پیام رضا پهلوی در پشتیبانی از حرکت اعتراضی مردم آذربایجان
Reza Pahlavi org / Reza Pahlavi
03-Sep-2011 (6 comments)

هفتم شهریورماه ۱۳۹۰


هم میهنان عزیزم، ملت سرافراز ایران زمین،


هموطنان غیور آذربایجانی ما در پی خشکسالی در نگینِ سرزمین سبزمان، دریاچۀ ارومیه و حفظ و نگهداری این میراث ملی که متعلق به تمامی مردم این مرز و بوم و آیندگان میهن عزیزمان است با دستانی خالی و بغض های شکسته شده در گلو که حاصل ۳۲ سال ظلم و ستم حکومت استبدادی و اشاعۀ تبعیض قومیتی و مذهبی بین مردم و ایجاد شکاف در اتحاد و یکپارچگی ملی بوده است، براستی با غیرت و همیت خود بار دیگر در برابر این دیو استبداد که هدفی جز ویرانی و افتراق در میهن عزیزمان ایران ندارد دست به اعتراض و ایستادگی زده اند.

یقین داشته باشید این حکومت بقای خود را در ایجاد اختلاف و شکاف بین مردم می بیند. به همین دلیل، باید هشیار باشیم، زیرا تنها راه دستیابی به آزادی، عدالت و برابری در اتحاد ملی است. >>>

recommended by Simorgh5555



Becareful what you wish for

by Simorgh5555 on

And remember: The Pahlavis still at fault, and Reza joon still useless.......big time................

Shah was a dictator. Savakl killed thousands. Shah was a murderer. Shah supressed human rights.

You asked him to go and he did.

The ball was in your corner. You got what you wanted but you couldn't manage it. Running a country and internal squabbling between the revolutionary types caused the IR to come to power. You guys mucked it up from the get go.

The final analysis Pendar Jan is that the Shah's failures towered above any successes of you revolutionary republicans had.



Pendar Jan

by Simorgh5555 on

Touched a nerve did I?

I am afriad technology has let me down and won't allow me to write in Farsi font.  I don't need to prove my Iranian credentials to a woman who is down on record saying she cares little about nationality and indifferent to what the Persian Gulf is.called  

That's not the point...... 

You still never answered the legitimate question.

Why did you not stay in Iran and enjoy the sweet fruit of your revolution?

When the Shah was in Iran you lived in Iran. When the Shah left Iran you left too. Period.

Along with all the other mad-hatters like Dariush Eghbali and Tudeh Left wing types  who criticized the Shah with impunity but as soon as their glorious revolution of 1979 came about they cut and run because they knew the mullahs were going to pin their ass to the wall. 

Of all the countries in the world you (plural)  re-settled in Capitalist America which pays money to Israel to kill Palestinians. 

As you may have noticed this year marks the 23rd anniversay of the prison purges of 1988. Many of those who were executed were sadly Marxists, socialists and athiests. 


Now you just remember that the next time you bitch about the Shah and count yourself fortunate the Sahh, whatever else you may think of him, did not assassinate your comrades and dump their body in a shallow ditch.

Just think about it......  :) 


بله پندار جان شما هم از همون شکر...


You have one more step to go before make a complete connection to the whole nation. Today's technology will help you along the way...

All you have to do is go there and get your writing in Farsi ( do they call it Persian in your neighborhood?). The title is what you wrote. Can you read it?........I am seriously concerned about the mindset of those us who are unable to communicate with more than 70m people in our native tongue, and yet insist they are going to make a difference........

At any rate: jaan maadaret be man har chi mikhaahi begoo, faghat "jaan, jan, or joon" nagoo.....:)

And remember: The Pahlavis still at fault, and Reza joon still useless.......big time................


Pendar jan

by Simorgh5555 on

Bale Pendar jan shoma ham az hamun shkekar ke Shahzadeh va Pedareshun mikhordan lezat mibordin ke shekametun sir shod va enghelab kardin vatenemuno be gorosnegi keshidid.

Hala afradi mesle shoma be jaye inke Iran bemunid va az hamun loghmeyi ke mabaghiye Iraniha majburan bokhoran meyl konid mohajerat kardid be Amrika ke az tame azadi lezat bebarid.

Taze do ghorte nimetam baghi munde? Hanuz as digaran talabkari?

Ghorbune un ruto beram! 

Harchi ke bare khodet mipasandi bare digaran ham bepasan Pendar jan. 



Can I cordially invite...

by پندارنیک on

...our dear friend Savalan to post a comment here?


Genetic diet...

by پندارنیک on



رضا پهلوی، وسط اون نمکزار داره شیکر زیادی میخوره..........عین این رژیم غذایی رو بابای مرحومش داشت.