested to know what is the solution if any, other than sanctions!