For the life of me, I never understood what all the fascination was with Forouzan! She was beautiful, but she couldn't act in her early years (she got better later in Dayereh Meena), and she couldn't dance to save her life! Take a look at this old clip from the movie Ganj e Gharoun with Fardin. She dances many dances here, but all of them really poorly! Thanks for the memories!
Thanks Mahmoud
by Party Girl on Tue Feb 03, 2009 07:40 PM PSTVery nice!
For the life of me, I never understood what all the fascination was with Forouzan! She was beautiful, but she couldn't act in her early years (she got better later in Dayereh Meena), and she couldn't dance to save her life! Take a look at this old clip from the movie Ganj e Gharoun with Fardin. She dances many dances here, but all of them really poorly! Thanks for the memories!
by mash mandali on Tue Feb 03, 2009 03:04 PM PSTکارتون کشیدن خیلی کار سختیه ولی بخدا نکشیدنش هیچ کاری نداره، میگی نه؟ امتحان کن!
یه خورده هم کارهای بقیه مثل «سامان» رو نگاه کن بلکتم یه چیزکی یاد گرفتی.