Christiane Amanpour of Iran was Embarrassing

Amanpour: How Obama and Romney see Iran’s nuclear ambition – Amanpour – Blogs:…

I have known her ever since we both sat in first grade in the British School in the British Embassy compound in North Teheran. She used to come to my birthday parties, and I used to go to hers. Her mum and dad were always visiting us. We were one of the few Iranians allowed to go to what was an exclusive school for the Brits in Iran.

We all then went to boarding schools in Britain in the 70s. The next time I heard anything, she had joined this cable network in Texas. “Good lord I said, what is a cable network. Dodgy job eh. Is it stable?”

Now that cable company is CNN and she has her own show. Incredible!

But what is even more incredible, that she has not said a word about Iran, or very little. Here we have immense talent. Here we have one of the most intelligent people in the media. She could be the vanguard of Iranian opposition, and she does less than any new Iranian blogger. So sorry khanoom aziz, javabet chieh? Asabani neestam, vali c’mon!

As I have written before, we have Iranians who just left Iran and forgot Iran. That is fine, but all Iranians who have not made it big in this world, look to these Iranians who have cut the mustard to do the nationalistic thing, and bring Iran out of this mess. There is no excuse.…

Now let us go into the commentaries she has had. The clip above pretty much summarizes her views. She says that the two sides do not know about each other, and that is the crux of the issue. Completely wrong. If anything the two sides know too much about each other.

The worst part is that she accepts the regime as “Iranian Government”. What if she used her position at CNN as the launch pad to condemn this awful regime, as opposed to speak of them as a credible entity? She accepted the Taliban in Afghanistan as Taliban. These people in Iran, are the “Taliban” of Iran. She knows how many people have been killed every day in Iran for the sake of the rotten ideologies of this regime. But she calls them Iranian.

It was really embarrassing to watch Christiane Amanpour of Iran. And she is a thoroughbred Iranian. So let’s see some of that Iranian side of you please! Please put Iran first, not mullahs or just write about them because of the US elections. Ajaba!…

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