Iran concerns over lack of investment in oil and gas sector
Steel Guru / Steel Guru

Mr Masoud Mir Kazemi oil minister of Iran expressed his country’s concern about the scarcity of investments in oil and gas sector in Iran. He said that if the situation continues as it is now, Iran’s ability to continue exporting crude oil to other countries would be in danger.

Mir Kazemi accused Western countries to constrict pressure on Tehran through the tightening of sanctions on Iran’s energy sector and preventing foreign investment in the oil and gas sectors in the country in a move to limit Iran’s revenues in Dollar.

If we look at the exchange trade volume between Egypt and Iran, all indicators prove a modest trade exchange that does not reflect the size of the available potential between the two countries. The volume of bilateral trade between the two countries has long been moving at a slow pace. It is true that it has witnessed a remarkable development in the nineties but it remained modest and erratic.

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