Video documentry: I Am Israel
19-Aug-2011 (4 comments)

A powerful documenty about Zio-Terrorists that everyone MUST watch and learn the true nature of this cancer!

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A wonderful documentry

by on

that has been watched by nearly 400,000 people on YouTube and for the English version alone, a record indeed!

Kodos to the artists who created this wonderful and telling documentry.

Other interesting and informative sites on the the Zio_Terrorists realities are as follows asrecommended by the video authors:

I am Israel. //
If you knew: //
The Israeli Occupation: //
Gaza Massacre by Israel: //
Remember Gaza: // 


Zio-Terrorist educational series will continue on IC!






I am Iranian #2

by Simorgh5555 on

I am an Iranian. I have been told that my country has had no history before Islam. I grew up learning about Cyrus the Great, the Great King of Persia but now I have been told that he was actually a Jew!


Infact there was only Islam. There was no civilisation before Islam!


My history and Iranian entity is being erased. Well, didn't the Great Imam Khomeini not say 'Hich' when asked how he feels to return to Iran from exile?


So is it any wonder that Persepolis will be lost forever in 10 years 


I am Iranian. My life is truly worthless. 


IMF give it a rest

by Cost-of-Progress on

No body gives a puke anout israel.
Instead use your shift as the cyber basiji that you are to educate yourself about the damage that you and your likes have caused Iran. May be you'll wise up. BUT, I bet that you will all change color in a heartbeat when your beloved rapist republic bites the dust.






I am Iranian

by Simorgh5555 on

The  suicide rate in my country  has climbed 17 percent in two years, with 10 Iranians on average taking their lives every day, acording to  the Terrorist Entity controlling my country. 


 In addition 8 of my compatriots are being executed every day, many of them without the benefit of a proper legal process

I am Iranian, where employment is 30 percent meaning I can't get a job despite getting a degree in University and therefore I cannot pay for what I buy in shops because inflation is at 19%. 


The corrupt regime which controls my country prevents me from holding my girlfriend's hand in public let alone be able to kiss her. I cannot wear my hair as I like or wear a medallion. I cannot own a dog even in my own home or look at internet sites.

I cannot afford to marry because I cannot pay the cost of my wedding and my once well-to-do parents who lived in the affluent part of the north Tehran are eating out of their savings.  

My government beats up protesters with battons, represses freedom of expression and imprisons and murders journalists and bloggers.


Basisiji thugs are sent to patrol streets where they shoot at demonstrators and know that they can get away with it. 


I am scared to be arrested by the police because I will be taken to an undisclosed location where I could face torture and prison guards are given condoms to rape me.  


Women are treated like dogs and one of them is facing execution by stoning.


Women can be arrested if they do not wear the hijab properly, wear too much make up or not wear a tunic or sandals even if its is the blazing summer heat. 


Criminals can be blinded and mutilated and flogged.

My crime is because I was not born a Palestinian. I wish I was living in Gaza and South Lebanon. The government in Iran would take better care of me then.  
