Analysis: Is the U.S. using uprisings to blame, discredit Iran?
cnn / Elise Labott
05-Mar-2011 (one comment)

Washington (CNN) -- The protests sweeping the Middle East appear to be entirely indigenous, borne of discontent with unemployment and the lack of personal freedoms, but that hasn't stopped top U.S. officials from suggesting Iran has a part and trying to send a message to Tehran.

The U.S. seized upon the hypocrisy coming from Iran in celebrating the revolutions in Tunisia and Cairo as a vindication of its 1979 Islamic revolution, while crushing it own opposition with a violent crackdown.

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The Arab spring, however, can be a double-edged sword for Iran.

Yes, it may produce governments that are less friendly to the United States and more sympathetic to Iran's regional ideology. But it could, U.S. officials hope, also inspire Iranians to wonder when their time for freedom will come; a question Iran's regime will be forced, sooner or later, to answer.