Israel-Iran trade ties thriving
Y Net News / Ofer Petersburg
05-Jun-2011 (one comment)

Irrigation systems - from Israel to Iran (archives) Photo: Hanania Herman, GPO   Pistacio - from Iran to Israel Photo: Tzvika Tishler  



Israel-Iran trade ties thriving



Under American radar, dozens of Israeli companies secretly engage in relations with Islamic Republic through third parties

Ofer Petersburg
Published:  05.31.11, 14:04 / Israel Business >>>


Trade:Israeli fertilizers for Iranian pistachios

by Simorgh5555 on

Boy, if Netanyahu thinks that Ahmadinejad is worse than Hitler (he's right because the IR has killed approximately 20,000,000 people in 33 years more than three times the people killed in the Nazi Holocaust) then he has a lot of explaining to do. The money exchanging hands bewteen Israel and the Terror Regime of Iran is astronomical and it beggers belief to say Washington and Tel-Aviv knew nothing about it. Israel's credibility in relation to the threat posed by the Terror Regime is at an all time low. The Terror Regime is a threat to Iran and the entire Middle East region but the Israeli government has put profit before human lives - Iranian and Israeli alike. 
